ForumsWEPRGay Marrige??

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129 posts

I think that gay marrige should be approved in every state in the U.S. I know it has been approved in California and just recently in Pennsylvania, but should it realy be allowed? I think it should be, I mean just because your gay doesn't mean you shoud have less rights then straight people. Gays should have the equal rights to get married just the way I do. Shouldn't they?? Tell me what you think.

  • 203 Replies
5,001 posts

Okay that makes sense. I was just a little confused by the wording. I like that philosophy, Wittman.

318 posts

Sorry about my confusingly bad worded sentence. I tired to say something that made sense to me but it didn't really sound right when I said it.

38 posts

And this is why america is going down the tubes because we accept these fags and dykes to invade our schools,our work places our churches and this corrupt and vile system we live in and thats including the rest of the world.We should put them all on an island and have it nuked.It's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!

10,816 posts

Wow. Is the fact I'm wondering how seriously to take that last post taking it too seriously?

I think I'm really just out of it...I've slept one hour in the past two days...and I slammed my toe against the door and it bled everywhere, so I'm in a lot of pain...but I've finished writing my thesis!

Now to make it all pretty and stuff so people will actually not feel like not reading it.

584 posts

OK, I understand all of that mumbo-jumbo about how gay marriage is protected and it wouldn't affect anyone else anyways. But, I think it will have an affect on society. This social experiment isn't being done in a vacuum. The arguments that are against gay marriage are the same arguments against other non-traditional marriages I.e. polygamous, incestuous, etc. If we were to allow gay marriage, we would have no principled ground upon which to stand against other nontraditional marriages including child/adult and the ones above. Those other marriages are just as bad as gay marriage and if we were to allow gay marriage, then it would pave the way to the destruction of the traditional family.

318 posts

It wouldnt destory the family, it would just be a little different to do these things that normal parents are able to do.

584 posts

Did you even read the rest of that paragraph? There will be all kinds of different marriages spawning everywhere. You're right it wouldn't destroy an actual family, but it would destroy the traditional idea.

318 posts

Ok, I didnt read it but what caught my eye was the destorying of a family and how in the world would it destory the traditional idea.

5,001 posts

OK, I understand all of that mumbo-jumbo about how gay marriage is protected and it wouldn't affect anyone else anyways. But, I think it will have an affect on society. This social experiment isn't being done in a vacuum. The arguments that are against gay marriage are the same arguments against other non-traditional marriages I.e. polygamous, incestuous, etc.

Please, tell me these "arguments" that are the same for other non-traditional marriages.

If we were to allow gay marriage, we would have no principled ground upon which to stand against other nontraditional marriages including child/adult and the ones above. Those other marriages are just as bad as gay marriage and if we were to allow gay marriage, then it would pave the way to the destruction of the traditional family.

You are running on a slippery slope, my friend. I fail to see how the gender of the person you marry affects the issues you pose. And what do you see as a traditional family? Accord to divorce statistics every 3/5 marriages fail. So, these single-parent homes are now more "traditional" than anything.
584 posts

Please, tell me these "arguments" that are the same for other non-traditional marriages.

Well, one argument you have probably heard a million or so times would be that America was founded upon Christian principles and so we shouldn't destroy those fundamentals that we once were proud of. Most other non-traditional marriages violate Christian principles.

You are running on a slippery slope, my friend. I fail to see how the gender of the person you marry affects the issues you pose. And what do you see as a traditional family? Accord to divorce statistics every 3/5 marriages fail. So, these single-parent homes are now more "traditional" than anything.

It's not the gender of a person that someone marries. It's the acceptance of the idea. If gay marriage were to be recognized, which violates the argument above, then that would mean that there would be nothing to use against other untraditional marriages since they failed against gay marriage. Now, a traditional marriage, is the sacred joining of two people, one man and one woman. It has been that way until very recently when new ideas have been introduced to corrupt it. This leads to a traditional family when they have a kid(s). Those divorce statistics maybe eye-opening, but in some countries where gay marriage has been given the ok, people apparently don't even get the chance to divorce. In northern Europe, 80% of kids are born out of wedlock. Single-parent homes aren't traditional either, but there are bigger problems like the one we're discussing right now.
5,001 posts

lmao! I want to respond to this right now, but I have to run down stairs and help teach this class for an hour. I will so be right back.

130 posts

yes... just a yes becuse it evry man right to find is happy way of living

5,001 posts

Well, one argument you have probably heard a million or so times would be that America was founded upon Christian principles and so we shouldn't destroy those fundamentals that we once were proud of. Most other non-traditional marriages violate Christian principles.

Separation of church and state, buddy. We aren't asking for a CHRISTIAN marriage. We are asking for equal rights as a human.

It's not the gender of a person that someone marries. It's the acceptance of the idea. If gay marriage were to be recognized, which violates the argument above, then that would mean that there would be nothing to use against other untraditional marriages since they failed against gay marriage. Now, a traditional marriage, is the sacred joining of two people, one man and one woman. It has been that way until very recently when new ideas have been introduced to corrupt it. This leads to a traditional family when they have a kid(s). Those divorce statistics maybe eye-opening, but in some countries where gay marriage has been given the ok, people apparently don't even get the chance to divorce. In northern Europe, 80% of kids are born out of wedlock. Single-parent homes aren't traditional either, but there are bigger problems like the one we're discussing right now.

I fail to see a point to this paragraph. It seems you are rambling on about tradition. So...what are you saying here?
1,702 posts

Well, Ive heard that you could get arrested for getting married to the same sex/gender as you.

3,722 posts

Being Homo-Sexual is horrible. it is wrong and Bio-logically messed up. I would became a satanic before i became homo-sexual.

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