I hope you haven't fallen for this age-old trick and actually clicked on the link. However, if you have, welcome. This is where ideas, plans, and dreams are built. (More to come)
I am so with you, Emperor. Yes, Kevin8ye. A futuristic world where I can do anything. Well, just about. Fly, walk through walls, stay underwater forever... Where I can do whatever I can't do on Earth. Everyone else too. See? I work for the common good.
Nightmare: You fall through the ground, forever. You just keep falling. You can't die, but you feel the pain of the heat surrounding you. You swim through the magma. Once you reach the other side of the Earth, you immediately start falling again. It goes on forever.
Dream: With the snap of your fingers you can do anything. If you are hungry, you snap your fingers and whatever you want to eat appears. If you are bored, you can snap your fingers and a TV appears, or a computer appears, or whatever you want.
[quote]hmmmmmmmm.... a futuristic world where you can do anything?[i]that would get boring after awhile like when I am home from school,I get bored from doing fun stuff. work makes you bored so that you can wind down after words.
Yeah. That's why I don't usually like lucid dreaming. It's quite neat at first, but God-mode becomes far too easy. I prefer some type of challenge; some goal to achieve, like actually fighting a bad guy directly and winning or losing fairly. By not realizing it's a dream, it seems real, which makes it fair because I'm limited. Simply going 'oof: I win' is bland. Even fighting whilst knowing you are virtually immortal and impossibly strong gets boring, no matter how awesome it is, kind of like this.
Dream: You can fly up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear!
Nightmare: The oxygen content in the air becomes realistically low. You get dizzy and fall to your doom.
I had a dream years ago that I was growing, getting larger. It was scary. The idea. I kept growing and it didn't stop. I panicked... Then... the rest is history.
Imagine getting abducted by aliens. They experiment on you and they make you into a superhuman. Like, your veins all pop out and they're white. You become extremely strong, fast, you can see really far, and take an unbelievable amount of damage. Like being the hulk, except your body stays about the same or gets a little bigger. Then they release you to wreak havoc onto your own people. If you don't then you are shocked and it sends you into a rage. ... Or...
All murders are really shinigami, and it is impossible for a human to kill another human, if it is attempted, then fate will stop it. One human tries to kill another human and in the process of fate stopping this the killer dies. Because of this accident this person can't move on. They are now stuck because it wasn't their time to die but they died anyway and fate hasn't counted for them yet. His soul is impure though, since he tried to kill someone else and now he's being hunted by shinigami so they can eat his soul. (He's a good person though, the person he tried to kill tortured people and all that.) So he goes around killing or running from shinigami, obtaining their power and meeting new friends along the way. He later discover that they man he wanted to kill was a very powerful rouge shinigami and they fight. In the end though he meets fate. And eventually when given the chance to be fate, he declines and chooses to live his life as a mortal.
Thank you, Dair5. Wow, almost a 1,000 views. I hope we can make a hang out of this thread. My idea is to have a million views by next year on my Haiku Land thread.
We should have machines that when we walk into them and think of something it appears wherever u wanted it 2 be but u couldn't do badn things with it like imagine an empire state building appearing over an armor games user house because they didn't play well or etc cya