I hope you haven't fallen for this age-old trick and actually clicked on the link. However, if you have, welcome. This is where ideas, plans, and dreams are built. (More to come)
Nichodemus, I like your idea. And jkl3848, bring on the ideas!! Thank you for your ideas, Masterforger!
Well, Ernie, since you asked, I'll tell you. If the world were to end right now, I have all confidence that it would begin again, even better than before.
New idea: I have on for a story. How about a man who can hear other people's thoughts and feel their emotions if he is near them? What would that be like?
If the world were to end right now, I have all confidence that it would begin again, even better than before.
That is one way of looking at it. Although none of us would be around to determine whether or not it was actually "better" or "worse" than the old world; the only thing that could really be said was that it would be different.
How about a man who can hear other people's thoughts and feel their emotions if he is near them? What would that be like?
That sounds like it would make a great Jim Carrey movie. I don't know of any other actors who could pull it off, but the idea of involuntarily reading people's thoughts combined with constant changes of emotion has Jim Carrey written all over it. I know for a fact that if he had made a movie like that (if he has already, I'd like to know about it), it would be downright hilarious.
I don't know how well your concept would do as a serious story. I think it would be harder to absorb.
I don't see any downsides to having a car like that. I'm sure if we had the technology to build it as well as abundant materials, these cars would be all over the world.
What if there was a car that had air intakes, and it ran off of Carbon Dioxide, and put out Oxygen. It could slowly clean up the environment.
Like car-plant? lol. That would be awesome. And then they could do the same to machines and such.
How about an insta-build? It is just a little box with a string attached to it, and when you pull the string a giant house or something pops out of it. There would be like, a timer though, so that the person who pulled the string could get away before it crushed them.
That is one way of looking at it. Although none of us would be around to determine whether or not it was actually "better" or "worse" than the old world; the only thing that could really be said was that it would be different.
It would be nice to think that one could be there when the world is remade. Eh?
I like the idea of living underwater. On another planet of course. In some other time, of course. Maybe not even us humans, probably it'd be a good idea if aliens tried such a thing.
Imagine if you meet the person of your dreams, and then... You find out that they're a demon. They kidnap you and try to cook you in a pot. But you escape, and they hunt you down. Right when they're about to kill you it turn out that you have this antique jewlery (ring, necklace, amulet, orb, whatever) that weakens them. You discover that it makes them weak, and then you try to use it against them, only to have the jewlwery (charm?), suck the demon into your body. And you must go through your daily life with this demon, and also go through the demon's world, in an attempt to reverse what has happened to you along the way. Eventually, forming an unbreakable bond, of companionship. Ironic huh?
It would be nice to think that one could be there when the world is remade. Eh?
At least two. One person would get pretty lonely watching the world get remade.
I was just wondering what is the probability that bad things will happen to you on a first date as opposed to good things happening to you?
Depends on who you are. If you're me, then the probability of something good happening is fairly high. No, I don't speak from personal experience or ego. My logic is that if I'm even to get as far as a first date with someone, she must like me a hell of a lot already, and she'd probably laugh it off and forgive me if I do something stupid.
What is the magnitude when you refer to "bad things"?
I read a book that was sort of like that, but it wasn't songs, it was TV. But the guy that had the TV in his mind couldn't turn it off, so it played forever. And it also played all of the channels at once, and so he went crazy.
Problem is, people will always shoot themselves mentally in the foot. It's going to be incredibly hard not even thinking of songs, and if thinking about songs already plays the song...poor sod....
What if we could make more electronics like, say, the IPhone, solar powered. Then we would use less electricity. The E-Readers are good because you can fit tons of books on them, thus, saving trees.
i had this crazy idea its more posible than my first
soo here it is
u have an ipad table its a table thats an ipad and the ipad has a screen on it that if u spill on it its fine and u have 2 turn it on 2 a special mode 2 use it like there would be a button on the side and the ipad would be like 500 feet long for some people
A world, an entire world, made of glass. It has electronics integrated with it. Think about it. Just going up to the side-walk, and seeing how many calories you've burnt, how long you've walked, how much distance you've covered, et cetera. Then smart houses, opens instantly to friends and family. Air-ships that take you close to space, and the whole world turns into a giant movie screen. Jetpacks that run on gaseous nitrogen, which will take forever to run out of. Cars that can not only go through land, but the sea, air, and space for a limited time. Holographic movie theaters, that use lasers to give you a true 3-D experience.