ForumsSupport ForumTemporary Support and Suggestions Thread

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See title.

  • 66 Replies
1,075 posts


lol... exactly my point, i skip letters sometimes. *Accidentally
1,649 posts

Quick protip: for recaptcha, you only ever need to do one of the two words.

Didn't work.
1,649 posts

Sorry... Thaboss means he tried to type just one word and it deleted the comment. Fortunately, the comment was about how easy it was to just type the easier word for the adbots, so now that he knows it didn't work it's good that the comment was deleted.

2,301 posts

Sorry? But if you mean that the AdBots are an April Fools joke, I'd have to staunchly disaggree with you.
Then I'm going to have to laugh derisively :\\
9,504 posts

Then I'm going to have to laugh derisively :\\\\

It would have been over with a click of a button, otherwise. But as you can see, the bots are running around, members are still sending me hate mail, and I'm hungry. I'm going to also laugh derisively.
6,800 posts

The response I recieved from Justin:


Thank you for tang time to send me a heads up as to what's going on. You are correct, we have known about the issue since last wendesday and are working very hard to come up with the correct solution. As days go on, you should start to see the spambots die down a little. Again, thank you for your input and the time you took to send me this response.
Justin Royster

60 posts

Hello there,

it's been a while since I came last time; everythings was working well, but now when I launch a game that needs some cache space, a pop-up appears to ask if I allow or not to the game to save data... but I can't click either on accept or on reject (or whatever).

It's the same for global parameters.

I'm using Firefox 11.0 and Shockwave Flash 11.2.


Sorry this is a copy of a thread I opened ealrier but gone lost in the bot spams...

71 posts

Ok, I have 3 suggestions. ONE: I have noticed a lot of the games here will put tracking cookies and such on your computer. I know they are generally harmless, but they can slow down your computer and are a real pain to clear out. It would be a good idea to check the games for that stuff.

TWO: Armor Games members should have the option of whether or not adds will appear, and if they choose yes, then what types of adds will appear. I have seen some STRANGE adds on here.

THREE: You should really screen your games for overly inappropriate content. not like blood and stuff, but like, INAPPROPRIATE. Example: King of Buttons series, aminly #3, in the castle, *Shudders*. I know it's just animated and all of that, but seriously. It might be an interesting game otherwise.

Thanks!!! I know this was Kind of long, but i think it's well worth it. I hope you take my opinions into consideration!


14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Get your own ad blocker. AG wants revenue and it puts ads. You don't want ads, do something about it. Or go to a site without ads to play. Oh wait, there aren't.

A little penis here and there and people scream, I wonder how you go to the bathroom? Where do you look? Oh the torture! People who treat sex as dirt disgust me. Parents or guardians are supposed to actively look out for ther own kids on the Internet, it isn't the role of AG to do so.

71 posts

I know, thats not what i meant. If you recall, i said for people to be able to select THEIR PREFERENCE OF ADS. Not to ban them altogether. If it makes you feel better, Nicho, ill change my suggestion a little. Require ads, but suit them to the player's desires.


And i dont expect AG to get rid of inappropriate materials on their games, but when its just stupid and has nothing to do with the game. IE: That new sniping game, whatever it is 5. Did you even SEE what happened to that guy? But it went with the story line, and made the game more in-depth, so to speak. But in other games, IE: again, King of Buttons, Thats just pointless. It has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline and personally is a waste of the players time. In other words,

And im sorry if i sound stubborn to you, or anything like that, i just think there are others who agree with me.

P.S.(Not to mention what you said about me is false. Two of my favorite TV shows are 2 1/2 men and Big Bang Theory.)

13,344 posts

I have noticed a lot of the games here will put tracking cookies and such on your computer. I know they are generally harmless, but they can slow down your computer and are a real pain to clear out.

You're in for a real treat when the achievement system in AG3 is released. In order for you to achieve anything in a game, something has to track your every move. And for all you know, that information could be sent to dangerous third-party sites and later be used against you.

I'd like to say that was the only reason I disapprove of Kongregate, but...

Armor Games members should have the option of whether or not adds will appear, and if they choose yes, then what types of adds will appear.

If people had that choice, who would choose yes? Unless the option was play free with ads or pay a fee to play without them.

You should really screen your games for overly inappropriate content

AG does a great job screening their games to make sure there isn't anything in them to make 13-year-olds shudder just for the sake of shuddering. If you have a problem with something you feel is "inappropriate" in one of the games onsite, either you're seeing these things because you want to or you're too young or immature to be playing here.

Parents or guardians are supposed to actively look out for ther own kids on the Internet, it isn't the role of AG to do so.

Either way, AG does a great job screening their games. The only people who find inappropriate content in games here are the people who look too hard to find things that they deem "inappropriate" due to their lack of maturity.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I know, thats not what i meant.

Don't wiggle your way out of things. I quote you:

Armor Games members should have the option of whether or not adds will appear,

King of Buttons, Thats just pointless. It has absolutely nothing to do with the storyline and personally is a waste of the players time. In other words, ITS SPAM.

I suppose you haven't heard about Easter Eggs? Or humour? Or a proper definition of Spam? Just to recap discussions over the issue that have been going for some time, no the main consensus here is that people have to get used to it, or just don't play the game.

P.S.(Not to mention what you said about me is false. Two of my favorite TV shows are 2 1/2 men and Big Bang Theory.)

It was a general statement not aimed at anyone in particular.

So bottomline, get an ad blocker if you don't want to see some ads, or think ads cause problems. Have some initiative, especially since the solution is a few clicks away.

Second, minor details in a game that somehow offend people are mostly censored by AG, occasionally, some slip through. Deal with it. AG is already very PG friendly in that it doesn't have weird sexual games, or hardcore violence like other sites. Also, what you think is ''Spam'' is not ''Spam'', and it's not up to you to tell the creator what he wants to put into his own work. If it gets past AG's censors, it's almost certainly fine and up to standard.
1,649 posts

Getting ads tailored to your desires means giving out personal information, and giving out personal information to advertising companies on the internet is bad.

So no.

12,319 posts

There is new spam in this forum, primarily from this user.

1,075 posts

Lol, right before i came here i reported that exact user :P good thing there is only one and he can get banned and then the spam will be temporarily gone.

Showing 46-60 of 66