We all ask ourselves this question at some point in our life. I don't think about it, I just make sure I'm not mad at someone and everything is well before I go sleep in case it's my last night because you never know...
I really don't care about my death. I probably won't know about it tell it is about to happen and after that I won't be able to think about it.... or anything else really. I'll just be dead......
I use to handle death not so well, now it has no effect on me what so ever. The first time I experienced a death I was young, so it hit me hard. Second time, again, not so good. Now death has no effect on me and I don't fear death, thanks to my father. Painful or not, death isn't something I fear. So I guess that is the one benefit I have from my experiences...
Well my own death isn't really all that big a deal. When I die, I die. Not much I will be able to do about it. It will happen eventually, no matter what I do, so no reason for me to get uptight about it.
As far as other peoples death goes, I don't really handle it very well. I have a pretty hard time knowing that someone I care/cared about is gone.
i dont fear death. just the way to die could be bad. everyone wants it to happen fast but will it go fast whit my own death? oh well, i'll see that when it's time. nothing to bother about now.
Well, as an atheist, I believe once I no longer live, I will cease to exist. My "soul" will, anyway. However, I know my body will be broken down and consumed by various organisms, and the energy from my lifeless body will return to the earth that it came from.
I just don't think about it. Death will come for us all eventually, wether that be from old age or a bullet in our heart. All you can do is smile at him when he comes and say,"Did you bring the grenade I wanted?"
Acceptance is the only way.... well there is on the other hand denial of course
Denial of death? 0.o Well if by that you mean hope in an afterlife, you're certainly right. Though I find it funny that many religious people weep and mourn for the defuncts.. makes me think they're aware, consciously or not, that they'll never see them again.