ForumsThe TavernContacts or Glasses?

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896 posts

So I'm debating whether to stick with my glasses, or level-up to the contacts. Contacts are gross but glasses are annoying. And I don't know which to choose. But make sure that there's some actual discussion on this, so it won't be locked.

The kind of response I would like: "I have tried both, and would personally suggest (contacts/glasses) because *insert lengthy statement that makes me lean toward your suggestion here*.
The kind of response I would NOT like: "glasses." or "contacts." So don't be a spammer or you will unleash the thundering fury of the ever-so-watchful mods.

  • 55 Replies
187 posts

Well i don't have either.But if u like sports go for contacts.But if u like studying or dont do much sports go for glasses.

2,226 posts

It really depends on what you prefer. Some people think that glasses make them look defined. Others prefer contacts. I don't wear either, but after people I know wear glasses and then switch to contacts (or the other way around) after a long time, they always look different.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

There are night contacts which you put on when you sleep, resulting in near perfect eyesight the whole of the next day. Quite nifty, and not as annoying as having contacts in your eyes the whole day.

As for personal preferences.....well, girls sometimes look delightful, what with their innocent, naive looks wearing those bookish glasses....

Oh hang on. I'm going into forbidden waters. Baw. Kids.

1,075 posts

Why even need contacts or glasses? Just keep your eyes in good shape. XD
I don't have either but if i had to choose probably contacts... they are small and aren't as annoying as glasses, not to mention they fall out though...
But overall i go with:

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Why even need contacts or glasses? Just keep your eyes in good shape. XD

Easier said then done. Either way, most of us will end up with bad eyesight when we get old. Inevitable for many.
1,416 posts

Both!! I love having a choice! contacts allows you to wear shades, goggles, 3D glasses, go swimming and so on with no hassle! On the other hand, the get dry and annoying so sometimes glasses are just more convenient and stylish! Get both and have a choice!

I agree completely- both have a relative advantage over the other in certain circumstances. On a day to day basis, I love my contacts. Perfectly clear vision, no readjusting everything, you don't even notice them. You spend 15 seconds in the morning putting them on, then you're good for the rest of the day.


Sometimes, they can get a little annoying. Sometimes, they can get a lot annoying. For this reason, whenever I am somewhere where I might not be able to change my contacts, I wear glasses (for example, when on an airplane). Also, napping in contacts can kind of be a pain. I also typically (like right now) wear glasses in the morning, before I psyche myself up enough to get dressed/brush teeth/etc and be a real person.

My contacts have a power of -3.25, by the way. I have no idea how that transfers to glasses. I guess that's not too great.
1,826 posts

I never wore contact lenses they are head ache to take care of.
I wear glasses so, I can put them on side if I get into a fight.

5,823 posts

i got glasses but want contacts and will get them as soon as my parents think i can take care of them and stuff

13,657 posts

Why even need contacts or glasses? Just keep your eyes in good shape. XD

You make it sound like everyone with glasses or bad eyesight went and stabbed themselves in the eyes on purpose.

I never wore contact lenses they are head ache to take care of.

Funnily, I got glasses due to headaches.
Either way, glasses can be a lot of trouble too, especially if you are still growing. Having to get new glasses every half year or so is both expensive and bothersome, where having contacts would change nothing besides having to order or get another strength. But considering you would already be getting new contacts every month, it would just be it. Something else to ask for.

As I mentioned earlier, my eyesight has been a roller-coaster of change since I started squinting at the TV (being unable to properly read the subtitles does however mean your English is practiced a lot). If I had had to get new glasses at an optician every time, I would probably have gone without glasses a lot more than I am doing now, because it is expensive as heck. Thankfully, discount glasses are still around.
Sadly, discount shades with strength is no longer around...

On a day to day basis, I love my contacts. Perfectly clear vision, no readjusting everything, you don't even notice them. You spend 15 seconds in the morning putting them on, then you're good for the rest of the day.

I would say the same about my glasses, except when they glide down my nose, and it takes two seconds to put them on in the morning, six if I manage to stab myself in the eye first.

My contacts have a power of -3.25, by the way. I have no idea how that transfers to glasses. I guess that's not too great.

Isn't it the same? We use the +/- here for glasses here, at least. I don't know if there is any change to it when it comes to contacts.
2,779 posts

I don't exactly find contacts gross. But if you prefer both i'd recomend glasses for everyday uses like reading,writing etc and contacts for sports and maybe music depending on the instrument. I would wear neither when swimming if your vission is still ok and you can still see people. And if you hate both then get lazer eye sugery though it's not 100% acurate and it costs a lot of money. Not to mention it hurts.
But if you're really not that responsible with lens I would stick with glasses and avoid sports such as badminton or football and stick with relay, track or low cardio etc.

3,386 posts

Well. I use both. Right now, I'm wearing glasses. But I usually wear contacts. I only wear my glasses if I'm too lazy to put in my contacts, or if my contacts are bothering me.

Sports, let's face it. It's a pain in the rear to wear glasses and play. Contacts are better suited for sporty people.
Peripheral Vision. You don't get that with glasses, and sometimes it drives me crazy. I rely on my peripheral vision often, and it also gets really annoying when I can't see clearly when looking above my glasses,
Clothes! This may sounds girly at first, but try wearing glasses and putting on a hoodie. Mine are mostly wire-type and they bend easily. I thought about getting some thicker frames, but then they became popular and suddenly BCD's are EXPENSIVE. Also, contacts don't bend and break like glasses, obviously.
WAKING UP. I use contacts that I sleep in for a month, it's sooooooooooo great to wake up in the morning and be able to see. But then you have to take them out and it's like "WTF" for a while.

Easier to deal with. Glasses are wonderful for people that are less than the +/- 1 range who are very lazy. Anyone who is seriously blind (like meeee) and uses glasses, I give you kudos.
Not painful. I'm not going to lie and say contacts don't hurt. When you first start putting them in, it can hurt. But most people adjust within the first week. Also, when you first clean them, or you change the contact cleaner, it might burn. But you do get used to it, and it doesn't hurt for more than a minute.
Cheaper. Over time, contacts cost a lot more than just glasses. Although they can break and cost a lot to replace, over many years glasses normally cost less.

Well. Yeah. I use both.
I used to wear my glasses a lot when I used the two-week type, but then I got the overnight ones I could use for a month, and it's been awesome. I recommend contacts, because of the contact reasons above.

I totally screwed up the placement of this, lol. Whatevs.

896 posts

Sports, let's face it. It's a pain in the rear to wear glasses and play. Contacts are better suited for sporty people.

I'm not a sporty person (anymore). Soooo yeah. +1 point for glasses.

Peripheral Vision....

Yup. That's a down-side to glasses. +1 point for contacts.


Well yeah it is hard to put on a hoodie with glasses on. But it's not very hard to take off the glasses for 10 seconds then put them back on after you have the hoodie on. I don't mind the extra 10 seconds so +1 point for glasses. But one could argue that 10 seconds is still 10 seconds. So I guess I'll just award +1 point for contacts too.


I'm not sure how contacts have the advantage when it comes to waking up in the morning. Even though you can wake up with contacts in, it still only takes less than 5 seconds to grab your glasses and put them on. Besides, while I'm asleep, I'm paranoid that the contacts may fall to the back of my eye and into my brain and then I'll go blind. So... +1 point for glasses.
Easier to deal with. Glasses are wonderful for people that are less than the +/- 1 range who are very lazy.

They are easier to deal with. But I'm not sure I understand your point in the second sentence... So +1 point for glasses.

Anyone who is seriously blind (like meeee) and uses glasses, I give you kudos.

I'm not extremely blind. Things just start to get blurry when they're farther away than 2 feet. So I'm not seriously blind... so I'm not sure which to award points to here...

Not painful....

Yup. That's a plus-side to glasses. +1 point for glasses.


Hahaha. My parents would pay for all that sorta stuff.
But a plus for contacts would be that they look better on me. So +1 point for contacts. But I do have seasonal allergies which normally make my eyes red, swollen, itchy and watery, so contacts would just make it worse. +1 point for glasses. And so if you add up all the points, we get... 5 points for glasses and 3 points for contacts. So I'm sticking with glasses... But like Cenere said, everyone's situation is different. So sure, contacts may be better for you, but I believe that I am a glasses person.
1,416 posts

I would say the same about my glasses, except when they glide down my nose, and it takes two seconds to put them on in the morning, six if I manage to stab myself in the eye first.

I'd say there are many situations when you are aware of the fact you are wearing glasses. Everytime you need to put on sunglasses/3d glasses, for example. Or when you come in from the cold and your glasses fog up. Or, you're running on a bumping trail and they keep moving around (which happens to me even if I wear that dorky strap thingy). Or, its snowing/raining and they get all wet.

With contacts, most of the time, its like you don't even have bad vision. I remember the first time I wore contacts. It was a sunny day, and I went for a run. I had been wearing glasses for the past few years by then, and I have pretty bad eyesight so I wore them all day everyday.

As I ran along the road, and I could feel the wind on my eyes, and see everything clearly all around my periphery, it was just so wonderful. It was like the first time I put on glasses, and could see the world again.
187 posts

I have glasses..well I don't wear them but I have them and I've never worn contacts.. I think glasses are better though cause I hate the idea of having to put my fingers so close to my eyes just to take out contacts and put them in xD I think glasses are better :P

35 posts

I Have glasses because for me contacts seem like they would be hard to keep track of and I cannot just stick something in my eye

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