ForumsThe TavernKid or Adult?

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74 posts

Would you rather be a kid/teen, not having any worries about a job, with barely any responsibilities, not a very fun and interesting life? Or an adult, who has lots of responsibilities, who leads a fun and interesting life, a great job, kids, an amazing spouse, and has a 'good life'? I think I would choose to be a n adult, have a wife, three kids, make lots of money and consider life: "Good". XD!!!

  • 43 Replies
5,552 posts

Well, let's look at the pros and cons.


Pros: No responsibilities.

Cons: No one listens to a kid, no choice, no money, can't get a job, forced to go to school, cannot legally drink alcohol, cannot legally have sex, cannot legally drive, are viewed as stupid, hard to reach places, not trusted, must follow family wherever they go, forced to obey parents.


Pros: Opposite of kid's Cons.

Con: Opposite of kid's Pros.

I think that sums it up pretty well.

5,365 posts

I would be an adult. I would never, and I repeat, never choose to be a perpetual minor, even under penalty of death.

Child: Decreased intelligence, school (a job without pay), no respect, lower morals, no driver's license, fewer freedoms
Adult: Smarter, jobs with pay, more respected, better judgement, driver's license, marriage, more freedoms

If I had a choice, I would be an adult with a spouse, no children.

1,612 posts

It's not like all adults are listened by everyone and considered smart by everyone in the big world in which, as adults, they feel they belong to, while maybe many children with a nice family are more than happy to be listened in their families. Many probably don't feel like they have a good and interesting life and wish they had the free time they used to be as children, while many children are happy with their lives.
On the other side not all children have a family that takes all the responsibilities for them, and others are treated as adults when they don't have the strength for it.
So, if it wasn't clear enough, I think it's impossible to give a general answer, because life can be good both as a child and as an adult, and it can always be bad too.

5,365 posts

Being the prejudicial type, I respectfully disagree. I try to group both categories into a whole for simplicity's sake. Now, in general, adults are more intelligent and respectable, whereas minors are just... Vile... As I said, I am grouping categories here; I acknowledge there are a few exceptions to minors.

5,552 posts

It's not like all adults are listened by everyone and considered smart by everyone in the big world in which, as adults, they feel they belong to, while maybe many children with a nice family are more than happy to be listened in their families.

Children aren't qualified to have opinions though according to the majority of adults. As a child, I said the same things I do now. People would laugh or ignore me. I say the same things now and I'm not instantly ignored simply because I'm 10.

Adults get a chance to prove themselves worthy of listening to. Children have to fight twenty battles just to earn the right of, "not a complete idiot and maybe I won't ignore him this one time."

"Child: Decreased intelligence" -Legion1350

^ Stereotype, upheld.
5,365 posts

Children aren't qualified to have opinions though according to the majority of adults. As a child, I said the same things I do now. People would laugh or ignore me. I say the same things now and I'm not instantly ignored simply because I'm 10.

Adults get a chance to prove themselves worthy of listening to. Children have to fight twenty battles just to earn the right of, "not a complete idiot and maybe I won't ignore him this one time."

Children aren't qualified to have opinions because there's nothing with any meaning in their little brains. I've listened to them; There's incoherent, incredible quasi-reasoning. I've really tried to give them respect in the past, but no. There's just nothing there.
5,552 posts

Children aren't qualified to have opinions because there's nothing with any meaning in their little brains. I've listened to them; There's incoherent, incredible quasi-reasoning. I've really tried to give them respect in the past, but no. There's just nothing there

Exactly why I hated being a kid. Just because most kids ARE the above, that doesn't make ALL kids the same, and it DOESN'T mean that you should not at least listen to what they have to say. At the very LEAST, you shouldn't disregard what they say as wrong/untrue simply because it came from a child.
1,612 posts

That might be true for 3 years old children, but "kid/teen" in the op should involve more, and the basic mindset of a person is usually set when he's very young, maybe about 10, but anyway much less than what is considered needed to be an adult.

Children aren't qualified to have opinions though according to the majority of adults. As a child, I said the same things I do now. People would laugh or ignore me. I say the same things now and I'm not instantly ignored simply because I'm 10.

Adults get a chance to prove themselves worthy of listening to. Children have to fight twenty battles just to earn the right of, "not a complete idiot and maybe I won't ignore him this one time."

That's true, but rarely adults get listened in places where their opinion could make a difference, and while a child to justify his impotence just tells himself "now I'm just a child, but when I'll grow up I'll make my voice heard" an adult has nothing to do about it, and it could get more frustrating.
It's still true that we have a lot of bad stereotypes against young people's opinion though. Actually it's one of the reason that brought many intelligent teens on the Internet, to have serious discussions without being labeled as the kid who interrupts the discussion with his nonsense, or the weirdo that talks about politics to his schoolmates.
5,340 posts

a child.... WITH A CREDIT CARD

lol honestly id rather be a child. who said a childs life is not fun? and i do think that children actually do have more possibilities. from a certain age most people just start to live in that cage of their daily-life. and the more time passes the more it seems that its passing quicker :S

right now (if you can count me as an adult) id rather go back to my life as a child. and honestly, even when i was a child i always wanted to stay that way.

but seriously, a child with a credit card is probably what i will be when ill grow up XP

1,405 posts

17 years of age. really close to being 18. then you can drive, don't have to go to college, can earn money, etc.

like peter pan! but without the tights. I mean seriously, having so many responsibilities sucks. taxes, kids, job etc.

146 posts

I have a job so I have money, I have a credit card, I can drink, I can drive, I have a significant amount of personal freedom, and I get my opinion taken seriously by other adults.

Being an adult ftw.

536 posts

I would choose to be a Adult, rather than a kid.

497 posts

I'd choose to be an adult for many reasons which i dont want to tell you. I may be young but i look like im 21

13,817 posts

Being a kid or a teenager does not automatically consign you to a life of careless abandon. The world does not work THAT simply. Different people have different responsibilities depending not only on their age, but their unique life situations. Neither does being an adult mean you will have the responsibilities that come with maturity. You choose what you want to do and how you react to things around you. Your life experiences at different ages can't be blanketed like that. Some people here have said that "Adult gives you X and kid gives you X". I prefer not to carry those statements, except in the situations where they are universal truths. Like... it's obvious that adults are supposed to be fully developed human beings in the mental, physical and emotional sense. It's also obvious that kids are growing up and are still acquiring the development that they need to fend for themselves in what is often an unforgiving world. There are exceptions to both, but generally that's the case.

With that in mind, what's my choice? I enjoyed being a kid, oblivious to the ills of the world.. but I also savor being able to take on the challenges -- and reaping the benefits -- that come as you grow older. People are born, they grow old and then they die. I prefer that course.

Thus, I'd much rather be an adult than a kid.. since I'm closer to that point.

I know I'm probably over-analyzing the question, but it's too ambiguous for its own sake.

5,845 posts

I'd either want to fast-forward to about 18-20 years of age, and live the life I want to, or go back to being a kid, and trying to work hard, achieve stuff, set myself up for a good future.


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