ForumsThe TavernLittle kids being brats

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1,824 posts

It may just be me, but I think little kids have taken a turn for the worst in the past five or so years.
For one thing, they can't entertain themselves because they sit in front of the TV all day, reliant on little kid shows, where about 50 years ago we would've been sent outside to entertain ourselves.

Also, they often think that they get everything they want, (because at home, they often do) You can usually see this happen at a mall or shop. Y'know, some kid starts screaming because he/she didn't get something they wanted?

I don't know, do you think toddlers have become not-so-nice?

  • 45 Replies
41 posts

Fine. I know a 7-year old(my cousin) who has everything that she has ever asked for, and she is such of a brat. That is why I was making my argument that it isn't only because of technology.

4,710 posts

I find spanking so weird. I mean, the butt? Of all places, why the butt?

because if you sit down you feel the pain of your punishment. and the pain needs some time to stop so you remember longer what you have done.

everyone tried the silent chair (super nanny)?

653 posts

I've never had problems dealing with kids. Although, i hate everyone 17 and under. Especially the teenagers cause they think they're hard and need someone to toss them a good beating. I have 3 little nieces and i just treat them with respect like i would any other person. If they do something bad i punish them. If they don't follow that punishment then i find what they love and i take it away from them. Since i have 3 nieces i just play them against each other. If one of them is bad i take all of her toys away and let her sisters play with them in earshot while she sits alone in her room with nothing to do. There's nothing worse than listening to others have fun when you can't.

2,917 posts

The cuteness is just a disguise. I'm never having kids. My sister can carry on the family name.

167 posts

i know wat u mean when i talk to my gf online hes just there then making fun of me u hate him!

13,657 posts

i know wat u mean when i talk to my gf online hes just there then making fun of me u hate him!

Did gf stop meaning what I think it means?
Or is the guy just trans?
1,824 posts

*assumes benevolent expression*
And so these tragic tales of toddlers ruining one's life continue

38 posts

you can't forget the brats taking over teh interwebz

1,269 posts

OH MY GOSH DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED!!! It's like 8 year old boys pick up on "trolling" and just spam all over the internet. While Parents are off doing their stuff, their children are on the computer doing THEIR stuff. In general, there is a lack of supervision in this area, because the internet is just as dangerous as the real world.

1,824 posts

@Cenere; I think he meant his BROTHER is there while he talks to his gf

4,710 posts

ever tried to "train" them with sweets? if they are brave they get an award, if they are not brave they get nothing. you need the skill to ignore them. and if they act like a baby, treat them like a baby.

5,952 posts

I can't stand it. My 9 year old sibling has done nothing. The whole break. Wana know what? She sat their and watched stupid Disney channel re runns while playing some stupid computer game. That's it. The whole day.
And the worst part? It wasn't even on armor games!! Wtf?
Granted I have been playing a lot of videogames recently but that's cauz of two reasons
1) I'm trapped inside all day. Aparently it's too "cold"
2) I'm sick right now :P

66 posts

tell me about it

510 posts

For one thing, they can't entertain themselves because they sit in front of the TV all day, reliant on little kid shows, where about 50 years ago we would've been sent outside to entertain ourselves.

I agree im so glad i wasnt raised with a TV for about the first six years of my life we had one but i barely knew how to use and the shows these days are terrible they make me wanna puke also i lived in the south so i was outside more often.

They complain when I say they can't use their Xbox or get on the computer

I know some kids who are excalty like that it annoys me so much cause i have to be around them so much

my 12 Year Old cousin he got 152 presents for his birthday (Yes his birthday) and when he was done he screamed:

wow thats really sad

my cousin likes puching me and biting me for entertainment. she is only 2 but I've told her to stop millions of times

what i do if they start punching me is i punch them right back and say did you like that and when they say no i say ok if you dont like it dont do it to other people then i say lets make a deal everytime you punch me i get to punch you back harder than the last time i did.
i ahve made kids by doing that but hey they learned there lesson.

The world is dangerous, but amid danger hides adventure. There is as much danger now as there was two thousand years ago, i,e water, fire, being run over (by different things) and people themselves.
Also, I don't mean outside, I mean other entertainment aside from electronic (if it can be helped) There is no such thing as strategy on a computer game, and if you like first person shooters, stop playing, get fit, join the army, and see if when you die you can respawn.

i agree with that thats why you watch them when you dont have to watch them any more give them something to defend the them selfs with like a knife i carry a knife around everywhere i go ok maybe not everywhere like a airport or something.
yeah i think alot of kids nowadays miss that fact hey let that guy shoot you lets see if you respawn.

[qoute]i find what they love and i take it away from them. Since i have 3 nieces i just play them against each other. If one of them is bad i take all of her toys away and let her sisters play with them in earshot while she sits alone in her room with nothing to do. There's nothing worse than listening to others have fun when you can't.[/quote]

thats cruel plain ol' cruel but i gotta try that one except its usaually one kid for me.

Granted I have been playing a lot of videogames recently but that's cauz of two reasons
1) I'm trapped inside all day. Aparently it's too "cold"
2) I'm sick right now :P

agreed normally im outside alot but its just cold.
3,025 posts

It may just be me, but I think little kids have taken a turn for the worst in the past five or so years.

This could do well on the WEPR thread, where you'll see people, like me, telling you that it's been like this for hundreds of years -- thousands? Likely.

The bottomline is that moral and technological growth has been accelerating and has ONLY been doing that since 1AD (probably earlier), and the perception of ideals adults have compared to younger people commonly differs, with the latter's perception being due to the lack of proper morals and furthermore understanding through lack of experience / attempt to grow on the subject.

I do not generalize -- that would be both a fallacy and hypocricy, being as I'm 14 and I've been trying to grow in many unforeseen ways. As someone "who knows the ways", it's pretty darn terrible around here -- relative to how it's always been? It's great.

For one thing, they can't entertain themselves because they sit in front of the TV all day,

Games actually taught me a fair bit -- playing Fable 1 and having the chance to do evil things made me think, that and your genuinely common idea "It's not fair", was the pinnacle reasoning for why I developed my morals -- at the age of 6.

reliant on little kid shows,

They're just choosing the better quality of entertainment -- as I have. Creativity is not an issue. Infact, it's when these people do not deter themselves from games when issues arise or furthermore attempt to keep them through spoilt and pathetic means.

where about 50 years ago we would've been sent outside to entertain ourselves.

Doing something productive, and having more discipline would cater to that. But you know why I don't believe all that much in discipline? Because I think the strongest thing there should be is logic, and reason. If you follow that the most, then it doesn't take "discipline" to recognise, and do, what should be done because you SEE WHY.

Also, they often think that they get everything they want,

Just for the record -- please clarify if you're generalizing or not, because I'm not liking it.

And this isn't true, it's ironically the gamers themselves who inherit this being as more of what they buy costs money, and because of the lack of physical exercise, they lack discipline.
That, and a fair deal of the blame I would say goes to the parents. Environmental influences is too vast for it to be put solely on the person experiencing it... this is another thing I grew from.

Y'know, some kid starts screaming because he/she didn't get something they wanted?

You realize how old those kids are, right?

I don't know, do you think toddlers have become not-so-nice?

At some point I thought what we were discussing was actually, you know, kind of sensible.

... Harsher environments, more disconnected people, less convenient options -- all apparent 50 years ago. But you know what I still blame? Parenting.

Usually you'll find a poor situation running through one mind makes a better person. Where people recognise the severity of issues and resolve to not do the same to others because they know what it's like and that they don't want to become that which they despise.

This stands, for the most part. There are exceptions, there are definitely exceptions in how people become "good" and how people remain, or become "bad".

Discipline the child, through not spoiling -- through having him / her work at it, because giving him / her whatever he / she wants is not a language they would understand as "love", just yet.
That sounds immensely cruel -- but you'll need to speed up the growth of your kid quite a bit, or just drill in the idea of WHY you're giving them it, to help them understand, I would imagine. And then you still have to consider if they'll take advantage of it or not -- it's easier and more reasonable to have them start off with the rougher environments.

- H
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