ForumsThe TavernIntroverts (Quiet people)

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Hey there fellow introverts! I created this thread to be a general discussion forum for introverts to talk about their experiences and give tips to other introverts on "general life stuff". I am an introvert by heart (don't get me wrong, I can be loud and obnoxious around my friends/ in a small groups or places where people don't know me)and want to see what the armor games community has to say about "quietness". As an introvert, I see myself as emphasizing hard work and commitment but often struggle to make "small chat". Extroverts feel welcome too

  • 65 Replies
2,300 posts

Introvert.. Introvert.. Yes, I am an introvert. On the forums, it's really easy because you're not talking to people face to face. When I do come face to face, I say something soft to seem polite and they ask me, "What was that?" Then I said, "Nothing, nothing." Why?! But it's easy once you have friends who accept you as an introvert.

213 posts

I am kind of an introvert. I have a small group of friends that I can be as loud as I want around them, but outside of these, I tend to be quiet. I feel wierd because I don't really know what to talk about. I don't have a lot of the same interests as other people in my school, but not anything odd where people wouldn't like me for.

People view me as the "smart" person, I think. A lot of people will only seem to talk to me if they need help with something.

It is kind of funny because one my best friends is really shy to. Our whole friendship began because we both liked to read Now we are best friends, and we are both content to just sit in silence, and it isn't awkward at all.

6,800 posts

I'm not an introvert. I just don't want to have to put up with all you people. Go away.

8,253 posts

Being introvert is the ability to make people listen to you when you say something ^^

I'm kinda introvert too although I made big progress in social communications, hehe... Most important is to recognize that it's completely alright, that you don't have to be loud and all, as I said people might listen more to you. Also, you need a big load of indifference to get started; either that or a very extroverted friend with whom you can do stuff. That helps a lot.

561 posts

either that or a very extroverted friend with whom you can do stuff. That helps a lot.

That's what helps me, most of the close friends I've had, have been really extroverted and do most of the talking to strangers for me. But i'm so comfortable with them and can be myself around them. One even calls me the clown, 'cause she thinks i'm funny (in a good way.) But most other people, that i'm not friends with, don't know how to talk to me and so i find it hard to make new friends
13,344 posts

Being introvert is the ability to make people listen to you when you say something

Huh, I wish. I've always had a very tough time projecting my voice so people can hear me. My voice booms in my head, but apparently everybody else just hears it as a mumble.
175 posts

Or when you know you have to ask someone something and you have it all figured out in your head exactly what you're going to say and how you're going to say it.

But then that person goes yes or do you want to ask me something?
And then the inevitable happens, the only thing that comes from your mouth is euhm i need to euhm ask euhm you something.

It happens a lot to me but it's starting to go better.

561 posts

But then that person goes yes or do you want to ask me something? And then the inevitable happens, the only thing that comes from your mouth is euhm i need to euhm ask euhm you something.

Oh i hate when that happens. Then you just feel like an idiot.
I also hate when i have something important, i want to say, but just when i'm about to began some else who's, louder than me, butts in and i hate interrupting, so i end up having to wait. Then forgetting what i'm about to say XD
175 posts

I also hate when i have something important, i want to say, but just when i'm about to began some else who's, louder than me, butts in and i hate interrupting, so i end up having to wait. Then forgetting what i'm about to say XD

so true

or when you want to tell someone something , but it's something rather delicate so you want to get a converstaion going first.
And then in the end the other person leaves, has to go or is involved in an other conversation and you still haven't had the chance to say what you started the conversation for in the first place.
13,344 posts

One other thing I always had trouble with was calling people by name. I never had any problem tapping them on the shoulder or just saying what I wished to say and hoping they knew I was talking them, but for some reason calling people by their names has always been difficult for me.

1,824 posts

Often, I have walked from a conversation or argument and was cursing myself for not saying something else. I'm sure not just introverts do this, but have any of yousie done thatsie?
@Ernie I had a friend, an introvert, who NEVER called my name. It was rather depressing, really.

2,226 posts

t's kind of more awkward in a way, though, because I still don't say anything. Now I'm regretting it because I feel less approachable now. So I'm debating if I want to go back, if I even can. Hmeh.

Actions speak louder than words...especially the words of quiet people. Try starting a game. My friends at lunch and I play the bottle flipping game and it's really laid back and is great to get involved in a group environment. Message back to let me know if you try this and how it worked out
'm not an introvert. I just don't want to have to put up with all you people. Go away.

Haha nice lol XD
Huh, I wish. I've always had a very tough time projecting my voice so people can hear me. My voice booms in my head, but apparently everybody else just hears it as a mumble.

You may be talking as loud as you think, but if you don't look at people when you talk to them or are in a noisy environment, they may have a difficult time understanding you. Also, make sure that you have their attention, or you may get the awkward "huh, could you say that again?"
One other thing I always had trouble with was calling people by name. I never had any problem tapping them on the shoulder or just saying what I wished to say and hoping they knew I was talking them, but for some reason calling people by their names has always been difficult for me.

I'm no psychologist, but that is probably is because when you call them by name you are subconsciously expecting them to look at and talk to you. This can be a little frightening for quiet/shy people. I would suggest to just take a deep breath, clear your mind, and imagine that you will have an engaging conversation.
I'm sure not just introverts do this, but have any of yousie done thatsie?

Yeah. I will sometimes convince myself I will talk to someone (more recently a certain lady *wink* *wink*), but then when I'm actually there, I feel like it's not the right time or lose the nerve and kind of shy away. See, introverts tend to get self conscious and worry about how others look at them, which makes sense as they don't get a whole lot of feedback from people if they don't talk a lot. It's kind of the Catch 22 here, but sometimes you just have to go out of your comfort zone feeling blind and helpless, but come out in better footing than you had before.
1,673 posts

A bit off-topic, but I think the word "introvert" has a vast array of varied definitions people use for it. However, I think the area is specific enough.

See, introverts tend to get self conscious and worry about how others look at them, which makes sense as they don't get a whole lot of feedback from people if they don't talk a lot.

I agree with the first part and somewhat with the second. I think it is true that most introverts are scared of getting a bad social image, which is why they don't talk as much, so no one can make fun of them for what they say. Although I don't think the lack of feedback, really gets them to think that way. It's just, I don't know, there in your genetics or something.

Also as many people have said, sometimes an introvert will have what the conversation with someone will be like in their head, and then something is different than they expected and they don't really know what to say...

Another thing I read somewhere, that often introverts can pick up much more from their surroundings than other socially active people.

Oh, and just to clear it up, I'm an introvert.
2,226 posts

Another thing I read somewhere, that often introverts can pick up much more from their surroundings than other socially active people.
Yeah, I like to think that introverts tend to be resourceful and aware to other things. Many use the time they don't talk to think.
Oh, and just to clear it up, I'm an introvert.

Yeah, many people on Armor Games are (a bit stereotypical, but pretty spot on nonetheless).
13,344 posts

You may be talking as loud as you think, but if you don't look at people when you talk to them or are in a noisy environment, they may have a difficult time understanding you.

I do look at people when I talk to them, but mostly I look at their entire face as a whole as opposed to just focusing on their eyes. I'm sure that makes a bigger difference than I think it does.

Also, make sure that you have their attention, or you may get the awkward "huh, could you say that again?"

Most of the time I'm not granted the luxury of someone asking me to repeat myself. From my past experiences, people generally don't seem interested in most of the things I have to say; which makes it very difficult to tell whether they actually didn't hear me or they did hear my voice but aren't interested in what I have to say.

I'm no psychologist, but that is probably is because when you call them by name you are subconsciously expecting them to look at and talk to you.

It's possible. I have noticed that I have a much easier time talking to people when they initiate the conversation (as rare as that is) than when I'm the one who has to start it.

But even with my closest friends, I almost never call them by name (I never do with my brother either). I can refer to them by name when I'm talking to anyone else, but I can't directly call them by their name or any other name.
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