ForumsThe TavernContacts or Glasses?

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896 posts

So I'm debating whether to stick with my glasses, or level-up to the contacts. Contacts are gross but glasses are annoying. And I don't know which to choose. But make sure that there's some actual discussion on this, so it won't be locked.

The kind of response I would like: "I have tried both, and would personally suggest (contacts/glasses) because *insert lengthy statement that makes me lean toward your suggestion here*.
The kind of response I would NOT like: "glasses." or "contacts." So don't be a spammer or you will unleash the thundering fury of the ever-so-watchful mods.

  • 55 Replies
572 posts

i never used any

896 posts

...So that is why I will always stick to glasses.

Yeah... I understand. Contacts do seem much less convenient than glasses.

...So, glasses for me, I guess

Yup. But of course, contacts have some advantages too. But I'm still leaning toward glasses.

i don't see how contacts are weird?

They're just inconvenient.

it's easy and it's not like you stab your eye with your finger to put them on. you just gently push it against your eye and they should suction cup on. and taking them out is a bit odd but i don't think you can hurt yourself unless you violently take them off or put them on

Most of my friends have also told me that putting on contacts is not as bad as it seems. So I think I want to try contacts to see if I like them, and if I don't, I'll probably stay with glasses.

I use glasses now, but I would like contacts better. I have worn both often, but I have trouble taking them out, while putting them in takes seconds./quote]

Yup, but with glasses, you have no trouble taking them in OR out.

[quote]i have really bad allergies and my contacts have never caused me problems... i've even done exactly what the eye doctor tells you NOT to do and left my contacts in for months at a time... no problems, though, i wouldnt recommend it.. its dangerous[

Hmmm. Interesting. But I'm not sure I want to risk my precious vision. If I were blind...I'd never be able to play video games ever again... and I'd never be able to look at girls ever again... that would be miserable...

i never used any

896 posts

omg. i apologize for the epic quote fail. and this double post :'(

626 posts

Contacts themselves arent dangerous.. its just dangerous if you dont take them out for months at a time like i did. Sorry for any misconceptions

896 posts

its just dangerous if you dont take them out for months at a time

Hmmm...Did you wear them while you slept?? Because I heard that that IS dangerous. And if I get contacts I definitely won't try that!

Sorry for any misconceptions

Hey it's no big deal. Everyone thinks a little different.
626 posts

Hmmm...Did you wear them while you slept??

yes :P thats why i said i wore them for months straight... i did not take them out at all from like june to september
5,340 posts

i need neither so i can only say depending on what i see. first of all if im not wrong contacts need more care (might be wrong) so if your lazy maybe you shouldnt have them.

some people look good with contacts but there are also people who look good with glasses. i think you should ask people who see you what suits you more

16,287 posts

i need neither so i can only say depending on what i see. first of all if im not wrong contacts need more care (might be wrong) so if your lazy maybe you shouldnt have them.

Well you're not caring for a baby, but yeah, washing your hand, emptying and refilling solution, no sleeping in them, etc.
13,657 posts

Discussion, discussion, well, later.
Let me just reply to these:

Since they have to be cleaned every 10 minutes. And since the nose clamps(?) always loosen which makes the glasses fall down my face, then I look like an old person and then I have to go all the way to the eye-doctor to get them readjusted. And since they make me look ugly. XD

Sounds like you need a new pair, to be honest, not like glasses in general is a bother to you. The cleaning every ten minutes seems a bit neurotic too, but nothing I can comment on.

So does that mean you have tried contacts?

I means I went from normal sight to farsighted to normal sighted to near sighted. No contacts in my life, just a bunch of different strengths of glasses or wearing no glasses at all.

I'm near-sighted. I think my exact number is somewhere around 20/80

That tells me nothing. I was more interested in the strength of your glasses.

Well things get blurry when they're about 2 feet away and blurrier the further away they are. It gets annoying when trying to talk to someone and they're face is a blurry...blur.

Two feet isn't half bad. I can understand that it might annoy you, but considering it only gets really bad further away, where you don't need to see them properly anyway, it is just a matter of getting used to it.

To be honest, from your reply (and just that one), I would probably recommend getting a new pair of glasses instead of starting on contacts. It might be expensive right here and now, but contacts seem to be one of those on-going expenses, especially if you end up with one-day contacts.

I knew someone that had contacts. It seemed like she enjoyed it, she looked good and all, but if those contacts moved on her eye... Yeah.
31 posts

Long usage of Contacts are bad for ur eyes.
Glasses are much better, love'em

896 posts

Sounds like you need a new pair, to be honest, not like glasses in general is a bother to you. The cleaning every ten minutes seems a bit neurotic too, but nothing I can comment on.

Yeah I might need new ones. The ones I have now are pretty old.

I means I went from normal sight to farsighted to normal sighted to near sighted.

Wow. That's crazy. My near-sightedness is getting slowly but progressively worse, but nothing crazy like that.

I was more interested in the strength of your glasses.

Okay... um... My glasses are erm.. kinda strong, but not as strong as some people's that I know.

Two feet isn't half bad. I can understand that it might annoy you, but considering it only...

...especially if you end up with one-day contacts.

Yup. So I think I'll just stick with glasses. They're easier to use, my eyes aren't quite bad enough for contacts, and contacts probably would be "one of those on-going expenses". And I have allergies, so I would only be able to use contacts for half a year at a time. So I've decided. The glasses stay.
2 posts

Ive never worn contacts and i never will. With contacts, you always gotta clean them and they can often cause infections in your eyes if your not caring for them. Glasses dont cause any infections and they only need to be cleaned every once in a while. Also with glasses, you only need new ones every few years. With contacts, you gotta go every year to get new contacts. I would have to clean contacts every time i put them on, but not with glasses. Glasses are much easier to take care of. I would prefer glasses, and not contacts.

1,531 posts

I wear glasses, and while I absolutely hate having to do so, I would recommend them over contacts for a few reasons:
1. With glasses, there's no poking yourself in the eye every day. >_o
2. Protection. Glasses add a layer of defense to your eyes if you work outside a lot. I wear a set of reinforced aviator-style glasses, and I've had dirt, rocks, pieces of wood, etc. bounce off them that otherwise would have gone straight into my eye at high speed (like from a chainsaw... ouch.)
3. Glasses, being much larger than contacts, are harder to lose.


poor peripheral vision

Actually, that's a function of what style of glasses you wear. If you have small frames, then it will be a problem. However, mine have a fairly wide lens, and as a result I have good peripheral vision.
25 posts

Both!! I love having a choice! contacts allows you to wear shades, goggles, 3D glasses, go swimming and so on with no hassle! On the other hand, the get dry and annoying so sometimes glasses are just more convenient and stylish! Get both and have a choice!

3,766 posts

Honestly I like glasses better. I am paranoid that if I had contacts I would poke my eye to many times. I can also see why people would want contacts but glasses is the way for me.

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