ForumsWEPR[necro]Ask me questions on Christianity, and i will try me best to answer it

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145 posts

I think that a lot of people that are Christians need a lot of answers, so Iâm here to help out with them all the answers you have, and I will help to the best of my ability. I hope I can help.
: )

  • 147 Replies
136 posts

I hate reposting but I also wanna say thanx for giving pc123 to have a chance at answering my question.

737 posts

Ichibon, excellent question and i'm sure this will be confusing. But Once accepting christ as lord and saviour you have salvation. Regardless of the sins u commit from that point...confession(if your catholic) or just simply asking forgiveness in prayer is more symbolic than anything else. The lord knows all sin, but if you accept that you have sinned than your growing, maybe...So it makes no difference if u sin than instaneously die afterward or if you confess this might be different for catholics, but i doubt it. Hope it made sense.

145 posts

wow you guys sure do love to talk a lot lol it takes me ourers to read throu it all it whod be very (VERY) helpful if i have a helper of my chosing and eyetwitch i think you are a develupt christian unofe to help me out here so if you see a commit that i have not ansered yet you can anser it (im not talking to everone just eyetwitch!!!) but give me like 2 days to anser cuz im not always on...


and what age of Jesus are you talking about you need to be more spesific

145 posts

and eyetwitch i forgot are you a catholic? im not but i have a strong faith.(evern tho it does not mader what kind of background you have to be a christian)

737 posts

No, lol now that i read over it, i realized that it looked that way. I was just throwing in the confession thing because the catholic rituals are different than protestant ones. (I'm part of the P.C.A. church if you care)

One added thing, i know its probably not really what you care to do, but if you wouldn't mind could you pay a little more attention to your spelling. Its close to bad enough as to make it unreadable (no offense, just gonna be tough to answer questions)

10,816 posts

@ gman1000: yeah, the source I wrote about actually mentioned that, but good point nonetheless. I wonder what other evidence we could find for such a thing.

@ eyetwitch: My first question I think was this-

In what way do you believe the Bible to be true?

I assume here that you place your faith in the Bible as the Word of God and that it must therefore speak the truth. I'm asking in what way- literally,, for example, would you interpret the book of Genesis, and all the way up the other end, the book of Revelations?

It's a very difficult question to sum up in a short time but if you could give an impression that would be great. For example, while I am not a Christian, were I to assume that everything in the Bible was in one way or another true I would refer to much of it as an allegory, while other parts remain a record of historical observation. Hence my believing that the Behemoth isn't referring directly to a dinosaur (though it is possible that somehow they were through mythical means, then again I don't believe this matters).

The other question I asked earlier and Asherlee somewhat answered, but I'd like to see an answer from you, is an extension of Ichibon's: What if somebody was 'not given the chance' to even accept Jesus as their savior? Are there any circumstances in which this might happen? If so, what happens then?
996 posts

Ok, I have the answer for that!

I was asking the same question about this time last year... All my church leaders were saying that there isn't anything they could do, or anything we could do for them...WRONG! There is ONE Church that believes in baptism for the dead. That Church just so happens to be the Mormon Church. Through a restored gospel, we can practice ordinances that were not previously available. Look up 1 COR. 15-16 and 29.

10,816 posts

@ Snakebite: Do you mean 1 Corinthians chapters 15-16? Because there's only 16 chapters in 1 Corinthians, so I'm not sure which verses you are referencing.

All my church leaders were saying that there isn't anything they could do, or anything we could do for them

Well, that's one part, but I want to know what God does for them. Not so much man.
136 posts

@ pc123

I mean the 17 - 30 time. Thats when there is no biblical info on him.

@ eyetwitch

That answer is good. Honestly, I was just curious to see what you would say. It doesn't matter to me whether or not either way giving my standpoint on religion. For that info, you'll have to PM me.

136 posts

I didn't mean to hit enter. My bad.

@ snakebite

Baptism for the dead? Is this for real? Don't people realize that when you die, your 'soul' is no longer in your body. If there is a 'soul' to begin with. How can they possibly justify that? Personally, when I'm dead, I couldn't care less what happens to my body. I would prefer to be burnt on top of a stone table like in Hyborian age and a party for all my family and friends in the valley below letting the fire off my body brighten it. But, if some one wants to take my body to a bunch of necropheliacs so they can have there way with it, thats okay I guess.

Baptizing a dead body will do nothing for this 'soul' first baptism isn't what saves it in the first place. It's the acceptance if your christian, except Catholic's which get it from the get go while in diapers. Secondly, shouldn't there be a permission obtained from the next of kin frist?

Baptizing the dead. HA!

10,816 posts

@ Ichibon

Woah, you might wanna ease up on the necrophiliac accusation, you could put a nose out like that :P

But while I'm at it, I'm aware that I'm not doing a whole lot more than poking around out of curiosity. That said:

Baptism for the dead? Is this for real? Don't people realize that when you die, your 'soul' is no longer in your body. If there is a 'soul' to begin with. How can they possibly justify that?

Reminds me of that retroactive salvation I talked about earlier. And it now also passes the burden of my other question to Ichibon: I know you're asking a variation of this yourself, and that you might not even consider answering this necessary, but what do you think happens to those who 'haven't had a chance to accept Jesus' before they die?
977 posts


I believe if a person dies before they get any chance to accept Christ they go to heaven. I think it says that somewhere in the Bible, but I don't know the exact verse.

10,816 posts

It would be great if you could find it, because the scholars I've seen debating about this have yet to reference any such verse.

At any rate, if any such thing were written, most likely Paul would have written it.

737 posts

Ok sooo sorry it has been like 4 days since a respond, but i had a friend from out of town all weekend and i was busing entertaining him. Ok.

Strop, My interpreation of the bible would be that most of the OT is historical facts while psalms and songs of solomon exists as mere poems, not really claiming any truths in the process...the same goes for most of the NT the Gospels being the history of jesus and his ministry and the rest being accounts of the apostles and their letters to the ministry. The only thing in the bible that has to be taken metaphorically is well as parables and other random moments in the bible. but for the most part historical facts and accounts of the lives of the Jews(ot) and apostles and jesus (nt). Hope thats what your looking for...though i don't know what your fishing for...

As for what happens to those that die w/o hearing of jesus. I have two things to say. First of all, that doesn't happen...because their are different types of revelations of god in our world. Being revelations of the existance of God through nature and the things around us which i believe E.C. sproul (where i'm pulling these thoughts) calls general revelation. So technically no one can go without seeing/feeling the existance of God. As for those that can't be saved because they don't hear of Jesus the saviour...i think i just answered it, they are sent to hell...sadly...

Hopefully i didn't miss a question...

10,816 posts

Okay, I'm going to put two and two together:

gman1000 wrote:

I believe if a person dies before they get any chance to accept Christ they go to heaven. I think it says that somewhere in the Bible, but I don't know the exact verse

This raises the question of 'what is knowing'? I've been asking this in my previous questions and it still hasn't been answered.

But let's compare with this passage from eyetwitch:

because their are different types of revelations of god in our world. Being revelations of the existance of God through nature and the things around us

This intimates towards universalism, but one has to decide whether such beliefs as pantheism, where such a revelation may be held but a different belief may be articulated (pantheism is technically non-theist). What this leads me to believe is that the condition that one is 'sent to hell' rather than to heaven is that one knowingly rejects God or rather that with is associated with revelations of God, because of the free will argument which expresses that we are presented with the choice to reject God.

This isn't exactly what eyetwitch has said though, for this follows:

As for those that can't be saved because they don't hear of Jesus the saviour...i think i just answered it, they are sent to hell...sadly

The issue with this is that heaven and hell appear to have set connotations, as well as a kind of moral judgement associated with it. One might say you go to hell because you are 'wicked', others simply say it is because you've 'rejected Christ', whereas others still say that the latter means the former.

I have a political question: what right does anybody have to tell another that they are going to hell? Think carefully- it also depends on what is meant by 'going to hell'.
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