I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.
Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.
Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.
What is you thought on heaven and hell?
Do you beleive in heaven and hell?
Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?
Is God really real?
Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.
It is from learning about the Christain faith, going to church, and doing good to other people. Jesus came to Earth by God. Jesus showed how to live a life in God's name with honesty, love, compasion and being kind to everyone no matter what religion or skin colour they are.
yet only those of certain religion get rewarded by going to heaven. also, you want to say that before that everybody didnt know that love/compastion/those things were good? you dont need a reason to be good (at least some people dont).
and for both you and moe. they ARE the same god but christians added more things. its kind of like 2 different people who know person X but one of them knows him as being nice, kind, carefree and the other knows him as being serious, objective and other traits like that.
"hyiscially" they are the same god but who they are and what they do is different.
if god is so forgiving as the bible says then everyone who believes in him and follows the Ten Commandments will go to heaven. but if you are good and nice but dont believe in him you get sent to hell?
let us think about this^, if someone belives in god and follows the Ten Commandments but is pedophiliac, does he go to heaven or hell if he ***** kids?
Seems to me to point constantly back to the fact that religion is largely obstinately obsolete in a more dynamic and fast changing world where people start to think more for themselves with better education. If religion has to keep back tracking and weasel about to fit into the modern concept, it's sooner or later going to bring the ire and cynicism of people to the fore.
if god is so forgiving as the bible says then everyone who believes in him and follows the Ten Commandments will go to heaven. but if you are good and nice but dont believe in him you get sent to hell?
i dont think that any religion believes that if you follow the ten commandments you go to heaven. and not all religions believe that you have to believe in god to go to heaven either.
Don't take what I said literally. When I said ''don't think there are many'', I meant to dismiss the idea, since I have never heard of being able to go to heaven if you don't believe in God.
As for Hinduism, that differs, since there are different schools of thought. Generally, Hindus believe that once you accept moksha (the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation or rebirth.), you would asecnd to Heaven.
However the idea of moksha is different for different schools.
In the Dvaita and Vishistadvaita schools of Vaishnava traditions, moksha is defined as the loving, eternal union with God (Ishvara) and considered the highest perfection of existence.
Whereas in the Advaita school, moksha is seen as a final release from the illusion of the world when one's worldly conception of self is erased and there takes place a loosening of the shackle of experiential duality, accompanied by the realization of one's own fundamental nature.
hmmm ok. well the only things i know about hinduism are from these forums and im pretty lazy so instead of reading and checking out i just said think XP
judaism is like that though and im pretty sure that if one religion is like that there must be more religions. and actually i found a really interesting site that talks about christianity that way.
the word that is translated to "condemn" is actually more accurate if it trsnalsted to "judge". so that means that many things in the christian belief can actually be very different with those 2 words. for example how if someone believes in jesus he goes streight to heaven instead of being judged and someone who doesnt believe is being judged before it is decided where he is going. (still ufair but much better then the usual beliefs in my opinion). idk if there is any christian belief that takes it that way and believe in this possibility though.
I always looked at it in a "gray" form. As in Heaven and Hell aren't places, but ways of being or feeling. So you can't necessarily go to Heaven or Hell, but you can reach an inner thought that can make you feel like you are there. So what I'm saying is your life can be your Heaven and / or Hell. Heaven is brought through happiness and the extension of goodness, and Hell, the opposite. So instead of looking at Heaven as a goal... I try to stride towards it as a way of being so that one can find true happiness in life and not hope for it in the afterlife. Because you can believe in your hear 100% that Heaven and Hell exist but you won't know for sure until you die, and that's not worth the gamble to me. So I try to make the best of what I got, and try to make it my Heaven.
and for both you and moe. they ARE the same god but christians added more things. its kind of like 2 different people who know person X but one of them knows him as being nice, kind, carefree and the other knows him as being serious, objective and other traits like that.
I really don't think I can explain the argument any better. It's one thing to be irrational in accepting the existence of a god, but it's just ridiculous to then not follow the commitments of that god to their logical conclusion. The example you give makes me think that you either didn't read the argument or don't understand it. I'm not saying that Christians view their god differently, so it's a different god. If there's a pan of lasagna, you can hate it and I can love it - that does not entail that we're eating two different pans of lasagna. This isn't about the perception of god, but rather the intrinsic attributes of god. I think the problem in accepting the argument is a conflation between God the Father (an aspect of god) and God (the entity you actually pray to). This whole thing comes down to Jesus being God. If you accept that (this is part of the trinitarian doctrine) then you *have* to accept that the god Christians pray to is not identical to the god that Jews and Muslims pray to. I mean, unless you want to deny the laws of identity - but hell, if you're going to be irrational, why not go all the way?
"hyiscially" they are the same god but who they are and what they do is different.
What do you mean by 'hysically'? Are you claiming that god is a physical entity? If that's the case, then you believe in a different god than all major religions.
I don't. What's there to prove that there exists such places, other than the honey-sweet words of a religious authority, quoting from a book full of contradictions, which claims to present ''evidence'', yet contains none but a jumble of stories that no one has ever authenticated?
I find it surprising that you think of the bible like that. How I came to believe in the bible is because it was proven by countless people that it is an accurate history book. people have used the bible to find lost relics and other things. Many historian can acknowledge that this book is very accurate. Ifound it very surprising because I thought of them as just stories when I was little. I Didn't think anything in the bible was true.
I get it but we will never be able to prove if the magical aspects were real and true. Because that nobody else can do magic in the whole world. But that is the reason that Jesus is so special.
I get it but we will never be able to prove if the magical aspects were real and true. Because that nobody else can do magic in the whole world. But that is the reason that Jesus is so special.
Isn't that the whole point why belief is about, well, ya know... belief?
I get it but we will never be able to prove if the magical aspects were real and true. Because that nobody else can do magic in the whole world. But that is the reason that Jesus is so special.
This is exactly why we shouldn't accept the claims. It's not an ordinary thing so it requires extraordinary evidence to buy.