alright, before I begin, a lot of you posted multiple times. remember, I'm only counting the first attack post.
I send in a few Chain Chomps to attack the trunk.
strong as they are, their teeth weren't hard or sharp enough to pierce the bark. their teeth also break from the attempt.
I use a Cure Potion on the tree while guarding myself.
the potion is successful
*Pulls out red orb* GOURDON, I SUMMOTH THEE! *pulls out master ball, and sends out gourdon* Gourdon, use earthquake, and flame thrower!
I hope pokemon work on magic tree's. If not...there is always self destruct...
the only thing that yielded even partial success was the self destruct.
Well, why would I get heat drawn from my body, I was on a quest, unless he drew the heat from everyone in the world, or everyone in that area, inlcuding the players.
fair enough, consider yourself safe from that attack
Anyway, I pray to Mahesh to aid in everyone's quest to destroy the Yggdrasil tree. I also use my control ability to harness the elements and return the physical being of the sword to its original form. Or atleast try, anyway.
the god you summoned blessed your companions so they will get an increase in their defenses. when you tried to restore the sword, you found that the sword could only be restored at a nexus of energies. the energy nexuses can only be acheived when holy and dark energy collide.
Guys we need to destroy the Leviathan's eggs! I sterilize them by setting them on fire and then throwing them as hard as I can at Sparx0. If any of the creatures are still alive, I shoot them. If Sparx0 is still alive, I shoot him too. Then I put them all in a huge bonfire and spray it with napalm and holy fire.
the corruptive placenta that surrounds the eggs was too unholy for the shots to harm them. sparx does receive some damage from the arrows, but mahesh's blessing protects him for the most part.
I spontaneously combust the eggs. I then keep burning them until they are only ashes.
the corruptive placenta eats the fire, and converts it into pure energy, thus speeding the growth rate of the eggs.
So, now I blast the levithian eggs with dragonfire. I also summon 4 minions who have the power to blast dragonfire at the tree. (And they do, Oh they do blast it with all thier power.)
the dragonfire does burn some of the placenta, but the eggs for the most part are unharmed. the minions burn themselves out very quickly for trying to breathe dragonfire.
produce a protective barrier around the eggs to protect them from harm, including that fire attack. If they hatch, they may think an attacker's their daddy/mommy.
the barrier is cast, but the fires have already gone to the placenta. unfortunately, not even dragonfire was strong enough to burn this placenta. you thawing yourself out causes you to hear the voice of your other half, and he tells you that there is a way to kill the tree more quickly (he doesn't tell you how, just that there is a way).
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
PerryKid (Original Creator)
Bladerunner679 (Current Narrator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,452,481,075 HP
Weather: sunny
Ground Condition: thawed
Wind: minor breeze
@Sparx0-you never told me as to whether or not you were going to commit to protecting the tree.