ForumsThe TavernStereotypes

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1,094 posts

So, share the stereotypes for your nation/country/people and, is it true? And also, what does everyone think of stereotypes? Is it acceptable and why?

For Serbians, there's the stereotype that we eat nothing but pork and beef, we drink more alcohol than the rest of the world, we're all tall and masculine/skinny, usually pale, that every single one of us despises homosexuals and will beat up any homosexual we see and that Serbia's "infected" with gypsies.

The Drinking part is maybe true. We tend to drink a LOT of alcohol, starting from our 15's.
We eat a LARGE variety of food, not only meats. And no, not everyone in Serbia is a carnivore, we have a large number of vegetarians as well, though even they eat a lot of meat.
We're not all tall, just a majority. And most of us aren't even that skinny when we reach our thirties, but I have yet to see a 20+ year old that's not masculine.
We're pale only during the winter, during the summer it's scorching hot, and the sun burns eggs on rocks.
The ones that despise homosexuals are... Extremists, so to say. Most people back home are actually quite peaceful towards them and accept them with a wide hug and smile.
The gypsy thing is true, there's a lot of 'em all around the place.

Now, I don't really think stereotypes should be trusted, unless it comes from the person that's being stereotyped. Or if it's used as a joke. I find it hilarious, but sad, when some people tell me they were surprised when they went to some parts of Asia and didn't see people with "no eyes". It just shows how ignorant and stupid a person can be.

  • 37 Replies
2,027 posts

we drink more alcohol than the rest of the world

You share that with Irishmen, Scotsmen and Russians. Here in Sweden we sort of think the same about Finns, but I'm not sure if other parts of the world shares that stereotype.

Anyways, I'm Swedish, and I guess the stereotype about us is that we're all tall, blonde and blue-eyed, and we eat meatballs all the time.

Sometimes there is some truth on stereotypes, but they never apply to everyone.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I'm from few stereotypes/misconception:

1) We're located somewhere in China, and hence everyone has small squinty eyes.

2) Completely apathetic and uninformed. Sadly, quite true, but it's mostly amongst the youth, and which country's youth aren't?

3) Materialistic. Sadly, this is largely true. We ARE materialistic.

4) We're competitive and live in the rat race. True as well, the average student studies from 8am to 12am. And most of us work 6-7 day s per week.

5) Our English is atrocious. Quite true.

6) We're champion grumblers. Mostly correct, we grumble about everything under the Sun. Coffee too hot? Complain. Too cold? Complain. Waiter's service sucks? Complain.

So wait.....we have more right then wrong stereotypes....hmmmm....

1,673 posts

So, I'm an American and there's a common stereotype that Americans are lazy and fat.

About the lazy part, The U.S. is one of the hardest working nations in the world. We might be lazy towards getting the TV remote, but we still work hard and I believe we still have a high work ethic.

As for the fat part, I think that might have a little more truth to it but I think it depends more on the area you live in. Where I live, a small amount of people actually are fat so I'm not too sure on whichever way this one goes. However I think the stereotype is somewhat overinflated.

347 posts

I'm Canadian and here's a list of some common stereotypes:

- We say aboot instead of about. Not true.

- We say "eh" a lot. Somewhat true. I never say it, none of my friends say it, but my parents say it quite often so I think it's more of an older generation thing.

- We all play hockey. Mostly true, but the numbers are dropping and our national sport is now lacrosse.

- We are very kind and polite. I'm not sure about this one. I mean I'll say please and thank you, but I don't think our whole country is nicey nice.

I think that's about it, anything about polar bears, igloos, and the R.C.M.P is not true.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

So, I'm an American and there's a common stereotype that Americans are lazy and fat. least 20% of Americans are obese and 61% are overweight or obese so go figure.
1,673 posts
Shepherd least 20% of Americans are obese and 61% are overweight or obese so go figure.

Yeah that's why I said it depended on where you live and that there's some truth to the fat part of it.

So I think that stereotype goes into the
Sometimes there is some truth on stereotypes, but they never apply to everyone.
1,795 posts

I highly agree w/ soccerdude. I'm live near New York City and almost everyone here, mostly girls, wears the skinniest pants ever and weighs less than 100 lbs. I think that's because of the skating epidemic here.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well, no stereotype is going to be applied exceedingly well to everyone in the set group; we can only measure it's truthfulness in terms of degree. It doesn't matter where you live in America. 60% of Americans in general, as a nation possess that trait. Point being, the popular and stereotypical belief of Americans being fat has some grim truth and foundation to it.

1,795 posts

Well, no stereotype is going to be applied exceedingly well to everyone in the set group; we can only measure it's truthfulness in terms of degree. It doesn't matter where you live in America. 60% of Americans in general, as a nation possess that trait. Point being, the popular and stereotypical belief of Americans being fat has some grim truth and foundation to it.

That has some truth to it too, but if the majority of a group has a trait that's demeaning, does it mean that the group as a whole has that trait? It's almost an insult.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

That has some truth to it too, but if the majority of a group has a trait that's demeaning, does it mean that the group as a whole has that trait? It's almost an insult.

No it definitely doesn't. Notice how I said ''some truth and foundation''? Pays to read more carefully you know?
1,795 posts

No it definitely doesn't. Notice how I said ''some truth and foundation''? Pays to read more carefully you know?

I meant I can see your side if the story too.
4,104 posts

There a plenty of stereotypes about jews

We make a lot of money. This is true, Jews have the highest average personal and household income in America (yes, even higher than asians)

Jews have big noses. For the most part this is also true, it's just genetics.

They suck at sports. This isn't true, they aren't above or below average.

Make great doctors and lawyers. I don't know if this is true, but they do make a lot of doctors and lawyers, they're among the two most common jewish jobs.

Jewish women like Jewish men. It's true, they're half off.

1,405 posts

I hate sterotypes of asians.

everybody thinks we're good at math and squinty eyed. I'm mostly asian on my dad's side. and i'm here to tell you I hate math, and i look more spanish then asian. so... yeah.

5,845 posts

Australia. Sunny weather, great beaches, hot babes.

Yup, it's all true I guess.

154 posts

Thank you (koru 7) somebody finally agrees with me about asian steoretypes i am not a nerd, i do play piano (not because I want to and excel at it I am FORCED to), i don't squint and i know as much of the asian languages as you do. Thank you for reading my rant.

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