ForumsThe TavernWhat global warming has taken away from you

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2,779 posts

A lot of people hate global warming(it's true) and some people are like, no big deal, it's not like we're gonna die. WELL IT'S A BIG DEAL!! Once all the ice melts, we sink and die! But enough about that and lets talk about what global warming took away from us that's really sad.

Global warming took away nature's ice caps. Poor polar bears

  • 40 Replies
9,504 posts

Global Warming took away good gas (well we would have gotten rid of this fuel use anyway, but it was a good catalyst). Gasoline that has been diluted with another chemical, say ethanol, will reduce the mileage, by having less gas in solution. This is pretty much just the world putting a bucket over their head and hoping Climate Change and the worry of fossil fuels will go away.

347 posts


Well, it kind of is, but not so much for us. Global warning won't affect our generation, or the next. Global warning will probably start to affect us in 2070-2100, so our grandchildren. I think now's the time to act and make a difference, or else people in the future are screwed.
2,779 posts

oh and global warming also took away all the bautiful snow which is why it hasn't snowed for more than 60cm high like it used to.

And yes it's a big deal. Look at Greenland! Their country is sinking slowly due to global warming! Why not google it?

1,416 posts

Well, it kind of is, but not so much for us. Global warning won't affect our generation, or the next. Global warning will probably start to affect us in 2070-2100, so our grandchildren. I think now's the time to act and make a difference, or else people in the future are screwed.

Even small temperature changes can make a big difference. Forest fires where I live have been on the rise, due to the fact that spruce bark beetles are able to remain active longer due to slightly higher temperatures. This creates more dead spruce trees, and more forest fires.

A similar thing happens in Yellowstone, where beetles are able to infect trees at higher latitudes. This has resulted in there being fewer pinenuts, an important pre-hibernation food source for brown bears. So, less brown bears.
8,051 posts

Sea levels outrageous soon.
Al gore flies his private jet to his newly bought ocean-front million dollar condo.
Global warming.

12,319 posts

Quote and Response Time:

WELL IT'S A BIG DEAL!! Once all the ice melts, we sink and die!

That makes you an environmentalist.

This is pretty much just the world putting a bucket over their head and hoping Climate Change and the worry of fossil fuels will go away.

There is no single solution to global warming because there are many factors to consider. Therefore, I agree that adding ethanol to gas won't solve the problem by itself. However, it may be needed as part of a larger solution.

I think now's the time to act and make a difference, or else people in the future are screwed.

Yes, it is. However, I think we would also be screwed if there was inaction.

oh and global warming also took away all the bautiful snow which is why it hasn't snowed for more than 60cm high like it used to.

I also didn't get much snow this winter. In fact, I did not get any snow days this year.

And yes it's a big deal. Look at Greenland! Their country is sinking slowly due to global warming! Why not google it?

A single sinking country is bad, but I don't think that alone will screw the world. However, we cannot ignore the global warming situation since the water level could rise by several feet or more.

Even small temperature changes can make a big difference. Forest fires where I live have been on the rise, due to the fact that spruce bark beetles are able to remain active longer due to slightly higher temperatures. This creates more dead spruce trees, and more forest fires.

Yes, they can. In fact, the combined cost of all bad weather events in the US was about $45 billion.

Sea levels outrageous soon.
Al gore flies his private jet to his newly bought ocean-front million dollar condo.
Global warming.

I once heard that Al Gore estimated about a 20 foot rise in sea level. I also heard that non-environmentalists estimate only 1-2 feet in sea level rise. My estimate is about 6-8 feet if we don't act.

New Stuff:

I think global warming has taken away good weather, especially since the weather was so bad last year.

As a side note, it seems that Coke is aware of global warming. This is because Coke's super bowl commercial had polar bears on thin ice.
6,800 posts

I think now's the time to act and make a difference, or else people in the future are screwed.

Given the state of the world econonmy, and the whole 'borrow from the future to fund today', its irrellevant whether we solve it or not. It's only the difference between being locked in a room with rabid wolverines screwed, and dipping yourself in BBQ sauce and jumping into a shark tank screwed.

The earth goes through natural warming and cooling cycles, so its nothing to worry about. In fact, in the '80s people thought the earth was gonna be cooling and everything would turn to ice and stuff. Wish they would just make up their minds...
1,900 posts

It has taken away decent news from me.

I know it's an issue, but sometimes I just want to see the weather.

534 posts

Okay,I'm looking at this and I say, "Why is this on the tavern? I don't want this place to be turned into a debate forum."

13,657 posts

Okay,I'm looking at this and I say, "Why is this on the tavern? I don't want this place to be turned into a debate forum."

You are aware that any thread is there for discussion, right? It's not just an AP wheel.
Rather, it is here because the OP might not want this to be as serious a discussion as it would be in the WEPR.

Anyway, as for the OP:
Nothing. We have gotten hotter summers and whiter winters. I see nothing bad about that.

Look at Greenland! Their country is sinking slowly due to global warming!

Greenland is hollowed out on the middle due to the weight of the inland ice. It would probably stop sinking when all the weight gets off.
Not to mention we most likely are going to encounter an ice age before all the ice melts.

As for the things about global warming changing the environment for animals, well, yes, it does. But what else were we expecting? It's a change. Animals that react positively to change will make it through, animals that doesn't, won't. As far as I am aware, that is the circle of life. The real issue seems to be that it is happening as fast as it might be, and "more importantly": "OH NO ALL THE PEOPLE!!"...
4,104 posts

Global warning won't affect our generation, or the next. Global warning will probably start to affect us in 2070-2100

It's global warming, and it's already affecting us with screwed up climates, weather patterns, and whatnot.
4,710 posts

Once all the ice melts, we sink and die!

reminds me of water world. it could happen someday...
3,139 posts

The problem is, although effects from global warming are occurring - they're not dramatically changing or lives personally yet.

I mean, i think for the majority of people in a city or country, whichever to get involved and actively fight against global warming, it would take something disastrous as a direct result to get them moving. With only a minority actively fighting it, it'll be here sooner than we hope.

As for the it won't affect us, it'll be our grandkids. I know that i'd want to protect them, as unborn as they are.

5,823 posts

absolutely nothing because it's not real in any major way

4,104 posts

What has global warming taken from me? Nothing, because global warming doesn't exist.

It's existence is not really debatable at this point.
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