ForumsThe TavernAG Presidential Election 2012

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26,390 posts

--I'm not sure if this fits better in the Tavern or in the WEPR, so mods, move it as you see fit(of course you would do that regardless, but still--
As I'm sure AG's American members know, in 2012 the United States will be electing a new president or reelecting the incumbent. Normally this is done with electoral colleges, primaries, etc. on a national level. But I thought it would be kind of cool to hold a mock presidential election in AG, just to see what happens. The candidates will be the same, the only difference is that the voting will be on a much smaller scale. You guys will vote for which presidential candidate you like best, and at the end of two weeks(I may extend or shorten this deadline) we will see who the president of the United States should be, according to the members of AG.
But before we start voting between Obama and the Republican candidate, first we have to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary. I'm gonna change the rules a bit on the primary: you don't have to be a Republican in order to vote on the Republican primary. That's because there is no Democratic primary, Obama is the undisputed presidential candidate for the Democrats. The Republican who gets the most votes on AG, regardless of who wins the actual primary, will be the one moving on to face off against the incumbent Obama.
1. You can only vote once, unless you vote once in the primary and once in the main election.
2. In order for your vote to count, you must provide a reason for why you want that person to be president or to win the primary.
3. Let's try and keep this civil: no slandering, name-calling, or making fun of anyone because of their vote.
We are currently voting on the Republican primary(so no voting for Obama yet, vote for which Republican you want to be the party's candidate). I will be tallying the votes at the end of week one to determine the Republican primary winner, then we will start voting on who should be the actual president. At the end of week two, I will tally the votes from that election and post who is the official President of the United States as decided by ArmorGames.

  • 197 Replies
26,390 posts

Obama: 7
Paul: 8

Paul maintains a narrow lead, but Obama's still right behind him.

6,800 posts

I'm not saying that if you're filthy rich you need to pay 75% tax, however you should definitely pay a whole lot more than 15% *coughMITTROMNEYcough*

Mitt Romney pays 15% Income Tax because you only have to pay 15% on any income from investments. When you and I pay income tax, we have to pay into medicare and social security, but income taxed from investments doesn't have medicare and social security taken from it. I think this was originally put in place because they didn't want senior citizens to pay a bunch of their only source of income away.

First of all, because they can afford it. If you're making 20 million a year, you should have to pay at least 40% tax on that. Also, no more crap tax laws like 15% from profit from the stock market.

Read this, than read my above comment. kthxbai

(Posted from the first page, when the site glitched)
585 posts

I am going to vote for Obama. I am voting for Obama because he is taking aggresive steps to get the american people back to work and to get them work. Also he has added back 2.6 million private sector jobs. So Obama gets my vote because he is still in the process of getting america back to were it was and better.

26,390 posts

Obama: 8
Paul: 8

The vote is now all tied up.

6,800 posts

I am voting for Obama because he is taking aggresive steps to get the american people back to work and to get them work. Also he has added back 2.6 million private sector jobs

If he's added jobs, I haven't seen them. If anything, I'd say that he's declared open war on jobs. Boeing decided they'd open a new factory in my state. Well, my state also happens to be a 'right to work' state. This means that workers don't have to be in a union to get a job. Well, the Feds didn't like this. Or rather, the Union Bosses in bed with the Feds didn't like this.

So Boeing got sued.

Obama's being agressive allright, but he seems determined to destroy the Capitalist system. When a company cant build a factory without getting a lawsuit from the Federal Government simply because it happens to be built in a 'Right to Work' state, somethings screwey. Obama doesn't care about the American worker, he only cares about thoughs that are in Unions.

My state has 46 Counties. Our State unemployment is 9.9%. 28 of the 46 Counties have unemployment over 10%. Three Counties have unemployment in the 17% range, and it peaks at 17.9%. All this is from December 2011. And remember, unemployent actually fell a bit because stores hire temporary workers. It'll go right back up once these store lay off those workers.

Yup. Everything is peaches and cream. Just dandy. A chicken in every pot. Bull-****.
3,371 posts

If he's added jobs, I haven't seen them. If anything, I'd say that he's declared open war on jobs.

Heres a link, that shows the unemployment rate.

I would assume that if the unemployment rate has declined, then more people are getting jobs right?

I think that your area in particular may be going down. But overall other areas are doing better.
13,055 posts

My state has 46 Counties. Our State unemployment is 9.9%. 28 of the 46 Counties have unemployment over 10%. Three Counties have unemployment in the 17% range, and it peaks at 17.9%. All this is from December 2011. And remember, unemployent actually fell a bit because stores hire temporary workers. It'll go right back up once these store lay off those workers.

Yup. Everything is peaches and cream. Just dandy. A chicken in every pot. Bull-****.

In other word you blame Obama for all the crap that happened under the Bush/Cheney regime? Very smart Maverick!
6,800 posts

Heres a link, that shows the unemployment rate.

Likewise. As I was referring to my State, and I rarely travel out of my State, then I maintain that I have yet to see the jobs.

I would assume that if the unemployment rate has declined, then more people are getting jobs right?

Or possibly they have simply given up. If you spend a year trying to find a job, things seem to get pretty hopeless.

I think that your area in particular may be going down. But overall other areas are doing better.

Its gone down slightly over the holidays, with the sudden burst of hiring that comes with the season. Once the numbers for February and March come in, it'll go back up again.

Other areas getting better? Doesn't mean much to most people where I live. A job thats not within tangible reach isn't much of a job, realistically.

In other word you blame Obama for all the crap that happened under the Bush/Cheney regime?

In otherwords, you put words into my mouth. Do I blame Obama for it all? No. Do I think he's contributed to the problem, rather than help it? Yes.

Rather, I blame the last fourty some odd years of politics. Rather, I blame the Liberal and Progressive ideologues. Rather, I blame the notion that, rather than cut back on our spending, we should just get more money somehow.

With a few notable exceptions who werent quite so bad as the others, this is how I view American politics sense the 70s.

Besides, you can't honesly believe that the current recession is only because of the housing market? Or that is was all the Bush administrations fault? The funny thing about bubbles is that they burst, regardless of whether you've got a D or an R after your name.

Very smart Maverick!

Thanks, I know I am.
1,532 posts

Donald trump 2012

9,438 posts

I would assume that if the unemployment rate has declined, then more people are getting jobs right?

Not necessarily. When a person gives up searching for a job, the rate goes down too.
3,371 posts

Not necessarily. When a person gives up searching for a job, the rate goes down too.

Oh okay. So do you think it is because there are more jobs, or because more people are quitting?
3,371 posts

Its gone down slightly over the holidays, with the sudden burst of hiring that comes with the season. Once the numbers for February and March come in, it'll go back up again.

The link I gave showed a decline over years. Though part of this could be giving up.
9,438 posts

So do you think it is because there are more jobs, or because more people are quitting?

It's both, but a lot of people have given up recently, which was a main cause of the recent decline. Some jobs have been created, but I believe more people are giving up than being employed.
210 posts

LOL David Wynn Miller? on his website he says he is running for 2012 Presidency, I Know WTF!

13,055 posts

Besides, you can't honesly believe that the current recession is only because of the housing market? Or that is was all the Bush administrations fault?

Just bring back all the factories to the US and then people will get a pay check, will be proud of working again, will be less worried and depressed which will save them a fortune in hospital bill. They will start spending money that will stay in the country instead of only going in the pockets of the traitors who put so many Americans out of work by moving their companies to China.

Start taxing the rich parasites at the same rate as the workers who actually contribute in the economy and the debt will disappear in no time.

As long as the status quo remains, the government will keep cutting services, pensions, etc, and all hell will break loose.

If the Republicans would stop blocking all the Obama bills, things would actually be done.

The only thing I don't like about Obama is that he keeps trying to reach out to the conservatives and they (racists) keep refusing to help him even though they know he's right on many points.

All this propaganda that lead to many seats lots by the Democrats during the Mid-term elections was started by the criminals who run the insurance companies. They didn't like to be told by the President that it's wrong to rob, deceive, abuse, and reject people from getting insured because of a pre-existing condition.

Once the propaganda was started, all the idiots on the conservative side believed all the bull**** that was thrown at them. They'll blindly follow someone with the charisma of a garbage truck like Gingrinch just because he is Republican. They will never vote for a black man even if he is the best fit for the job.

I think it's time for people to wake up! This actual president is trying to do something. Once another candidate is elected, the rich will continue destroying the economy and the middle class will completely disappear. This is our last chance!
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