ForumsThe TavernAG Presidential Election 2012

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26,390 posts

--I'm not sure if this fits better in the Tavern or in the WEPR, so mods, move it as you see fit(of course you would do that regardless, but still--
As I'm sure AG's American members know, in 2012 the United States will be electing a new president or reelecting the incumbent. Normally this is done with electoral colleges, primaries, etc. on a national level. But I thought it would be kind of cool to hold a mock presidential election in AG, just to see what happens. The candidates will be the same, the only difference is that the voting will be on a much smaller scale. You guys will vote for which presidential candidate you like best, and at the end of two weeks(I may extend or shorten this deadline) we will see who the president of the United States should be, according to the members of AG.
But before we start voting between Obama and the Republican candidate, first we have to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary. I'm gonna change the rules a bit on the primary: you don't have to be a Republican in order to vote on the Republican primary. That's because there is no Democratic primary, Obama is the undisputed presidential candidate for the Democrats. The Republican who gets the most votes on AG, regardless of who wins the actual primary, will be the one moving on to face off against the incumbent Obama.
1. You can only vote once, unless you vote once in the primary and once in the main election.
2. In order for your vote to count, you must provide a reason for why you want that person to be president or to win the primary.
3. Let's try and keep this civil: no slandering, name-calling, or making fun of anyone because of their vote.
We are currently voting on the Republican primary(so no voting for Obama yet, vote for which Republican you want to be the party's candidate). I will be tallying the votes at the end of week one to determine the Republican primary winner, then we will start voting on who should be the actual president. At the end of week two, I will tally the votes from that election and post who is the official President of the United States as decided by ArmorGames.

  • 197 Replies
787 posts

It's actually not that hard to know what's going on in the states, you're skewed view of politics is laughed at around the world. I live in Canada but I probably know the same if not more about you're politics than the average American. He probably does know alot, as most if not all of his posts have been correct and relevant. It's also called getting involved with the community. Why is it that Americans are so against smart people from other countrys?
So many stupid foreign laws.

Why does everyone bash on Wikipedia. It's more correct than you think. Most of their information has to have proof and bibliographies from other sites. Anything that isn't proven has a notice above it. You don't need Wikipedia to know anything about politics. It's called the news.

13,055 posts

Why does everyone bash on Wikipedia. It's more correct than you think. Most of their information has to have proof and bibliographies from other sites. Anything that isn't proven has a notice above it. You don't need Wikipedia to know anything about politics. It's called the news.

I like Wikipedia but it's not the only source for info.
I'm from Canada as well. I lived in both countries so I know the difference. People in the US are scared to be sick because it will ruin their lives. The current law rewards people for moving their factories oversees which is wrong. You don't reward someone for putting millions of workers out of work. The money only goes in the rich guy's pocket. Obama has been trying to close the loopholes that allows ******** to get tax break for doing such a thing.
Ask any 50 something yo man who's been working all his life, bought a house, a car, raised a family, etc. Then he learns that the company where he worked all his life is moving to China. What do you think happens? First of all he has to look for another job which will be hard because he's older. If he can't worked anymore, he ends up having to pay for his healthcare insurance which cost a fortune. If he's unlucky enough to be sick then he's in serious trouble. Do you know that for a doctor to stick a camera up your butt will cost you about $6000 and about $1000 per day for a bed.

Again, the president tried to help people with his Obamacare plan but he found so much resistance from the crooks in Washington that he had to modify his bill so much that in the end it doesn't do as much as he hoped it would.

Stop rewarding weasels who exploit Chinese workers and start helping those who put American workers to work. That's not so complicated to do!
13,055 posts

Why is it that Americans are so against smart people from other countrys?
So many stupid foreign laws.

Not all Americans are like that. Mostly republicans are for policing the World and for starting useless wars such as attacking Iraq. Before, Iraq and Iran were watching each other so there was no worries about them. And who cares if they killed each other? The conservatives (not all of them fortunately) want things to stay, the same (like in the 50's).
The reason why Obama was elected is because the Republicans were fed up with incompetents like George W Bush and what's is name? Now they have lousy candidates once again so they're screwed.
I doubt they will vote for Ron Paul because he's a moderate and he doesn't believe in policing the World.

If it weren't for Obama, the MPAA (movie industry terrorists) would have censored the Internet and they will try over and over again unless we (all of us) put them out of business for good.

I know these things because I actually live in the US and just last week I went to Wall-Mart to buy a mouse for one of my customer's laptop and I saw a 70yo women working there because she can't afford to pay for her medications otherwise. That's disgusting to see that old retired people can't enjoyed their retirement anymore because of greedy drug companies ran by thieves. How would you feel if your grandmother had to work like a dog instead of enjoying the rest of her life? That's the reality of living in the US now. If you're not rich, you're in trouble.

BTW, not all Americans are *******s. I know many good people that suffers as much as people from other countries.
26,390 posts

If it weren't for Obama, the MPAA (movie industry terrorists) would have censored the Internet and they will try over and over again unless we (all of us) put them out of business for good.

The problem isn't the MPAA, the problem is the movie companies themselves. It's not an attempt to censor the media, it's an attempt to stop illegal piracy of movies(and music, as well) so that the companies stop bleeding money when people download illegally and don't have to pay.
And I think you're giving Obama way too much credit. SOPA and its affiliated bills would never have passed even if a Republican was in the Oval Office.
13,055 posts

I'm just saying that he did something concrete for a change. He said he was going to do something about healthcare and he did. How many presidents kept their electoral promises? I've seen 3 presidents so far since I've been living in the US and I tell you under the Bush regime things were pretty bad over here. They kept scaring us with their terrorist threat levels all the time so people freaked out and gave away so of their rights. NSA, does that ring a bell?

26,390 posts

I've seen 3 presidents so far since I've been living in the US and I tell you under the Bush regime things were pretty bad over here. They kept scaring us with their terrorist threat levels all the time so people freaked out and gave away so of their rights. NSA, does that ring a bell?

I never disputed that Bush sucked. But just because Obama is better than Bush was doesn't mean anything. It's not at all difficult to be a better president than Bush, it's kind of like being a better runner than a six year old with polio.

I'm just saying that he did something concrete for a change.

What, stop SOPA/PIPA? That would have happened no matter who was in office.

He said he was going to do something about healthcare and he did.

He'd be able to do more if the Republicans would stop shooting down everything. They don't really care about the policies, they just want to block Obama from doing anything so they can use that as ammunition for the election.

I'm not sure if you're trying to debate thin air here? All I said was about the MPAA thing.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

What do you know about life besides getting your info off Wikipedia?
Are you some kind of know-it-all? Have you ever worked? You're 18yo and you're always arguing in every forums as if you had all the answers. Have you ever supported a family? Are your parents so rich that you never had to do anything in your life? You don't live in the US so you don't know anything about what's going on over here.

Come live in the us for 10 years, work hard and then you'll see how it is over here.

I study economics and I help out in the family business. If you're going to assume stuff and then bash people whilst not even arguing properly you should really get your mental abilities checked.

Economics is economics, and the free market is no different anywhere unless the government intervenes. Now, if you're going to bash me solely over me arguing a lot, then that really isn't an argument at all. Shame on you.

And yes, my parents work hard enough such that I don't need to go out to work in my younger days. Does that even mean anything? Nope.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

And no, I simply do not get all my info from Wikipedia. I go to the library, I buy books I scour the internet, I talk to people on the internet and in my real life. And even if you complain the list isn't comprehensive, it's leaps and bounds better than a total git who complains that people are computer nerds feeding off Wikipedia, deflecting back an argument solely on the basis of ''You Post A lot, Smart Aleck''.

13,055 posts

I study economics and I help out in the family business. If you're going to assume stuff and then bash people whilst not even arguing properly you should really get your mental abilities checked.

I apologize for overreacting. Talking politics makes my face turn red sometimes. Of course I understand the logic of it. What happens in reality is that by doing so (moving factories to China), it puts other business who stays in the US in jeopardy because since they have to follow regulations (which are put in place to protect worker from being hurt or killed, etc, and of course it's a pain for an employer but it make sens if your employees don't have accidents, you won't end up paying more in the end.) and pay decent salaries to American workers, they can't compete and have no choice but to also move to China which puts more people out of work. It maybe good business for the rich guy but not for the economy of a country.

Therefore the government shouldn't allow it (which it does at the moment).
The day the government will finally quit rewarding them for doing so then things will balance eventually if some of them bring back their companies in the US. That's what makes me so angry.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Therefore the government shouldn't allow it (which it does at the moment).

A government should never meddle in businesses if committed to the free market, unless it's enacting fiscal/monetary/supply side/what-not policies to stabilize the economy.

they can't compete and have no choice but to also move to China which puts more people out of work. It maybe good business for the rich guy but not for the economy of a country.

Isn't that the fault of America that they're aren't that competitive? It's not China's fault if their workers are much happier with lower standards of pay such that it lures investors to them.

pay decent salaries to American workers,

Decent in America and decent in China are so different. It's again, not China's fault that their standard of living requires them less money to get by. It's not China's fault that it's population saves much of its money and consumes less, when Americans consume much more than they can afford, borrowing on credit, pushing up prices.

Apology accepted, and sorry as well, but I stick to my guns that, no one can blame China for its business competetive edge, and for American investors to invest there.

Hell, if you're going to play the blame game, why not let all the Third World Nations blame the American expats for taking all the high level jobs from them as well? Or that so many people still flock to the USA to do business, or immigrate there for the economic opportunities and leave their nations in a brain drain?
13,055 posts

when Americans consume much more than they can afford, borrowing on credit, pushing up prices.

Yes this is the sad reality, all of us here pay for the mistakes of a few idiots. They still got away with it but the rest of us will continue paying for a long time.

Personally , I don't believe in credit. I buy only what I can pay.
1,627 posts

A government should never meddle in businesses if committed to the free market, unless it's enacting fiscal/monetary/supply side/what-not policies to stabilize the economy.

So you're saying that the government shouldn't regulate anything? If a worker gets seriously injured on the job, and the government doesn't say the employer can't fire or has to take care of the employee, than the worker is screwed, simply because economic models like the one your propose are overtly favorable to the already wealthy.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

So you're saying that the government shouldn't regulate anything? If a worker gets seriously injured on the job, and the government doesn't say the employer can't fire or has to take care of the employee, than the worker is screwed, simply because economic models like the one your propose are overtly favorable to the already wealthy.

When I say not meddle, I meant it in the case of state-control, a government should not tell a company that it cannot expand overseas and so and so. When a worker gets seriously injured on the job, its the case of the legal system stepping in, since laws apply in such a case.

simply because economic models like the one your propose are overtly favorable to the already wealthy.

Since when have I proposed an economic model? I merely support the free market, and judicial intervention of the government in the case of market failures (which is a very specific economics term) and in a recession, which is merely carrying on in the footsteps of Smith and Keynes.
1,627 posts

When I say not meddle, I meant it in the case of state-control, a government should not tell a company that it cannot expand overseas and so and so.

The issue isn't a company expanding overseas, the issue is the company moving overseas and then closing up shop in America. This needs to be outlawed because these companies are profiting off of our money and our labor, and then move for no reason except to exploit workers of foreign nations.
13,055 posts

Looks like I derailed the original subject, sorry.

Maybe we should create a thread to debate just that instead of continuing here.

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