ForumsWEPRA Man's Domestic Habits

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

So, barring the slightly generalizing and sexist title, this is a thread to discuss, academically of course, porn, and everything about the porn industry in relation to society, to the individual, yada yada. Yes, I know it's completely sexist for females who watch porn to call it a male thing, but heck.

Right, so what do you guys think about porn? Is it immoral? Does morality even play a part in this debate? Is it good, bad, or just a thing? Healthy, not healthy? Art, not art?

Carry on, I'll just be by the side watching, *voyeur* and occasionally jumping in for some action.

  • 70 Replies
3,139 posts

this might shock some people but i dont think that guy deserved being punished.

I have to disagree with you here. But i do get your point. I think anybody who forces themselves upon a child deserves severe punishment. I understand people can't control their attraction - you could fire that towards homosexuals. However, and usually i'm not a judgmental type of person, but i do find it unnatural.

lesbian porn doesnt exist? i thought everything exists on the internet. or did you mean the lesbian porn isnt good?

Oh no, it exists. It's just done more for men than it is for women. They focus on a guys fantasy rather than a womens. I find most porn cheap and without much thought, which is fine for those who just want something to watch while they...
But i don't know, i find the passion behind a story which leads to a sex scene a lot more attractive than some girl saying"Oh look, I dropped a pen" in a secretary costume and ending up on the bosses table.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

But i don't know, i find the passion behind a story which leads to a sex scene a lot more attractive than some girl saying"Oh look, I dropped a pen" in a secretary costume and ending up on the bosses table.

Different people, different needs and wants I guess.....
3,139 posts

Different people, different needs and wants I guess.

I get this, and as anti-feminist as it might sound - porn is definitely more attracted to mens needs than womens.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but if you want to look at the history of the proliferation of porn, there's a great movie of the actual events. The People vs Larry Flynt.

3,139 posts

Ah, i'm a movie buff so i will check it out and let you know my thoughts (if you want/care). Will take me a few days mind.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ah, i'm a movie buff so i will check it out and let you know my thoughts (if you want/care). Will take me a few days mind.

The arguments by Flynt's lawyer were the cleverest I've seen in a while. The Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in his favour, so you can see how screwed, pardon the pun, his opponents were. Viva la Hustler.
9,462 posts

this might shock some people but i dont think that guy deserved being punished. of course im against sex with children and thats out of the question but the person who did the act with the child should get punished. im sure that we can all agree that we have different likes and dislikes. lets take someone who finds children sexually attractive. he cant control that, thats a reaction he feels in his body. he shouldnt be considered a bad person for feeling this way. i also dont think he should be considered a bad person for having fantasies and imagining situations like that either. same goes for what he watched online. he didnt hurt anyone. of course when it comes to him looking for a child to r ape thats when he crosses the line. what if the material wasnt porn and was an imaginary story or a drawn pic?

I happen to agree with you on this. I have actually tried to research the matter of people having sexual attractions to children. I found from what most pedophiles said is that they wouldn't ever actually go out and r ape a child and the actual act disturbed them, even though their sexual fantasies were about such acts.
This really isn't uncommon with sexual fantasies. To go back to Xzeno's rant on degrading or abusing women in porn scenes. They are creating a performance of a fantasy to watch and dominating/being dominated/r aped is actually one of the most common fantasies both men and women share. However in most cases the person with that fantasy would never want it to actually happen. (this is on female sexual fantasies) As noted in the video right away is that fantasies can go further then what the body is willing to do.
What I found with the pedophiles who would go out and diddle kids they seemed to have the same drives found in r apists. For them it was more of a power trip then a sexual thing. This power trip was made very easy and could be draw out for years even, given the target. That's the behavior that needs to be addressed.

Since I'm on Lacigreen's channel I will also include this video.
my problem with pr0n

However, and usually i'm not a judgmental type of person, but i do find it unnatural.

It's not unnatural at all. Harking back to the homosexual thread we do find it in nature and it being natural or not says nothing of it being right or wrong. Also we have to keep in mind what we would regard as child porn has drastically changed in just the past hundred years or so. The idea of commonly having 18 (16 in some areas of the world) as legal age is rather new over all. Before this a girl might be regarded as a women as soon as she hit puberty, which commonly would be around 11-12 years old. Of course there are good reasons why this is no longer the case, but try telling that to someones sex drive.

When we get down to it looking at porn (even kiddy porn) is just someone having a fantasy, this is not an issue. It's when someone takes it further or becomes obsessed is when we begin to run into problems. This is more so with kiddy porn then regular porn but can apply to regular porn as well.
1,094 posts

And on another topic, what would you say if no human was involved int he porn? Would you be ok with it then?

To every man his own. I've personally never... Interacted with hentai, romance books, or anything of the sort, so I can't really say anything.
Although from what I've heard, it's screwed up stuff.

still, im sure that porn with an actual story exist.

Well, the stories are mostly really, really stupid. "Hi ma'am, I'm here to deliver mail". "Why don't you come on inside?" It's always something like this.

Now that, my friends, is disgusting.

I thought you said "Whatever turns you on i guess"? I agree with rabbit here, unless he does anything to hurt anyone, I'm fine with someone being attracted to younger people. It's nature, they can't exactly control it. The people who should be punished are the ones that have sex with the minors.

...but i do find it unnatural.

I'm surprised no one popped out saying something like "Oh, but you're lesbian, that's more unnatural".
3,139 posts

As i previously mentioned, i do understand that no one can help who they're attracted to. My view stems from the belief that a four year old child could have been ***** and harmed and the entire thing recorded and put on the internet for a man a lot older to enjoy. Now, i don't find the initial attraction "wrong", just not something i experience.

But is it essentially "right" to enjoy watching a child as young as four being *****?

I'm surprised no one popped out saying something like "Oh, but you're lesbian, that's more unnatural".

They probably didn't because i said i understood the attraction issue, and even linkened it to homosexuality. HOWEVER, my point just above your quote sums up my thinking on the issue.

The way i see it, in an elaborate, unrational example is:
If a racist attack is about to occur, to kill a hundred people from a certain race and only one person pushes the button to blow them up, except you invested in the entire thing, are you guilty?
5,340 posts

This really isn't uncommon with sexual fantasies. To go back to Xzeno's rant on degrading or abusing women in porn scenes. They are creating a performance of a fantasy to watch and dominating/being dominated/r aped is actually one of the most common fantasies both men and women share. However in most cases the person with that fantasy would never want it to actually happen. (this is on female sexual fantasies) As noted in the video right away is that fantasies can go further then what the body is willing to do.

you know i totally forgot about that. there used to be times when it was expected that you will have sex and get married before you were 16.

If a racist attack is about to occur, to kill a hundred people from a certain race and only one person pushes the button to blow them up, except you invested in the entire thing, are you guilty?

i think its different. the difference is that the guy who enjoys the pron (in case this word is censored) does it, has no control over the feeling but also controls himself to not do it himself. he also only looks on his sexual pleasure and not on how much the child suffers (unless we are now speaking of a combination between r ape fantasy/sadomazo). by being racist and investing the money on what you said you actually WANT to see those people dead.
5,340 posts

sorry for double.

im really surprised no one flamed me for my opinions yet and even more surprised to find out some agree with me.

anyway this reminded (after i hit the submit button :/) of a yahoo answers question i once read and i got pretty sad to see how most of the people who answered that question. i wonder if youd think the same way i do?

in my opinion her friend did nothing wrong and the fact that she even talked about it with her shows that she isnt going to do anything and that she trusts her. moreover , she knows her for so long (and even though i know that its not something to rely on too much) i think she has to think about it. i was kind of disapointed to see that no one said something closer to my opinion except for maybe one.

5,061 posts

I don't think there is anything wrong with manufactured images of child pornography, but anything real entails that a real child was either manipulated or forced into preforming sexual acts on camera, and that is beyond disturbing.

5,129 posts

I don't think there is anything wrong with manufactured images of child pornography,

and can still give people the 1st ideas to do the same thing by themself whit real kids. wich starts the fantasies. wich might trigger a 1 time try. following by just 1 more and befor you know the person in question has done a whole bounce.

children and porn simply does not mix. not in any way.
15 / 16 year is when they should experiment whit people from their own age. so that they know whats going on when they become 18.
3,371 posts

and can still give people the 1st ideas to do the same thing by themself whit real kids. wich starts the fantasies. wich might trigger a 1 time try.

I'm kindof repeating what mage said but... People who like to masturbate to child pron aren't nessisarily people who are okay with watching someone squrim in immense pain as they force themselves upon them. Just because you like watching sex involving children doesn't mean you actually want to **** children. It's like how men enjoy lesbian sex, but don't actually want to change genders so they can have sex with a woman.
5,340 posts

and can still give people the 1st ideas to do the same thing by themself whit real kids. wich starts the fantasies. wich might trigger a 1 time try. following by just 1 more and befor you know the person in question has done a whole bounce.

i dont think so. fantasies probably cause watching porn and start with some kind of fetish and not the other way around.
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