ForumsWEPR[necro] A Discussion On God

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508 posts

For all who are thinking "not another 'is God real' topic", I would like to say this is not one. This Discussion has nothing to do with evolution versus God. It has nothing to do with the debate about God's existence. This topic is something else.

In this discussion we are assuming God exists. We are also assuming that there is alien life and multiple Universes, or a multiverse. Here are some questions I would like to run by people:

Assuming God exists as well as alien life, would God only have power over Earth and Humans, and the aliens would have a different god. Or, would God be the god of the Aliens as well?

Also, assuming there is a Multiverse, would a universe be the domain of One god (or many gods) and a different universe is the domain of another (or another group)? Or would the Multiverse be controlled by one god?

I would like some peoples ideas on this. Thanks!

  • 36 Replies
1,305 posts

^^The key is to have open ears and not be ignorant with your own religion...such as you are.

1,973 posts

As me? I wouldn't say I am ignorant with my religion, I just want to see why.

11 posts

god does exist! i love god soo much! if you are an atheist you are soo wrong!

I believe that God exists, but why would go out and say that Atheism is wrong? Don't tell of a different religion just because they are different than your own.

Thank you Estel. I love you for that.
Ahem. Anyway.
Wasn't there a post on the very first page of debate page where a moderator said that you should respect other peoples' opinions?
I could care less if you're athiest, catholic, buddheist, breakfastarian person, whatever. [I'm deeply sorry if I put that wrong which I probably did..]
But I do not appreciate other people saying that you're wrong about something because your beliefs are different.
That irks me to absolutely no end.
We have opinions. That's why we are individual people. If we were meant to think the same way about everything, I'm sure we would have been "created" that way.
But that didn't happen. So deal with other people having other opinions besides your own.
[deep breath]
5,340 posts

this is interesting... first of all if there are aliens i think god has the power on other planets as well because he is the cretor of everything in existance

other dimensions is something completely different though. its a 50/50 for me i think. other dimensions dont really exist in this dimension because... well its another one. so idk if god would have power over something that doesnt exists. other dimensions probably have other realities with nature rules that are way different then ours. then again. he might have created all dimensions so i cant really answer.

1,627 posts

For God's sake, this is a three year old thread. Just let it die!!!!!

102 posts

Uh,theres this thing called chaos theory...
Not really sure how it works, but apparently everything's a coincidence. So life as we know it, the universe is a coincidence.
Wondering if time would be affected differently in the different universe, if everything has opposite effects. So maybe time would be different? Interesting.

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