What makes a Christian? Is it just belief in God? A Higher power?
This is usually a pretty good basic definition from wiki.
"a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament."
Or is it something more, something deeper? What makes a man? What makes a good human being?
One can feel as if there is deeper meaning, but it's really rather basic when you get down to it.
Ok, now you are all probably thinking I am on shrooms, but what connects all these things?
I think you're using flowery language to try and make fallacious statements sound more accepting.
Is it not being the best you can be? Being a Christian is more than a belief, it is a way of life.
It can affect ones way of life but yes it's just a belief.
Can a man believe in a god, and still be evil? Can a man not believe in god and still be good?
Yes on both counts. Though I suspect this was intended to be more rhetorical.
Even if you do not believe in the bible, what does it propose, Besides a testament that God exists?
It's not a testament of God's existence in the least. Myths can be quite interesting as it can give us a view of psychological and sociological perspectives from the past. But again this question comes off as being more rhetorical.
How do we learn from history? Is it not through people who have lived longer than ourselves? Our parents, our Hero's......... Wise men?
Our learning from history is usually in a more reflective way. But I suspect your attempt here is to try and claim the Bible is a history book. Overall very little could be considered historical. How me make this determination of historicity is quite a different question them the one you posed here.
In the bible it talks about a way of life, a way that will give you the greatest chance of happiness.
Actually this is quite a subjective thing. So claiming one book has all the answers would be quite fallacious.
I know it may seem like a drag, but can't truth come from anywhere? there is no set place where truth comes from, it can come just as easily from our books, as from our computers, or maybe even the most unlikely of sources, Children for example.
Sure truth can come from many sources. But again I suspect that was a rhetorical question intended to imply that the Bible is true. How we gauge what is true or not is again quite different. In that many times the context of the Bible has utterly failed to reveal factual statements.
If I have offended anyone, I am sorry, that was not my intention. I hope those that read this are not pressured to believe in the bible, but do not judge something, unless you have experienced it yourself, I'm not saying that this applies to everything! I am pretty sure that my hand will hurt a lot if I stick it into a vat of boiling oil! and I really don't want first hand knowledge that electricity really can kill me.
An attempt to appeal to emotion. Just because the Bible elicits certain emotion responses from you and others holds no bearing to its factuality.
But what I am saying is that The bible really does have some of the best advise in the world!
Actually the good advise is pretty generic stuff. This also ignores that the Bible is also loaded with some incredibly horrific advise. Since it covers an entire spectrum of both good and bad it fails to be a guide.
Put aside what you might think is there, and read it with clearer vision.
From a Christian this is usually a request that we read it with a bias view, cherry picking the good parts and ignore or excusing away the bad.
I do Believe in the Bible to be true work of god.
I'm tempted to ask what the basis of this belief is, but given past experience I would wager that it's just faith based, or you're using some subjective experience that could very well be misleading.