ForumsWEPRHeaven and Hell?

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585 posts

I am catholic so I believe that there is heaven and hell. I do beleive that you have to do good in this world to be able to go to heaven but if you do evil and bad more than good in this world I do believe that you will go to hell.

Heaven it is hard to concept the thought of living for eternity in heaven and that everything would be perfect and everyone would be nice and kind.

Hell it is also very hard to think that you will be punished for many years until getting the chance to go to heaven. Also you could be in hell for eternity suffering if you do very bad things in this world.

What is you thought on heaven and hell?

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

Is God really real?

Discuss, it can be short or long answers or views.

  • 811 Replies
585 posts

You make a good point but in heaven you don't really get bored. No way to explain how you can never get board because i've never been there. But the place is suppposed to give eternal happiness.

Yes that is correct but also you would have a sense of time so you would not know how long it has been. So you would never get bored.

This is just something that popped into my head but in Heaven could you find out the truth behind all of the myths and mysteries. That is what I think would be the best in Heaven if you could find that out.
9,462 posts

Yes that is correct but also you would have a sense of time so you would not know how long it has been. So you would never get bored.

How do you figure this to be so?
585 posts

It is just a thoery. Since we won't have a brain in heaven we won't be able to tell time, there is no sun or anything to tell the time. You are just a soul in heaven. You wouldn't have a sense of time.

585 posts

Before you try and through the Bible up as your source I must again remind you that this is a book of claims not evidence.

Again with the Bible not being a source of evidence. But I think the four Gospels in the Bible can count as evidence. It is basically a biography about the life of Jesus and the teachings of the Christain faith by Jesus. Jesus was a real man. This is so because:

Josephus- a jewish historian.
- mentioned Jesus in his writings toward the end of the first century.
-identifies Jesus as a "wise man" a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of men who received the truth with pleasure.
-noted Jesus was condemed by Pontius Pilate to crucifixtion

Tacitus -roman historian
-referred to Jesus in his account of a fire that burned Rome
-wasn't really a fire, just spreading the Christain faith that took over Rome

Pliny the Younger -roman governor
-mentioned Jesus in his letter to emperor Trajan for advice on what todo about the Christains

Suetonius -roman historian and lawyer
-says that Claudius expelled Jesus from Rome because of the riots they were constantly causing "on the instigation of Christ.

Those are historical sources which suggest that Jesus was a real living man.

Source: Religion textbook at my school
9,462 posts

Again with the Bible not being a source of evidence. But I think the four Gospels in the Bible can count as evidence. It is basically a biography about the life of Jesus and the teachings of the Christain faith by Jesus.

Sorry no, They are still simply claims being made of someone. The still need to be further supported.

Jesus was a real man. This is so because:

First off every one of them are third hand accounts at best. Many of them only refer to Jesus as being part of the Christian religion. It would be like a historian making mention of Zeus. Some of them like Josephus have likely be forged. If I'm not to mistaken some of them may have been referring to a Jesus that doesn't actually connect with the Christian beliefs, just some guy by that name and not the messiah.
585 posts

Okay but Zues did not come down to Earth and heal people and perorm miracles. Also right now I am not saying that Jesus is the Messiah just proving that he is a historical figure and a real person.

In the Old testament in Exodus you might have heard of this story but here it is. When Moses and the Jewish Isrealities got to the Red Sea Moses parted it and they walked across and they were free of the Egyptians. But then Moses crashed the Red Sea on to them and in the end killed them.

There is evidence that they found chariot wheels in the Red Sea it is sort of contraverseal though.

Go check this site to learn more

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Okay but Zues did not come down to Earth and heal people and perorm miracles.

So what? I don't see a point in bringing this up.

In the Old testament in Exodus you might have heard of this story but here it is. When Moses and the Jewish Isrealities got to the Red Sea Moses parted it and they walked across and they were free of the Egyptians. But then Moses crashed the Red Sea on to them and in the end killed them.

The funny thing is that the article stated that the ''evidence'' has mysteriously vanished. How very convenient! So we have skewed evidence, and even more grave; Bible experts are debating where in the first place the crossing took place. Which makes not a convincing argument if you can't even understand your texts well.

Also, Moe pointed out earlier that Hebrew term for the place of the crossing is ''Yam Suph''. Although this has traditionally been thought to refer to the salt water inlet located between Africa and the Arabian peninsula, known in English as the Red Sea, this is a mistranslation from the Greek Septuagint, and Hebrew suph never means ''red'' but rather ''reeds.''.

Which kind of deflates everything.
8,256 posts

To be honest I am not going to make up some crazy thing of where the people that don't beleive in the Christain religion go. I guess it is up to God to decide what happens to them.

So basically, you don't care, you don't think about it, and everythings alright. Cool...
9,462 posts

Okay but Zues did not come down to Earth and heal people and perorm miracles.

That really doesn't matter, but if that is going to be a hang p for you then we can switch out Zeus for Thor who did come to Earth and do all sorts of magical stuff according to the legends.

Also right now I am not saying that Jesus is the Messiah just proving that he is a historical figure and a real person.

Yes And I was pointing out just how sketchy that evidence is.

There is evidence that they found chariot wheels in the Red Sea it is sort of contraverseal though.

A chariot wheel in the water doesn't mean magic happened. There are a number of other explanations that could account for it such as a battle near the water or a boat sinking with the chariot on it. Further more the findings were made by a known fraud and conman, Ron Wyatt.
Here is the wiki on him.
534 posts

In the Old testament in Exodus you might have heard of this story but here it is. When Moses and the Jewish Isrealities got to the Red Sea Moses parted it and they walked across and they were free of the Egyptians. But then Moses crashed the Red Sea on to them and in the end killed them.

I thought egypt only mentioned the plagues that came upon them. Because that was the only supporting evidence of it happening. A person who studied about egypt said there was mention of a plague, but I have never heard any historian say there was mention of the parting of the red sea. Maybe their more interested in the plagues because to them, it makes more sense.
585 posts

In the Bible it says that the Red Sea was parted by Moses.

534 posts

In the Bible it says that the Red Sea was parted by Moses.

I already know that. I was just saying that people who study egypt would only mention the plague and not the parting of the red sea.
9,462 posts

In the Bible it says that the Red Sea was parted by Moses.

Which has already been explained as a mistranslation. Just stating this over does nothing to help your case.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

As you said yourself there are mentions of A plague. In over 3000 years of Egyptian history some sort of plague was bound to be referenced.
There is just no proof, no archeological fact, not a single historical writing that all 10 plagues happened like the Bible says.
Anyways, the fact that a plague happened does not conclusively prove the veracity of the Bible.

585 posts

Yes but it says that the Bible is accurate because plagues did happen in Egypt.

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