Me. I think its fake. The mayans could have been killed off by their enemy or something. And some random guy comes up to and starts spreadint the "End of the world" Making millions of ppl freak out.
We will only know when the time comes. Until then enjoy your life.
I didn't say that either. I asked if anyone has read much about them as they seem to be coming up alot with theories about the 2012 end times stuff. Including theories about them being Aliens. Or is the scientific notion of Aliens insane too?
Aliens are at least plausible, but calling that a theory is an insult to the word. It is still insane to say that the gods of our ancestors where aliens (Why capitalize the word?).
wow they predicted Hitler and lots of other things, it must end.
But what about all the things they said which probably haven't come true, no one talks about those. The symbols and drawing in which they write these predictions are so vague, they probably mean something completely different to what we interpret them as. If one of them has a picture of Hitler with his ridiculous mustache doing the Nazi solute, then maybe I will consider the possibility that an enormous crocodile is going to flood the World.
I don't think it will happen. Like the comic Gonzomon put up, maybe they ran out of room. Or the calender guy got tired of writing. The chances that some ancient tribe knew that the world was going to end on a certain day is almost impossible.
maya and aztec are not the same. they have never even meet eatchother.
calender only marks when a new "god" takes ontrol of the universe.
wrong again. the calender only marks the end of the 13th bakum cycle. wich doesn't mean anything.
Also, on Dec 21, there is an island off the coast of south america that at sunset, the sun will line up perfectly with two stone pillars and ancient king that lived for generations will rise
the sun alinement theory is for stonehench sofar i know. if your sure about your statement plz. give a name of the island and the name of the pillars. it's imposible to find info about it whit such vage discribtion.
generations were short like every 10-15 years
10-15 year? no way. that means that only children are alive. the average life in the middle ages is around the 30 - 40 year. whit some people hitting the 60. where 60 for them is like 100 for us today. it's rare, but not that rare that it's uber special.
Also Also, on Dec 21 the sun the moon and the earth line up in a straight line
i guess your trying to hit the theory that say's that all the planets of our sun get alined and that that somehow will do something realy bad. but i can tell you that all planets of our sun get in line every year around 20 dec. so nothing special there.
straight line with the blackhole in the middle of the galaxy
so where does this black hole magicly appear from? what energy's will be there that it will be able to form a black hole?
we humans don't know **** about black holes except that it got a massive amount of energy/gravity. so predicting a black hole is total non-sense.
I dont think it will happen
it's the only thing in your post i can agree whit. but somehow i feel your contradicting yourself whit the rest of your post wich i just debunked.
wanna know what the maya's actualy think? what the sun-stones alinement ealy is about? what the planet alinement realy means? or any other 2012 doomsday theory?
the Mayans had long stretches of time that were longer than their years, kinda like millenniums. One just so happens to end in 2012. So, basically, saying the earth will end in 2012 is about as logical as claiming the world will end at the end of the year, because are calenders only go to that point.
Their low tech observatories or, step pyramids were sufficient for their brilliant mathematical minds to use, see and calculate the exact month , day and year that a solar flare, that they observed would finally reach earth and fry us all like Bojangles' chicken.
hmmm we had a big solar flare hitting earth like 2 month's ago.
we are still there just like after the millions of solar flares that have hitted earth already in the past.
solar flares however are not predictable. they shoot out at random all the time. it's just only sometimes that 1 go's directly towards earth. we can't predict them untill they are launched already.
because are calenders only go to that point.
the funny thing is that there are other bigger cycles then the bakum cycle in the maya calender. wich do not end any time soon. so it actualy isn't even the end of the calender xD
Stores might be packed on 12/21 however. More crimes are probably going to happen. I'm saying this because people think they should have their last moments on earth by doing things they never did before. About the store part, most people who believe in 2012 will buy a bunch of stuff for "survival". People might not go to work either. My point is, things will be a lot different than we think it will be, but no disasters will happen.