Forums → WEPR → The world has gotten wimpy!
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I remember the days when family, friends and neighbors used to stop by my house uninvited, and we'd let them in and we'd have a great time and stay up and party all night. Nowadays it's like: *Doorbell rings* "OMG! PANIC! HIDE UNDER THE COUCH AND BEHIND THE KITCHEN COUNTER! GET THE PHONE READY TO CALL 911! *Dad goes to look through the peep-hole and says:* "Oh, it's just the mailman with a package for us." Does that happen to anyone else?
I also remember the days when me and my neighborhood buddies (this was when I was like 10 years old or so) used to go all over the neighborhood with water-guns and squirt each other and have an awesome time independently. Then we'd go to the park and goof around and play tag, cops and robbers, and cowboys and indians. Nowadays... Kids put safety helmets on, and play on a swing-set in their fenced backyards with their siblings. Either that or they stay in their basements playing COD with their safety helmets still on.
So I work with these kids (6-10 years old) every other Tuesday, and to be honest, they are wimps. You know why? Because all these parents who fail at disciplining their kids. Nowadays it's "timeouts" and "ositive reinforcement" junk. Seriously, just watch supernanny, she never gives the kids spankings because that would be some kind of "child abuse." I remember whenever I did something bad, my parents immediately spanked me right on the butt. That's how discipline should be. Spankings have made me learn very well that what I did was wrong. And once I got spanked for doing something wrong, I never did that thing again because I didn't want to be spanked. Now about these kids I work with, they are a bunch of cry-babies. You know why? Because this is a generation of "timeouts." And the kids I work with are rude, disobedient and very rebellious. The little trolls are always untying my shoes, throwing crayons at me, stealing the snack food before it's snack time, flicking water at me when I take them to the bathroom. It's just ridiculous.
Bottom line: How and why did the world get so dangerous? And why are kids not being properly disciplined?
P.S. Even my little cousin (7 years old) screams his head off at the dentist's office because he's terrified of the tools. And he hardly ever brushes his teeth, so it's his own fault that he has to go to the dentist. I asked my parents if I was ever terrified of the dentist at that age, and they said that I wasn't... hmm... I wonder why...
BAM! That's my point. The kids who get timeouts always misbehave more. As the kids who get spanked actually learn that since they shouldn't hurt others, they can have legit fun.
Yup they're actions are signs that they might grow up to be property vandals. Then they'll get thrown in jail. So yes, they are much less wimpy...
Oh I'm sorry... I just assumed that everyone knew that there was conflict going on in Israel, Iran and Afganistan and all those countries. Apparently I was wrong when I assumed you knew that there was already war all over the world...
Jail doesn't hurt people? What about hurting them emotionally?
I think one would learn more if they were physically hurt rather than thrown into jail so that they have plenty of time to plot revenge.
Yup. I probably put them in timeouts rather than spanked them.
Talking never works
It worked on me.
POW! Their parents aren't doing a good job because they're putting their kids in freaking timeouts. Timeouts are a failure
Yes you can. You can show them how hitting makes other people feel. When they know how bad it feels, they will cease to do it to other people.
Another point about spanking is that it's all too often dished out to children based on a parents emotional reaction rather than balanced reasoning about whether it's an accurate response to the thing the child did wrong (of course, you may argue that spanking is never appropriate, lets just keep that out of the way for a minute). Spanking children, or smacking them, as an emotional response to their misbehaviour merely forwards the idea that it's okay to solve your problems with violence and that lashing out against other people when you don't like what they're doing is a reasonable response.
Spanking lets the child feel how the person they wronged against, feels. The child will learn that they don't want others to feel how they do, and thus spanking is effective discipline.
Making your child bleed or giving them severe bruises is cruel. Spanking is pain that only lasts for less than a minute. If the child can't learn to suck up a little pain, then you're going to have a Marty McFly Jr. on your hands.
It's called 'tough love.'
You have to break eggs to make an omelet. Even though it is emotionally hard for the child, spanking still sends a clear message that a certain behavior won't be tolerated. With parental guidance, the parents can help the child pick themselves back up, dust themselves off, and move on.
Wrong. A child has power. Sometimes they use that power to misbehave, thus spanking should be the consequence. And the child should not have very much power, because if you obey their every whim, you will end up raising a spoiled brat.
Spanking tells a child she is powerless. A powerless person will act out, leading to more problems.
If you respect your child too much, the will be a spoiled brat. But that doesn't mean that you must throw the child in a torture chamber and throw down cooked rats for them to eat... There is a balance between respect and disrespect when it comes to discipline, that balance is spanking.
How does it break trust? I could always trust my parents, that if I misbehaved, I'd get spanked. ... Okay, the kids have to feel secure. Lets put safety helmets on them, wrap them in bubble wrap, don't forget the knee pads, elbow pads, and mouth guard. Once the child is nice and secure, they can go play outside.
Spanking does exactly the opposite. It sends a clear and concise message to the child, that their behavior was wrong.
You talk with the child. Let them know where they went wrong. Do what you can to help them avoid misbehaving next time. You don't have to step up the pain.
It actually does work, I am living proof of that.
I do everything my parents ask without question because even though I'm too old to be spanked, I have learned that there are other consequences in the world for misbehavior.
If you hit one of your siblings, they will hit you back. And if you don't step in and start disciplining, your house will be total chaos.
Because they weren't spanked!
Perhaps because the parents know what harm can become of smoking and drinking, and they don't want this harm to come to their kids. Also, the kids should see what harm it's doing to their parents, and that should make the teenager not want to be like their parents.
Yup. Because they put their children in the most ineffective discipline method in history, timeouts.
That's why they get what is known as a "aycheck."
You send a message related to the golden rule: Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you... So if you do to the child what they did to someone else, it makes the child not want to harm anyone else because they know how it feels.
Watch the supernanny show... I don't think it's even on TV anymore, but have you seen it? Kids just scream "NO" whenever they are told to do something. Talking never works. Actions do.
Taking something away is rarely successful. The child will just whine and cry until they get their privileges back. Or they will keep disobeying and you will run out of privileges to take away.
And yet she still got her way. She still didn't brush her teeth.
Instead, if she starts hitting other people and only her things get taken away, she is still going to hit people. Tell me, is that an effective discipline method?
If you cut a rope, is that going to make it stronger?
Sounds to me like the 'mum' is being more abusive rather than disciplinary.
Okay, so we got a bunch of opinions from {What seems to be a babysitter[who is very unfit for the job(in my opinion)]}, what appears to be actual parents, and others, but have we got opinions from the actual children yet? As in of the new generation.
Well, considering that the minimum age for joining this site is 13, anyone that outs themselves as being younger than 13 will probably get banned. The best we can do is rely on the knowledge and experiences of the 14-18 years that we have here.
but have we got opinions from the actual children yet? As in of the new generation.
The best we can do is rely on the knowledge and experiences of the 14-18 years that we have here.
Well this isn't from this "new generation" but in middle school I had asked my class on whether they were hit or not as a form of punishment. Every single troublemaker in the class was hit. All of the best behaved students in the class were not hit.
It would be interesting to retake such a survey with a larger sample size, but I'm willing to bet the results would be similar with little overlay.
I don't know if I necessarily agree with the whole idea of form an emotional bond with your child so that they change their behavior according to your approval method. While I admit that it's probably better than putting a child over your knee and going to town, it also creates an adult who's mind is fine tuned to approval. This is an adult who will no doubt be a functioning member of society, a good one too, however this person will also be someone who will go to extra lengths for simple approval. That is not alright, it's a limitation of free will. Spanking may instill fear, but that fear simply prevents you from doing wrong, it does not carry further and become something that shapes you.
I will admit, my father has spanked me, has it happened often? No, perhaps two or three times in my entire life. Why? Because for the most part, I respected my parents enough to listen when they told me to stop doing something. And the only time I was physically punished was when I had purposefully done something that I knew was wrong. It was for all intentions and purposes a punishment not a deterrent. That is what spanking needs to and should be.
My main point is that, with a child it should not be about approval, fear, or even discipline. It's about respect, if your child does not respect you, how do you expect them to listen to you? Consider it from a personal perspective, do you bow to the wishes of someone who you have no respect for? In most cases no, because respect is integral. And respect cannot be earned through love, spankings, or simply remaining neutral. As adults we gain the respect and approval of our peers by doing what we and to a larger extent society believe to be correct. The child deserves that same courtesy, if you want you son/daughter to listen to you at any age, you have to show them that you know what you're doing first.
And NoName, I can understand that you might feel passionate about the issue, but you have absolutely no right to bash how his parent's raised him, because frankly it's something you don't know. And beyond that, until you become a parent, you hardly have the knowledge to critique another parents way of raising their child.
*Exempting those that neglect or abuse their children.
Well this isn't from this "new generation" but in middle school I had asked my class on whether they were hit or not as a form of punishment. Every single troublemaker in the class was hit. All of the best behaved students in the class were not hit.
Now's the question, were they troublemakers because they were hit, or were they hit because they're troublemakers? Maybe parents in general not coping with hyperactive and/or disobeying children resort to hitting while parents of children who are more 'cooperative' don't have to? Not that I support hitting mind you.
And NoName, I can understand that you might feel passionate about the issue, but you have absolutely no right to bash how his parent's raised him, because frankly it's something you don't know. And beyond that, until you become a parent, you hardly have the knowledge to critique another parents way of raising their child.
I don't know if I necessarily agree with the whole idea of form an emotional bond with your child so that they change their behavior according to your approval method. While I admit that it's probably better than putting a child over your knee and going to town, it also creates an adult who's mind is fine tuned to approval. This is an adult who will no doubt be a functioning member of society, a good one too, however this person will also be someone who will go to extra lengths for simple approval. That is not alright, it's a limitation of free will. Spanking may instill fear, but that fear simply prevents you from doing wrong, it does not carry further and become something that shapes you.
As you said earlier, I am not a parent, and admittedly I don't know the best ways to handle children, but I believe that there are plenty alternatives to spankings.
Now's the question, were they troublemakers because they were hit, or were they hit because they're troublemakers? Maybe parents in general not coping with hyperactive and/or disobeying children resort to hitting while parents of children who are more 'cooperative' don't have to? Not that I support hitting mind you.
This is a load of ****. You don't need to spank your child to toughin him up.
Children aren't pit dogs who need trained to fight through being beat up by their parents.
So is r-a-p-e. Calling something 'tough love' doesn't justify an action.
Children almost never toughin up when spanked. When a child does toughin up, generally the child has insane mental disorders which makes him completely unstable.
Of course you can't give into a child's every whim, but it's not this or that, there are multiple approaches to handling children.
If you honestly think people only learn when in pain, then you need to seek help. Again, you're a danger to the children you work with and you need to quit your job.
Why show yourself to be bigger, stronger, and tell them that they should bow down to your every whim?
It's so much more rational to level with your child, to talk to them as if they're social beings, which they are.
This creates a trust issue in which children will stop talking to their parents about rules they break.
When a child is screamed at for making poor grades, he'll often hide his report card so that he doesn't get in trouble.
When you spank a child, you do not teach them why what they did was wrong
If you believe a child should be hurt before they're even told that they're doing wrong, then that's even more sick than using spanking as a punishment for intentionally doing harm.
If you want to make a child behave properly, you find out why they're acting out and you try to fix their problem.
Shouldn't a child avoid causing trouble because they feel bad instead of avoid trouble as a means of avoiding pain?
A person should do good not because they fear the negative consequences, but because they're an ethical person.
You shouldn't give a child everything they want on a whim and spoil them, but you shouldn't hit them either. These are the only two forms of parenting you know of, which is sad.
LOL **** that ****. Children who's parents smoke tend to start smoking themselves. Children with alcoholic parents also tend to be more prone to becoming alcoholics. What you said just isn't true.
So it's okay for mommy and daddy to hit you, but it's not okay for you to hit others? Seriously, this **** doesn't add up inside the brain of a child. Do you not see the hypocrisy here?
They don't think about what they did wrong, they think about how ridiculous it is that they're getting punished, or hurt.
I'm pretty God **** certain he wouldn't have used that as an example if it didn't work.
Why would the child start hitting others? She was raised properly.
So what IF she does something bad? He talks to her and he shows disappointment, which is enough since he built a strong bond with his daughter.
Watch this video, all 11 minutes of it.
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