ForumsThe TavernHey Ladies~~

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14,990 posts
Grand Duke

So I was pondering on a late dreary evening before an econs paper....the question of life. Just kidding, it's about the issue of gender in AG. So not that far off the mark either way. So yes....question, question. Why does there seem to be such a huge disparity between the number of each gender on AG? We seem to be a male dominated community, and if memory serves, it has mostly been like that even in the past. Zoph, Carlie, Jezz, Jeff, Alexis, Murasaki, I can more or less name out the more prominent ladies on the site itself. A quick glance of the Top Hundred List, or perhaps just a recollection from memory alone, I should get a real life, merely confirms the lopsided nature of this gender balance. So yes, why? Where have the girls gone, or been going? D:

  • 35 Replies
1,075 posts

i have a lot of girlfriends on exit path, thats where most of them reside i guess

1,322 posts

So girls get boyfriends, but boys don't get girlfriends? That argument wont work since for every girl who gets a boyfriend, one boy will get a girlfriend, balancing the numbers.

I'm not sure if you have facebook, but I'm about to tell of something I held witness to... It may just be a regional thing, but I clearly remember a large number of female friends on facebook writing statuses like "OH GAWD... Skyrim just came out... there goes my boyfriend for the next 6 months." That just tells me that a good portion of women don't get excited about gaming like men. There ARE a few, tho. If it doesn't excite you and hold your interest, then you're probably going to find other things to do. So, I'm assuming that a large portion of women go do other things that they find interesting.... I'm sure several guys can now say that they used to have girlfriends, until they took an arrow to the knee! ;D
5,952 posts

Aw, shucks! A gurl thinks I'm speshul!

Says the guy who says all girls on the Internet are guys....
Anyway I have noticed another thing, most girls on ag are high ranking and "famous" on this site. I also notice that they tend to do less of all the "r" and "u" stuff. Now this could simply be that I don't know enough of the low ranking less "famous" girls on this sight, but whatever. Most girls here seem to be pretty calm and sain as aposed to other sights like Facebook (just saying I think ag's community tops Facebook, both with the people on it and the set up). Why are their more guys? The website is called armor games. Doesn't look too feminin. No pink or anything and you guys (and girls) know about all the bloody games here. Although ag does do a good job at making it better for guys and girls, not by having some gory games and some pretty pink pony land games, but by having neutral games. Take the fan favorite exit path for example. I have seen a lot of girls on that game and a lot of guys. But as stated before, it is a video game website and most of the &quotopular girls" at school would be totally ruined and thrown of their "thrown of popularity". Honestly I think that's pretty good. I hope I don't offend anyone... I tried looking over this and making it so it's as non offensive as possible...
187 posts

Well one, I am a girl but a lot of people mostly say this is a guy site.But some girls (on this site) like bloody and gory games that are on here.But some don't.I mean ArmorGames it doesn't sound girly or all happy lovey dovey stuff.I'm not that high ranked on here,cause I'm sometimes doing other things.But a lot of girls on here are really high ranked.

909 posts


I'm personally crushed you didn't include me in the list of ladies.

Having said that I've been "off-line" for about a year for family reasons. I also have been playing Armor Games on my iPhone during my absence here.
It could be that I'm not alone?
Perhaps others and not just gals have been doing the same since everywhere I go I see people active with their phones. I think it's safe for me to assume it's equal time split between "face-booking" and playing games.

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