Well the rich need to pay more, and when they do, we will have more revenue. Also, we CAN cut spending, just not to the depths that repubs want, so we will gain ground.
You're kidding, right? If we were to launch any missile attacks, the first targets would be potential threats. Iran would lose almost its entire defensive capability before the sun set.
Are u sure u know every strategic location in iran? moreover what you think will stop iran fromsinking ur fleets after first of your missiles strike?
While some mountain fighters (Taliban) could provide some disruption, they can't cripple a military force. And when the US launches rockets at Iranian barracks, than their military would be crippled.
considering their track record, they can engulf a whole army. Especially when it is in such a trouble.
When the democrats capture the house in the next elections, the US will become more proficient at paying off debt.
Their entire agenda is to lower taxes and spend more, increasing the debt. The only way to pay off debt is to raise taxes and cut spending, which no one will vote for because people won't like paying more. How will it get paid off?
Are u sure u know every strategic location in iran?
I don't even know one. I'm pretty sure military intelligence will have the majority of them figured out within a few months. Don't worry, it's what they're good at.
moreover what you think will stop iran fromsinking ur fleets after first of your missiles strike?
No offense, but Iran's military budget is somewhat lacking. In fact, our Navy's budget alone is along the lines of 20x higher than Iran's entire defense budget.
With all that money, I'm pretty sure we've got plenty of defense systems against anti-ship missiles. Some to spare, even.
Why can't we just, you know, cut taxes. For everyone
because the government lucky isn't as stupid as you. a country whitout taxes can't function. and looking at your debt. it doesn't look like you can afford to cut all taxes whitout falling deeper in the hole.
Yes, because I was totally recommending we cut taxes to zero. What was I thinking?
A few torpedos would be plenty to destroy a blockade.
A little thing about torpedoes: They fall within the 200 miles of US sovereign territory that surrounds an American carrier. A ship would have to get too close for comfort, well within range of Tomahawk missiles or carrier based strike fighters. Submarines, you might ask? A little thing called sonar can pick them up with ease.
Are u sure u know every strategic location in iran?
Not that I think this would ever happen, but the same process would be followed as with Iraq. Pathfinders would go on covertly before any official troops landed, locate and laser mark the targets. Missiles would be launched from either a ship or aircraft, destroy defensive targets and neutralise any motorised mobile units.
Various nations have the capability to essentially wipe out a countries defences in a matter of hours, but it relies on men on the ground to locate and confirm targets.
As I say, I doubt it will ever happen. After what happened in Iraq, invading Iran would be a monumentally stupid idea.
As I say, I doubt it will ever happen. After what happened in Iraq, invading Iran would be a monumentally stupid idea.
It might not. If Iran decides to blockade the Straight of Hermuz because of US sanctions, than the US would be forced to remove it, because that straight is vital to the world's oil supply. It would be war against Iran, but China wouldn't likely side with them, because any war would be economically taxing for them. Russia is dealing with internal issues right now, and they would not likely be able to join a war without having an uprising. The Iranian navy wouldn't be able to do a thing against us, as they have no amphibious watercraft or any aircraft carriers. Their destroyers have little displacement and are basically the size of a medium yacht with popguns. The US could cripple any air and naval assault in weeks, and then they could just shell Iran with Tomahawks.
As I understand it though, the Iranians can only really block the straight by mining it... they can't blockade it with their navy, they just don't have the numbers to block it. They can't enforce a blockade by air because they know they'll be shot out of the sky in no time at all, so why do it?
And lets say you're right, that the Americans could crush their armies in a matter of weeks. The Iranians must know that, but if the Americans know as well, all they have to do is ignore the threats.
If Iran makes the first move, it is self-defence. America makes the first move, it's an invasion.
I don't even know one. I'm pretty sure military intelligence will have the majority of them figured out within a few months. Don't worry, it's what they're good at.
No offense, but Iran's military budget is somewhat lacking. In fact, our Navy's budget alone is along the lines of 20x higher than Iran's entire defense budget.
With all that money, I'm pretty sure we've got plenty of defense systems against anti-ship missiles. Some to spare, even.
now a days, missiles dont need missile silos, they are launched from mobile platform. more over a missile shield have its limitations.
It might not. If Iran decides to blockade the Straight of Hermuz because of US sanctions, than the US would be forced to remove it, because that straight is vital to the world's oil supply.
correc tion "than the US would be forced to remove it, because that straight is vital to the US oil supply. USA cares only about itself, so, dont try to pretend u care about world.
It might not. If Iran decides to blockade the Straight of Hermuz because of US sanctions, than the US would be forced to remove it, because that straight is vital to the world's oil supply. It would be war against Iran, but China wouldn't likely side with them, because any war would be economically taxing for them. Russia is dealing with internal issues right now, and they would not likely be able to join a war without having an uprising. The Iranian navy wouldn't be able to do a thing against us, as they have no amphibious watercraft or any aircraft carriers. Their destroyers have little displacement and are basically the size of a medium yacht with popguns. The US could cripple any air and naval assault in weeks, and then they could just shell Iran with Tomahawks.