Me. I think its fake. The mayans could have been killed off by their enemy or something. And some random guy comes up to and starts spreadint the "End of the world" Making millions of ppl freak out.
We will only know when the time comes. Until then enjoy your life.
first of all its been 5 months and 3 days in the year and no "oh no! a giant ball of gravel is gonna crush us!" thing. its F-A-K-E and if its real at least its not 2012!
i heard they found another mayan calendar. the world will not end 2012.
Zzz. Soooo sick of this Mayan calendar stuff.
you know the movie "2012"? we can show it to people that were born after 2012 and tell them "i survived that"
Don't even get me started on that movie...just done. The only more scientifically inaccurate movie I've ever seen was Core. >.< that movie was painful to watch.
i heard they found another mayan calendar. the world will not end 2012.
It's been known for a long time that there are many more cycle layers of their calendar that go way past 2012. That dosen't have any bering on their belief that at the end of the 13th bak'tun cycle from their creation date, a new age of the world under a new god will begin or something.
a new age of the world under a new god will begin or something.
not even that. the head of the small group of still existing mayas said himself that at the end of this cycle nothing will happen except for a big party. much like we celebrate new year but then for a full week.
I definitely do not believe it. First, it is now belived by many archeologists that when you reach the end of the calendar, you're simply supposed to read it again from the beginning. Also, the myan 365-day calendar had no leap years. there have been several hundred leap years since then. If the world was going to end in 2012, it would have happened by now due to the difference the missing leap days make.