Well, i juat saw that one of the competitors to vbe the president of US as a bill because of this race. it happend in Israel, it happen all around the world. so i have to say - how a man from the street, who can be the greatest, best leader of a nation, cannot even try to go to this race, because of lacking of money? how did we get ther?
Yes, i understand why, but didnt the democracy meant to let the little man power, not letting the rich more power?
and it made me think- democracy is not freedom to everyone, its freedom to the rich doing whatever they want. letting them compite between themselve for the ruling on earth.
America, being a republic, isn't really a good example for a democracy... but it's true that having a lot of money gives you better chances. Although theoretically everyone could compete, even more with today's social medias and anonymous donations and stuff, you just need to know how to market yourself efficiently, know how the system and the people work/think, and have enough charisma.
Democracy isn't giving the rich the freedom to do everything, since in a real democracy the poor people will cry out against it. Even more so, democracy as we have in Switzerland is, I think, the least bad political system in regards of money and corruption; or do you know any political system that in practice gives the poor the same chances as the rich?
you know, some people believe that they can buy friends and love.
well, lets try to buy them all! love- with money you can realy meet alot of peoples, until you find a people you want to share your life with. plus, love is a complexe thing. uo offner got love. they may dont realy love him, but they do in some way. plus, its make it much easier. happines - paaaleaseeee.... give me 3 millions and i will be so much happy! the joy of creation, easier to get when having 100m right? faith - when you build a catheadral for your god, and have the time to get realy deep in the holy writens, you can realy 'enjoy' the faith, and raly understand it. selfishness - my dream for my 100m? opening youth organizasion in the model we have in Israel around the world. no "scouts" who became a hobby for kids who like camping, i mean organization than base on equality, on kids that 'lead' kids. on them making the holidays festivals, who decorate ther living places. thats what we do in the moshavs in Israel, and its realy make the kids to appriciates ther living places, and the citizens to appriciate ther living places too. its give the kids something to pride of, this could help to so many places in england, africa and USA...
well were was i? oh yea... by the way, you know that bill gates decleard that we will give most of his money {something like 85%} to charity? his kids will get some, the rest - all kinds of charity organizations. selfish? no. its easier to be none-selfish when you have something to share.
by the way, you know that bill gates decleard that we will give most of his money {something like 85%} to charity? his kids will get some, the rest - all kinds of charity organizations. selfish? no. its easier to be none-selfish when you have something to share.
With the money donated to charity, he is partly repairing things that he damaged through his organizations where he got this money from in the first place, making him image publicity although he's actually accessary to the caused troubles.
i dont think so. i think that when you got the money {and the right personality}, you can do much more for others. and if he was realy selfish, he could give it all to his kids. buffet {if that how to spelled is name} doing it too. giving most of ther money to charity. Gate is helping alot of african nations. give them money and help them to moving into modernization. i dont think he is doing it only for his image. when you have more than 5b, i dont think you care anymore about your image. he can make his grand-grand-grand childrens to be rich as hell, not having to work for living with this money. but he prefer to give it away. not such a selfish in my opinion.
I never said that it was selfish to give money to charity. I simply question his motives, and please keep in mind he's jointly responsible for many bad things; his hands are dirty, so to speak, and spending some money is a way to clean a bit. I say 'a bit' because with the inefficiency of money donations and charity organizations, what he gave, even if it is much, still only helps marginally in the big picture. 'Helps'? Nay, 'make things less worse' would be more appropriate.
Also, if only he would be open and sincere and tell the people what he has done and why he's spending money, then I'd understand. But he's making it look as if he's the rich saviour (or rather, he's not doing anything against this image, which is just as bad) and that's something I despise. This is the part I'm accusing of being selfish, not the donation itself.
bill gates is the image of microsoft, to clear it's own image he clears the image of microsoft. so that people keep buying microsoft products and not 1 of the many others. befor he didn't had competition except for apple and he already beated them.
bill gates doesn't care about the money because he has waayy to much. bill gates does however care about his and microsofts image.
it's nice he gives his money away yes. but the reasons behind it are not that nice.
how can you know? maybr he id a good person? so yea, he is {was} a buisness man, who had to do some dirty tricks, but does that make him 'evil man', an 'umbrella corporation' [tm] member?
maybe he does want to help to the world, feeling that now he can?
it's nice he gives his money away yes. but the reasons behind it are not that nice.
Bill Gates will talk about donating his money to help his image, this is true. If Bill Gates donated his money in secret, people would criticize him for never donating money.
Bill Gates is put in a position where he has to tell people when he donates his money so he isn't criticized for donating his money.
Maybe Bill Gates does donate his money for the wrong reason. Maybe Bill Gates doesn't care about the people whom he's donating his money to. Does this change anything? Not really, the money is still being donated. What are we going to do? Are we going to force him to donate more money because his first donations weren't sincere?
So, honestly, I don't bother with determining the intentions behind donations unless I feel the donations are being used to buy political favor.
well, the main issue here is that the rich, can - "make the world go around" - if the brothers ofer' in Israel want to sell salt from the dead-sea, no one will stop them, because they support the politicans. they donate to the politicians, so they wont support any law that will turn against them. and its fully leagal! its what we call in Israle hon-shilton: fortune-authority- they are so combinded that its just make me mad. now, ther is a new man going to politics in Israel, which i support in 100%, yair lapid, who say that this is one of the main things that he will take care off.
I agree with Danelo, we're experiencing a dictatorial oligarchy masked as a democracy. in fat, Democrcy should be the ruling of the people through their elected representative,waht we have in reality are elected representatives (ok) that rule without caring of the people they rule (wrong).