@Example: You see, that would actually break rules. Let's take an example that can actually relate to this:
Playing any kind of war game out there, that in any way glorifies it by making it a game, a sport, you can partake in to entertain yourself.
Nazi Germany was not a perfect playing in the war, but neither was anyone else. The reason we have "issues" with the Nazis now, is because they used concentration camps to get rid of people they didn't like. Not unlike the prison camps all the "terrorists" end up, having to, apparently, deal with torture and humiliation in a modern, civilised world, that should have learned from the horrors of the last World War, or any other war for that matter.
The game is, as far as I know, and as far as I can see from the other replies, not a game of war crimes. It's simply a war game where you play a different role than usually, like that Call of Duty version out there, where you play the terrorists and not the Americans. There is no more glorification of anyone than there is in any other game, and if they are glorifying war and the war effort and what not, they should probably be taken down as well.
Also, the "It's a long time ago" really should play in here. What happened was horrible, but so is everything else going on, and after this much time, we should be able to play games where you play the - enemy, just as a game on slave owners would be fairly amusing if done right, though I will assume it wouldn't get anywhere because of the antidiscrimination rules. But then we could always include all slave owners, and not just the ones in the US. Like the slave owners from the Middle Eastern countries, that kidnapped nordic people, or the fact that most civilisations has had slaves at some point, usually people of their own - race, but of a different caste.
If they play it like I believe the makers of RoD have played their game, it would still not glorify anything, but it would give the events a different perspective.
Also, to end off my rant, because I need some food and I better leave the spot to someone calling me a nazi-loving *******:
It's a game. Please don't underestimate the minds of the people playing it. They are aware it is a game, otherwise they would most likely have done something horrible by now in their lives.
If you can play an assassin without anyone getting their panties in a knot, or play strategy games where the A-bomb or napalm are ways to give you the victory, then playing Nazis should really not the one thing you get mad about. Then you might as well get mad at everything.
And the guide/sex bomb is sexy, yes, but even in the first few missions, she will be telling you stuff about the military, logical things. Protect this, take over that. When mr. I like to torture shows up, she is visibly uncomfortable and doesn't seem to like what he is and what he does. So, if anyone is really going for the "sex sells!!" (I believe it has been long disproved because people have been desensitised to the effects), then she is actually making the player like the horrible things even more.
I don't know how it plays out in the rest of the game, but if it continues like that, there will still be boobs telling you that that horrible man is horrible with horrible on top. That man, that might be considered the stereotypical evil nazi, and not just one that joined the forces to fight for their country.