For all who are thinking "not another 'is God real' topic", I would like to say this is not one. This Discussion has nothing to do with evolution versus God. It has nothing to do with the debate about God's existence. This topic is something else.
In this discussion we are assuming God exists. We are also assuming that there is alien life and multiple Universes, or a multiverse. Here are some questions I would like to run by people:
Assuming God exists as well as alien life, would God only have power over Earth and Humans, and the aliens would have a different god. Or, would God be the god of the Aliens as well?
Also, assuming there is a Multiverse, would a universe be the domain of One god (or many gods) and a different universe is the domain of another (or another group)? Or would the Multiverse be controlled by one god?
agentkion Not even close to 3 billion ppl believed in hitler...Germany's population during that time couldn't have been more than 100million or even 50 million. And italy's population was even lower...and to their defense hitler masterfully got Germany out of the worst depression in the World's history and brainwashed them all into believing they were the master race. oh and yah, stop with the caps man
Who's made no sense? (your post would be "spam" cuz there's no reasoning to your post)...atleast expand, so someone can respond and make it make sense. his defense hitler masterfully got Germany out of the worst depression in the World's history and brainwashed them all into believing they were the master race
I wouldn't say the first part was Hitler. Hitler was the one who pulled strings (masterfully, at that), while getting everybody else to do the work. I would credit the alleviation of the Great Depression to Schacht (the Central Banker), Streseman (the then Chancellor) and Luther (the finance minister). Hitler was simply really good at conning people then stabbing them in the back, heh.
Also, yes, I have seen "The One", which, personally, even hypothetically speaking is really stretching it, haha. I'm tempted to call thermodynamic violation on that, but my geek mojo isn't high enough to follow up with that right now.
Gosh, that would be one hell of a topic for debate... "Does the effects on a being associated with the elimination of parallel beings in parallel universes constitute a violation of the laws of thermodynamics?"
Fair enough strop. My knowledge of German history, isn't even close to that deep...(and now i can just take a break for the day, as i have learned something, SCORE!)
I believe that God exists, but why would go out and say that Atheism is wrong? Don't tell of a different religion just because they are different than your own.