is it the lack of exercise stress junk food (go ahead blame the food) or what i think it is technology were so dependant on technology that we stay inside all day with little human contact i am verry fit i go outside everyday run with my dog do 300 pushups a day do benchpresses and curls punch the bag ect. and i joined the navy seals and marine force recon why can no one else do this its the easyest thing in the world tell me about your ideas
The world is fat and getting fatter. In fact Australia is right there with the USA, and many other developed nations are getting fatter everyday.
Why did I respond to an idiotic thread?
yes why do respond idiotic to this thread?
australia is right there whit the usa? plz. show me proof. all proof ive seen my entire life shows that usa is far above any other country when it comes to fat people.
Most American think USA is fat because American TVs are self centered. It's all about them and the rest of the World doesn't exist to these narrow minded TV networks so people don't know what's really going on internationally except for wars and catastrophes because it's spectacular news. Watch how NBC will ruin the Olympics again this Summer by pre-recording everything and filtering out the athletes from other countries than USA so that we all think it's an American competition.
I consider it to be a multitude of factors, some political, some social, and some personal. For example, the government subsidizes corn a huge amount, and most corn is used to make high-fructose corn syrup. So now fattening food is very inexpensive because the government (over)subsidizes the corn. Also, we consider eating at almost any time socially acceptable. In other countries, people don't eat as many snacks, and people don't bring food to business meetings. It simply isn't done. People also exercise less, and feel the need to indulge themselves more as a reward, and they consider eating out to be not a reward, but a standard thing.
i should add that the statistic of this site are a bit off. because they do not have acces to the numbers asked from all the countrys. or the country in question does not have these numbers for all kinds of reasons. beside it it's a good source of comparing.
americans are under educated reliant self centered ignorrant and lazy most of all lazy fracell has an excellent point and on another note thank you for your military service but like he says everyday he excercizes i do he benches runs practices his weapons and all that im very similair
Maybe because there's a Mc Donalds, Jack in the Box, Carl's Jr, etc, in every corner of every street! Also a simple salad costs about twice as much as a hamburger.
Lol. I love this thread. I love it because of the lack of common sense. America is fat. Most of it anyways. The only reason America is fat..Is because of what the people have become. Lazy/Don't Care/Not worried about what they are eating. The economy has dropped like crazy..I'm sure all that stress has a negative effect on a lot of people. Possibly causing them to gain weight. If you don't want to be "Fat/Overweight/Obese" Whatever you want to call it. Workout..Run..Be active. Heck get a job. Watch what you eat. Have some fruit instead of a donut. Just common sense. You are what you eat and that is true.
Fruit supplies vitamins and other healthy stuff while donuts don't, but the sugar content is almost equal between the two. You wont lose any weight swapping the junk food for the healthy.
The economy has dropped like crazy..I'm sure all that stress has a negative effect on a lot of people.
Not only the stress, but people are eating more and more fast food thinking it's cheaper then cooking at home. French fries and big macs take their toll over time.
equal between the two. You wont lose any weight swapping the junk food for the healthy.
It's different types of sugar processed sugar in the donuts case and frustrate in the fruit and guess which one we evolved into digesting easily? Someone who knows more biology than I do can elaborate on this.
Not only the stress, but people are eating more and more fast food thinking it's cheaper then cooking at home. French fries and big macs take their toll over time.
It's easier to get food in first world countries and people are forced to work longer then before thus less home cooking which usually involved fresh unprocessed foods. Now everyone is busy and go out to buy cheap processed food that is loaded with fat and other chemicals that make it last longer. Also the culture hasn't helped which child in American hasn't heard of McDonalds?
This is kind of funny/ironic, as it's on the computer, in a flash game website.
But on topic, America is obese (not all of us, duh...) because we have large food portions. I read (yes, I am NOT addicted to armorgames) that in america, the food we waste can feed a large (forgot the exact number... :/) amount of families in poverty.