ForumsWEPRKONY 2012

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I was dissapointed when I saw that no one posted this before me.

KONY 2012

As said in Description:

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

Joseph Kony have done bad things for over 20 years, but I think you didn't know about him.
Whatch the movie for more information.

This is probably the most important thing I've ever heard of.

  • 86 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Seems as if America doesn't need to feel obliged to send troops or whateva, since the African Union now mobilizes a 5,000-strong brigade to hunt down Joseph Kony. Good news?

The American African Command has since last year, already deployed 100 military ''advisors'' to Uganda, as mentioned in the article earlier. I'll bet that most Americans don't even know that.

What do ya think of that?

Another good step for the AU, although it might pose a problem for it, since they're already stretched with troop deployment elsewhere, in Somalia for instance.
2,413 posts

Oh, look, IC has disabled comments on everything of theirs. They've also disabled ratings on everything they upload now. Only one video has comments enabled, and that's with uploader's approval. I'm not suprised.

1,609 posts

There is some bad news about KONY 2012 though. Only 32% of the money raised is sent to help Africa. The rest is spent on staff payment, movies, advertisements, and a bunch of crap like that.

5,860 posts

There is some bad news about KONY 2012 though. Only 32% of the money raised is sent to help Africa. The rest is spent on staff payment, movies, advertisements, and a bunch of crap like that.

Kony 2012 doesn't want money, and isn't asking for any. They have said that they have enough, and all they want is for people to spread the word. You do realize that the video they made must have cost thousands of dollars, and they need to get money from somewhere to pay for that. The other 68% you are talking about is mostly investments that will help the charity even more. If they hadn't spent so much money on the video, it would not have had nearly as much of an effect.
61 posts

Kony 2012 doesn't want money, and isn't asking for any. They have said that they have enough, and all they want is for people to spread the word. You do realize that the video they made must have cost thousands of dollars, and they need to get money from somewhere to pay for that. The other 68% you are talking about is mostly investments that will help the charity even more. If they hadn't spent so much money on the video, it would not have had nearly as much of an effect.

True, but because of this "fact," people are all like "Kony 2012 is a scam" or something. It's true that the people are just asking their viewers to "spread the word."
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

True, but because of this "fact," people are all like "Kony 2012 is a scam" or something. It's true that the people are just asking their viewers to "spread the word."

Kony 2012 doesn't want money, and isn't asking for any. They have said that they have enough, and all they want is for people to spread the word. You do realize that the video they made must have cost thousands of dollars, and they need to get money from somewhere to pay for that. The other 68% you are talking about is mostly investments that will help the charity even more. If they hadn't spent so much money on the video, it would not have had nearly as much of an effect.

This came from their website, specifically the page for the kits to raise money.

Unfortunately, we can no longer accept orders for KONY 2012 products at this time. If you would like to donate please click here.

So, asking for money or not? You decide yourself.

it would not have had nearly as much of an effect.

Not like a million other teenagers knowing about it helps.
8,256 posts

IC is, officially at least, a non-profit organization which basically means they cannot do anything without donations. It is utopic to think they only want people to spread the word, even if they don't mention donating (which they now did as Nichodemus showed).

The problem is, people expect their money to be spent on what they have donated it for, not to spend thousands of dollars to make a crappy video. Which, again as nicho said, doesn't really help a lot in the end.

1,101 posts

Its the fact that Kony 2012 is a group designated to find Kony through military action. They pay 31% of what they are donated to funding the american government to go and invade another country to find him... I'm not sure if they realize this yet but Kony isn't even in Uganda, so they'd be sending troops into a country trying to find a guy thats not even there. Dont get me wrong i want Kony caught, but these methods aren't even acceptable. Teenagers hear one thing, and then see a bunch of people tagging streets and putting up posters in the middle of the night and they'll become involved... I know this because its already happened with this dumb Kony 2012 problem. Haha anyways all those supporters who sent in donations, donated to his release from jail on public masturbation charges.. So yeah not an organization that's even remotely helpful. GL tho

10 posts

I laugh now at the pretentious deviants who blindly followed into another man's beliefs. Should anyone actually study Joseph Kony, the LRA, and Uganda, they would have quickly realized that Uganda hasn't actually been threatened for many years by Kony, nor the LRA. Also, the Kony 2012 video claims that Joseph Kony has no reason for his murdering, raping, and plundering; all the while, in an interview with Joseph Kony, Kony stated that he is fighting the Ugandan government to bring freedom to the people of Uganda.

Out of the millions of dollars the Invisible Children has thus collected, only 32% actually provides aid to the cause, and before that money really goes to the children of Uganda, it first is transported through the Ugandan military and PLA. In the end, it could be 10% or less that actually helps Uganda directly.

Ironically enough, the Ugandan military has had claims of raping and looting by NGOs (non-governmental organizations). In addition, Invisible Children are allied with the SPLA; the SPLA were active in a large civil war in Sudan whom had several million casualties as a result. When they demobilized during 2005, the UN Children's Agency estimated that the SPLA had discharged 20,000 child soldiers, and had 900 left in 2005.... Yet, this is the very core reason why Invisible Children is fighting against Joseph Kony.
And on top of that, the United Nations still cannot confirm that the SPLA is free of child soldiers.

Joseph Kony has been around for many years; AFRICOM (the United States Africa Command) has tried to stop Kony countless times and failed each time, provoking a ferocious response and increased slaughter. The issue with fighting a man with a child army is that his bodyguards are children, plain and simple. Any efforts to capture or kill him will almost certainly result in many children's deaths. This contradicts Invisible Children's attempts at ceasing the killing of innocent children.

People that support Kony 2012 simply also support what they fight against: looting, ****, child soldiers, and the killing of children through military intervention. Awareness is great when you're calling people to action, but manipulating of facts isn't.

The Council on Foreign Relations published an article on their website about the Kony 2012 campaign. Here is a quote directly from the article: "During the past decade, U.S.-based activists concerned about the LRA have successfully, if quietly, pressured the George W. Bush and Obama administrations to take a side in the fight between the LRA and the Ugandan government. Among the most influential of advocacy groups focusing specifically on the LRA are the Enough Project, the Resolve campaign, the Canadian-based group GuluWalk, and the media-oriented group Invisible Children. Older agencies, from Human Rights Watch to World Vision, have also been involved. In their campaigns, such organizations have manipulated facts for strategic purposes, exaggerating the scale of LRA abductions and murders and emphasizing the LRA's use of innocent children as soldiers, and portraying Kony -- a brutal man, to be sure -- as uniquely awful, a Kurtz-like embodiment of evil. They rarely refer to the Ugandan atrocities or those of Sudan's People's Liberation Army, such as attacks against civilians or looting of civilian homes and businesses, or the complicated regional politics fueling the conflict."

...I think the problems in Syria are much more important right now.

10 posts

Kony 2012 doesn't want money, and isn't asking for any. They have said that they have enough, and all they want is for people to spread the word. You do realize that the video they made must have cost thousands of dollars, and they need to get money from somewhere to pay for that. The other 68% you are talking about is mostly investments that will help the charity even more. If they hadn't spent so much money on the video, it would not have had nearly as much of an effect.

I agree, but to a short extent. Why bother telling average U.S. citizens about the problems in Uganda? We aren't directly affected by it, morally, physically, or financially. The average viewer is probably younger than 20 years old; what do you expect that person to do? Anything short of killing Joseph Kony himself is only a futile attempt at something we have no place in. This is just another problem the U.S. is involving themselves in.

Also, out of Invisible Children's seven million total expenses, an entire $357,610 was spent on film costs, and $851,552 spent on production costs. Travel and transportation even surpasses the latter.
67 posts

Okay people need to do research before posting crap like this joseph kony did all those horible thngs for 20 years yes but the last time anyone has ever seen him was 2003. also the man who people sent money to "save" the africans he did this to was inprisoned for marstubating and vandalizing other peoples property witch isnt that bad but he used the money that people sent him to help with the whole blown out of proportion kony deal to get bailed out. So theirfore i proudly say good job america you have been scamed and before anyone argues with me please do some research beforehand to save yourself from looking like an idiot.

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