ForumsWEPRThe world has gotten wimpy!

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896 posts

I remember the days when family, friends and neighbors used to stop by my house uninvited, and we'd let them in and we'd have a great time and stay up and party all night. Nowadays it's like: *Doorbell rings* "OMG! PANIC! HIDE UNDER THE COUCH AND BEHIND THE KITCHEN COUNTER! GET THE PHONE READY TO CALL 911! *Dad goes to look through the peep-hole and says:* "Oh, it's just the mailman with a package for us." Does that happen to anyone else?
I also remember the days when me and my neighborhood buddies (this was when I was like 10 years old or so) used to go all over the neighborhood with water-guns and squirt each other and have an awesome time independently. Then we'd go to the park and goof around and play tag, cops and robbers, and cowboys and indians. Nowadays... Kids put safety helmets on, and play on a swing-set in their fenced backyards with their siblings. Either that or they stay in their basements playing COD with their safety helmets still on.
So I work with these kids (6-10 years old) every other Tuesday, and to be honest, they are wimps. You know why? Because all these parents who fail at disciplining their kids. Nowadays it's "timeouts" and &quotositive reinforcement" junk. Seriously, just watch supernanny, she never gives the kids spankings because that would be some kind of "child abuse." I remember whenever I did something bad, my parents immediately spanked me right on the butt. That's how discipline should be. Spankings have made me learn very well that what I did was wrong. And once I got spanked for doing something wrong, I never did that thing again because I didn't want to be spanked. Now about these kids I work with, they are a bunch of cry-babies. You know why? Because this is a generation of "timeouts." And the kids I work with are rude, disobedient and very rebellious. The little trolls are always untying my shoes, throwing crayons at me, stealing the snack food before it's snack time, flicking water at me when I take them to the bathroom. It's just ridiculous.
Bottom line: How and why did the world get so dangerous? And why are kids not being properly disciplined?

P.S. Even my little cousin (7 years old) screams his head off at the dentist's office because he's terrified of the tools. And he hardly ever brushes his teeth, so it's his own fault that he has to go to the dentist. I asked my parents if I was ever terrified of the dentist at that age, and they said that I wasn't... hmm... I wonder why...

  • 64 Replies
4,104 posts

I but hitting could be physically damadging the pet, like I've once seen a dog walking by who looked like he had a red icecream or something on the white fur near his nose, then when I look agian I see the owner hitting the dog on the nose with the leash, that is bad.
But spanking is not near any organs (not counting skin) and will not be internally damadging.

So hit the pets in a safe place?
1,606 posts

So hit the pets in a safe place?

Sure why not? As long as it dosen't damadge the pet.
9,462 posts

But spanking is not near any organs (not counting skin) and will not be internally damadging.

Not internally damaging?
Girl spanked to death in the name of God
214 posts

This thread has become too much about punishments

Showing 61-64 of 64