sorry sparx0, but people are trying way to hard to kill you. lol, glad I'm not in your position.
I spontaneously combust Sparx0's innards.
I then scorch Sparx0 with the flames, and collect heat from all around to make a very powerful heat ray, which I use on Sparx0.
I then sap his soul to power a roaring flame, which I put around his body.
I finally end him with an explosion of flame. If he is still alive, against the odds,
I use a catalyctic lens to blow him up, and the red matter shovel to spleef him into a pit.
I then fire my volcanite amulet into the pit, filling it with lava.
I then use a plasma lance (i.e. giant magnifying glass sattelite) on his body.
If he is STILL alive, I reap his remaining scraps of a soul.
lol, I'm not even going to bother calculating damage. that was so detailed, I'd be proud id it wasn't being used to kill another player.
Dead: Sparx0
I laugh like a mad man, and try my previously failed attack: I form a GIGANTIC ball of fire. While it is forming, I force some helium into the center and hydrogen on the outside. I basically just made a sun on earth. I throw 5 iron bars into it and begin running for my life. The iron should force the sun into an apocalyptic stage where it expands 100 times, and the iron replaces the helium core. After it expands at temperatures equal to the sun, It should grow 100 times and then slowly shrink to white dwarf size.
(lol, I'm curious as to why nobody picks anything else. heck, I'd love to report lightning based attacks)
the magics in the air accelerates this process, and the white dwarf phase happens in minutes. unfortunately, the ammount of magic in the air is making the star unstable, and it will implode upon itself. the pure energy mixed with magic causes a tear in the space-time continuum, and essentially creates a portal in time. (I'm going to have some fun with this one)
make sure that I'm safe from the heat, then I rename the sword Opstandelsen af menneskeliv. Which is Danish for the resurrection of life. Also, can I draw the nexus I created from the sword, once I have full control of it?
the sword accepts the name, and then it becomes a white ball of light that flies into your chest. the sword is now bonded to you, allowing you to tap into the nexus that the sword absorbed, and you can summon the blade in any situation with just a thought.(one cool thing you can do with it is make it an extension of your body, so you could extend it from your arm, or other parts as well. I can explain it in greater detail if you want me to) Also, the magic from the nexus isn't specialized, it's pure. mana of the highest concentration and energy level. (this is so you don't break my rule of using magics from clases that you aren't specialized in)
I want to go for the hero quest.
you embark on your quest, and stop upon a traders' caravan.
send a few cyclones at the tree and let them combine before they hit the tree.
all of the wind and rain hits the tree, but still no real damage is done, other than knocking off some topsoil.
Temporarily disabled: (Kinda like Lose-A-Turn)
Norse Gods: (Users who are allowed to change the universe)
PerryKid (Original Creator)
Bladerunner679 (Current Narrator)
Norse Heroes: (Epic Players)
Noble Warriors: (Not-as-Epic-but-still-epic Players)
Elementalists: (Evolved Noble warriors)
Dark Mages: (Mages with dark powers)
Shades: (ultimate dark mages)
Good Mages: (Mages with beneficiary powers)
Angels: (ultimate good mages)
Undead: (Dead but put back to life)
current Dead/Banned: (Dead for a reason...)
Tree:2,495,452,481,075 HP
Weather: sunny
Ground Condition: Flooded
Wind: minor breeze
(one last thing, I'm sad to see the people on the temporarily disabled list not returning. I decided to clear the list for now, and let those who got on it a pass off. I'm doing this because they apparently don't know how the disabling works. I will put them back on if they get themselves into another situation that requires me to do it, however.)