KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.
Joseph Kony have done bad things for over 20 years, but I think you didn't know about him. Whatch the movie for more information.
This is probably the most important thing I've ever heard of.
I think it was 70% of the money goes to the man that made the video.
i think the man that made the video. went crazy. haha xD i mean realy? to much media make you run naked and shouting around town? (1 more guy for the crazy house)
i think the man that made the video. went crazy. haha xD i mean realy? to much media make you run naked and shouting around town? (1 more guy for the crazy house)
i think the man that made the video. went crazy. haha xD i mean realy? to much media make you run naked and shouting around town? (1 more guy for the crazy house)
Apparently, the fact that the video drew up so much publicity shocked him to the point of making him lose his mind. It's sad that he has lost his credibility, but this is what happens when you try to change the world, when you have no idea what you are doing.
Apparently, the fact that the video drew up so much publicity shocked him to the point of making him lose his mind. It's sad that he has lost his credibility, but this is what happens when you try to change the world, when you have no idea what you are doing.
Although it's not an expert's opinion, one person on YouTube suggested that Jason was probably high on PCP. Let's face it, most people don't strip naked and jack off when they get stressed out. I highly doubt Jason did what he did out of stress. PCP, a drug that sometimes makes people strip naked in public, sounds much more likely.
There are far more sources out there that detail about the LRA and Kony. You just have to look, he isn't a made up bogeyman.
I know he exists, but what I was trying to get at (before I learned more about him) is that this video seemed a little off. Of course, many people still scrutinize the true motive of this video as well. I have heard (I don't feel like sourcing this, but I'm sure you can google it) that only 33% of the money goes to Ugandan relief efforts... that raises the question of where the other 67% of the "donated" money goes.
My question is, why do people care so much about this guy? He's just a dictator in Uganda. I don't know about you, but that has no effect on my life. Sure, people want him brought to justice but... they've been trying to do that for several years and they've failed.
My question is, why do people care so much about this guy? He's just a dictator in Uganda. I don't know about you, but that has no effect on my life. Sure, people want him brought to justice but... they've been trying to do that for several years and they've failed.
Gives the guilt tripped average person on the street something to sooth his conscience I suppose. Moral cuddling.
I haven't heard of the African Union before, but I found their site and quickly browsed through the section African Union in a nutshell, and it seems ok to my rather uninformed opinion.
I haven't checked into the KONY 2012 thing and I won't in the future. In about a month or two no one will post or care about KONY anymore. It's just fadtivism.