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Does bigfoot really exsist? I saw a show about it on Discovery channel.

  • 42 Replies
1,044 posts

^loco5, Is that an ourangatang?

490 posts

please note that my post are writen from a creationist point of view

Look at Behemoth,
which I made along with you
I guess the 'you' here are humans?

yes, God is speaking to a man named Job. he was created by God, just as all the other creatures of the earth were.

I hope you know brontosaurs (apatosaurs) were extinct long before humans spread out of Africa (which btw is a reason to discard the brontosaur anyway since those who wrote the bible couldn't possibly know that animal)

Some creationists (including me) believe that dinosours walked the earth at the same time as humans, and that the Great Flood (as seen in genesis chapter 6) killed them all. also remember that God is speaking, and while Job may not know what animal he is speaking of, God does know. The people who wrote the Bible may not have known the brontosaur, but they were just quoting what God said.

and which feeds on grass like an ox.
A brontosaurus is an herbavore.
Herbivore, yes, but did it feed on grass?

please remember that the Bible was originally writen in Hebrew, and that slight translation errors do occur. In hebrew, "feeds on grass" could just mean that "doesnt eat meat". also remember that language changes as time goes on. just as "thee" and "thy" mean "you" and "yours", "feeds on grass" could mean "doesnt eat meat."

Its tail sways like a cedar;
the sinews of its thighs are close-knit. Its bones are tubes of bronze,
its limbs like rods of iron.
if you research the anatomy of the brontosaurus, you will see that this is true.
The tail of a brontosaur is not nearly tree-looking, also I doubt it had bones out of metal.

not everything in the Bible is meant to be that literal. The Bible is simply saying that it had a thick tail, and strong bones.

21 Under the lotus plants it lies,
hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
22 The lotuses conceal it in their shadow;
the poplars by the stream surround it.
The brontosaurus was able towalk into lakes and rivers. because its neck was so long, it could keep its head above water, yet be completely submerged and consealed in a swamp.
It surely could walk around in shallow water wihtout trouble, and there have been hypothesis' saying they actually lived in the water with the head pointing out, but those were proven false long ago. If you look at the vertebrae you'll see they couldn't really lift their neck up that much, so I doubt this is true.

The hypothesis' that were proven false were that the brontosaur could walk into deep water by extending its neck. A brontosaur would not have to extend its neck to walk in a marsh, because marses are shallow. becuase of its natural hight, it could easily have a large portion of its body underwater, and have only its neck protruding from the water, without extending its neck

A raging river does not alarm it;
it is secure, though the Jordan should surge against its mouth.
a brontosaurus was strong enough and tall enough that it could cross the jordan river during flood season, if the need arose.
If you say so...? But again, the neck is not though to be erected upwards.Don't know how big the Jordan gets during flood, but I doubt they could cross

the jordan is 50-100 ft. deep. currently. remember that this was writen well over 2000 years ago, and that erosion has probably been in effect since long before that. it was probably much, much shallower back then. since noone can say how deep the jordan actually was 2000 years ago, i will leave it at that.

Oh, and a part of the wiki article is particularly interesting.

sorry, but i dont qualify wikipedea as a reliable source. while most of what was in that article was true, please dont base your arguments or beleifs on wiki articles.

anyway, i extremly doubt that the bible is referencing bigfoot here.
Me too, mainly, as I said before, because the bigfoot is not supposed to walk on all four legs.

Why are you arguing my beleif that the "behemoth" is the brontosaur, IF YOU AGREE WITH THE MAIN POINT OF MY POST, which is that the "behemoth" isnt bigfoot! The forum is about bigfoot, not the behemoth mentioned in Genesis. it seems that your post is way off topic, and that the main point of your post is to disagree with my belief in the Bible! I should not have to defend my belief in the Bible with some person on armor games who decided to start a debate with me about religon. you can start your own forum in the tavern about religon if you want, but dont start a debate about religon in a forum about Bigfoot!
132 posts

Lol, Maybe I should not have brought the Bible into play here. :/

8,256 posts

Then why posting such inane nonsense from a creationist website stating the behemoth is a dinosaur, when the discussion is actually about the bigfoot? I know you were just commenting a previous post, but you could have just mentioned it on a side note or link to the site, and I would have stayed shut. You're just as guilty as I am.

please dont base your arguments or beleifs on wiki articles.

Never did, but it's always interesting to look at^^

Lol, Maybe I should not have brought the Bible into play here. :/

True. Cryptozoology has enough other problems..
490 posts

lol i realized that i kinda set a trap for you with my first post. I reread everything that was said, and have decided to withdraw what i said in the last paragraph in my second post. I apologize, as i did not realize that that my first post would offend anyone. if we both agree about bigfoot, i souldnt be arguing about the behemoth.

Then why posting such inane nonsense from a creationist website stating the behemoth is a dinosaur, when the discussion is actually about the bigfoot?

I didnt get any of this off the internet. I used my intelect and my knowledge of theology. lol i guess i just know more about thoelogy than you know about the brontosaur. (no offence. not many people know much about the brontosaur, and you probably know more about the brontosaur than i do.)

However, if yout think about it, you probably should not have tried to debate with what i said about the brontosaur, if you agreed that the behemoth wasnt bigfoot. The point of my first post was not to post about my theological beliefs, it was to say that there are a lot more animals that fit the description of the behemoth better than bigfoot. It would have been different if you also thought that bigfoot was real, but to debate with everything that i said except the main point of my post, seems a bit argumentative to me.

Lol, Maybe I should not have brought the Bible into play here. :/

actually, its good that you brought up this passage, so that you dont go through life thinking that the behemoth mentioned in Genesis is bigfoot.

@ lightchaser:
Do you really believe that the pic you posted is a pic of bigfoot? it looks like a pic of a capuchin monkey to me....

Seriusly, guys. if we are all going to start posting lame pice of bigfoot, i will post this one....

imgres?q=planet+of+the+apes+original&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1080&bih=602&tbm=isch&amp<i class=rmd=imvns&tbnid=VWOqNdCLxaHrfM:&imgrefurl=,r:8,s:0" alt=",r:8,s:0" />

its bigfoot! wait a sec that a pic from planet of the apes.... lol
490 posts

Look! Its Bigfoot!
O wait sorry, that is a pic from planet of the apes lol

490 posts

sorry my pic didnt work....
LOOK! Its Bigfoot!

14,745 posts

Well... since it has never been prooven, but it still IS a huge discussion point...

...I say Bigfoot is alive! Whether he exists or not is another matter... =P

And the most shown picture of 'it' is probably this:

Is it real? =/

41 posts

I dont belive.all they can catch is moving bushs

132 posts

[quote=SteveeXb]actually, its good that you brought up this passage, so that you dont go through life thinking that the behemoth mentioned in Genesis is bigfoot.[quote] Dude, I mentioned the passage in Job. Also, (and believe me when I say this) I was just bringing up the scripture and in no means saying that the behemoth was bigfoot; just throwing out some ideas. Thanks for your imput and concern though.

155 posts

i dont think he's real. *peace of mind*

295 posts

new animals are found all the time, their is no reason bigfoot cant be one too.

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