ForumsThe TavernIntroverts (Quiet people)

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2,226 posts

Hey there fellow introverts! I created this thread to be a general discussion forum for introverts to talk about their experiences and give tips to other introverts on "general life stuff". I am an introvert by heart (don't get me wrong, I can be loud and obnoxious around my friends/ in a small groups or places where people don't know me)and want to see what the armor games community has to say about "quietness". As an introvert, I see myself as emphasizing hard work and commitment but often struggle to make "small chat". Extroverts feel welcome too

  • 65 Replies
421 posts

thought I was the only one. I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes people are even talking about stuff that relates to me and I still have no idea what they're talking about. I get so confused.

Exactly! And they actually like that about me, that i look like... i'm.... lost D:

Also, because I don't talk often people tend to imagine what I'm thinking. It's funny because they always come up with really exaggerated emotions and feelings, but I don't like it because they're never close to how I actually feel. At all. In fact, sometimes it's compleatly opposite. The sad part is that they don't do it on purpose, they really just have no idea what I'm thinking or feeling.

Same here, both of my friends sometimes, when they're finished with the conversation i don't know anything about, juts look blankly at me, and they just ask me what am i thinking, and i'm like:
Then the two of them laugh, and start talking about me, i really feel like a baby on those occasions.
2,226 posts

Yeah, sometimes you have to wake yourself up though... it's really difficult to do, but if you kind of believe in yourself (not to sound like one of those old kid shows) you can push to get where you want to be. Today, I told myself that I was going to get the number of a girl that I really like and who I'm pretty sure likes me too (a cute blonde girl who runs track and goes to my church), and it worked And trust me, if you just have confidence in what you say, it doesn't matter what you say. As long as you just try to slowly get more and more open with people, you CAN get better.

421 posts

Yeah, sometimes you have to wake yourself up though... it's really difficult to do, but if you kind of believe in yourself (not to sound like one of those old kid shows) you can push to get where you want to be. Today, I told myself that I was going to get the number of a girl that I really like and who I'm pretty sure likes me too (a cute blonde girl who runs track and goes to my church), and it worked And trust me, if you just have confidence in what you say, it doesn't matter what you say. As long as you just try to slowly get more and more open with people, you CAN get better.

Which i have, the only problem is, i'm really random and even though some people like that about me (I just say the first thing that comes to my mind, and those first things are really stupid), I don't think the rest would, that's why i can't keep up conversations, since some of my friends like talks about cars and stuff, which i don't, and then i have to do something to get myself out of the conversation, they even remain silent for awhile thinking i'm gonna say something to get the conversation going, and what i say, go's into a totally new topic.
5,340 posts

im pretty quiet too. i only tell manage to get myself to do something when the result of not doing it might be horibble. for example:

my neighbour works in the same place i do and her mother takes her to work with a car. i dont walk there because i dont like driving (alone). i just cant get myself to ask them to take me. when they do see me (if we get out of the house at the same time, so its basically luck) they tell me to come. but even if i do see them i just cant get myself to ask if i may go with them.

yesterday the girls mother and my father were in the same place for dinner and she told him to tell me to stop being shy and just go there without asking lol.

idk i just cant do such a thing. maybe because i dont want to be annoying?

421 posts

idk i just cant do such a thing. maybe because i dont want to be annoying?

It'll be annoying after a month or so if you start to change the music without permission, talk loudly on the phone inside the car or complain about how small it is or how bad the AC is.

Did that help?
407 posts

Well I always get shy around girls back then but not that much anymore.

1,388 posts

I'm an introvert. Especially when I'm upset or bothered about something.

2,226 posts

Well I always get shy around girls back then but not that much anymore.

Yeah, it depends who it is, though, especially.
I'm an introvert. Especially when I'm upset or bothered about something.

Well, yeah, that's the same for everyone :P Even if extroverts are in a crummy mood, they may not want to be around a whole lot of people for a while.
1,405 posts

Totally an introvert. I can't make eye contact well because at somepoint i just think it's weird to be staring at someone for so long. whenever there's an awkward silence i try thinking of some questions or something cool to talk about but when it comes out, i sound like i'm drunk or have a speech impediment.

2,226 posts

i try thinking of some questions or something cool to talk about but when it comes out, i sound like i'm drunk or have a speech impediment.

Yeah, that can be really tough, but if it happens, just blow it off and try to be confident in what you say. It is hard for an introvert to get in that mentality, but I have noticed that if you take some extra time to make yourself look nice, you can feel REALLY confident and that makes it a lot easier...especially if you get the ladies to giggle
9,821 posts

I'm an introvert. Especially when I'm upset or bothered about something.

You're not an introvert especially when anything. It's not a type of action or a state, it's a personality trait--how you process social situations at heart, rather than just being standoffish or shy.

I'm mildly introverted--I like social situations and I'm not totally socially inept, but they tire me out a LOT and I'm more comfortable in small groups than large ones, all of that.
1,361 posts

Reading through this thread (skimming over more so), I have to say I'm surprised by the amount of introverted people here! You'd think that people who post frequently in forums that can be seen by anyone would not be introverted at all, but I guess you learn something new every day!

I myself am not an introvert in any sense, whether it be online or in the dreaded real world! I can't stay quiet in a group of people, I'm always the one leading the conversation!

So if any of you have any questions on how to interact with people like myself, and trust me it really isn't that hard, you can ask me and I'll assure you that your problems are much smaller than you make them out to be!

572 posts

but when I hang out with friends or meet people elsewhere I tend to be fine.

I do it too, when im around my friends i laugh and make a racket. But when im with people i dont know, im quiet and polite
8,231 posts

^^me too.
with my friends, i poke them and pretend to bite them and generally annoy the crap out of them. see, i can only be friends with people who are tolerant of weirdness(and you'd be surprised how many people actually are).
when i'm with anybody who isn't one of my friends, I sit and fiddle with my shoelaces or read or something.

4,220 posts

I have to say I'm surprised by the amount of introverted people here

It's the Internet. There will always be an extremely disproportionate number of introverts to extroverts than the real world, because extroverts like the company of real people more than a forum.

I'm introverted. Very, actually, when around people I don't know. I won't even hold a conversation, even when spoken to first. It's not that I'm socially awkward, I'm just not a big fan of people. When you talk to people first, it's easier to make the wrong kind of friends. I'm quite allergic to that, and I tend to know people who talk to me first aren't quite going to be ******s.

Around friends? I'm the life of the ****ing party.
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