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I didn't really know if this should be in the Tavern or Popular Media so I put it here.

Have any of you heard/played on the website pottermore. It is actually a lot of fun. You get sorted into a house and you gain points for your house. It really makes you part of the Harry Potter universe.

If you have not tried it I suggest that you do. Also you can write what you like and don't like about it.

  • 30 Replies
4,104 posts

I think I had used this site some time ago, around the time the 4th or 5th book came out. Did they used to have puzzles relating to the most recent story?

And in related news, I just got back from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios, Orlando, today. Drank some Butterbeer (it tastes terrible), and got all my harry swag on

3,766 posts

Drank some Butterbeer (it tastes terrible)

Shoots you. Butterbeer is great. Was it too sweet for you?
Did they used to have puzzles relating to the most recent story?

I don't think so... It has been in the beta stage since August. It just became open to the public.

I want that Buckbeak. I have a Hedwig and Fluffy.
490 posts

cough*nerds*cough lol just kidding. i used to have an old harry potter game for the pc. it was really fun at the time.

5,823 posts

i am a huge harry potter fan not really the movies mostly after the 3rd and not so much even the first 2 but i love the harry potter series

4,104 posts

Shoots you. Butterbeer is great. Was it too sweet for you?

No, just apple juice and a disgusting amount of cinnamon doesn't really taste great.

I don't think so... It has been in the beta stage since August. It just became open to the public.

I was probably thinking of a different site then.
1,075 posts

Drank some Butterbeer (it tastes terrible)

Kidding... I LOVED beutterbeer. I had it in Orlando and it was really good. The foam at the top was also good ;D
75 posts

I read the Harry Potter books a while back and I thought that they were good. As for the movies they were decently similar to the books.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Are almost as annoying as the Twilight fans. I liked the first few books, the latter lost it's magical shine. The girls in my class don't think so. Baw.

5,823 posts

Are almost as annoying as the Twilight fans. I liked the first few books, the latter lost it's magical shine. The girls in my class don't think so. Baw.
how dare you say i'm almost as annoying as the twihearts, that's anawful thing to call someone you should be ashamed of yourself for typing such words
13,657 posts

Fans in general are as annoying as other fans. Harry Potter hardcore fans included. You know, the people that take offence to being called annoying or being compared to other popular fantasy series.

When the stuff about Pottermore became public knowledge, I was slightly tempted to join just to see what all the fuss was about, but seeing all the fans angsting about getting the early invite letter made me take a step back, turn on my heel and go somewhere else.
It's probably a nice site and good for the real fans, but considering I have other stories I am more interested in, and would rather use my time on, perhaps it's for the better anyway.

Oh, and a note I just remembered seeing the mention of Buckbeak: I never really understood the use of hippogriffs in the story. Even considering this is a fictional story, where this fictional creature should fit in, mythology pretty much makes it an oxymoron made live...
Can't say it wasn't a good choice of writing, especially considering the context (and some good amount of over analysing), but hippogriffs annoy me.

703 posts

I like the Harry Potter series a lot, its a great idea, but I think that J.K. Rowling is overated.

Its stupid how in EVERY book, a new way of transportation is made.
Broomsticks, Flu powder, The Knight bus, portkeys, dissapearing and reappearing somewhere elde instantly (I forgot what its called)...

13,657 posts

Except that the majority of those are either common place transportation or used as either a plot device or a Checkov's knife of sorts.
But, really, what if we take a look at our own world. We don't have a single way of transportation either, and some transportation methods are more appropriate than others, as shown in the fiction:
Broomsticks are not common as actual transportation as much as a tool for use in sports, mainly because it is pretty hard to travel without anyone noticing you that way, and they are fairly uncomfortable. Flu Powder and Apparition are more commonplace when it comes to the working adults of the wizarding population, mainly because it is easy and an almost instant way of travelling that needs almost no preparation, and rarely will draw the attention of muggles, if done properly. Portkeys are good for transporting large groups, especially if other meassures are taken towards making apparition and Flu Powder impossible, or if there are people in the group that are unable to apparite.
And the Knight Bus is just plain awesome. Don't diss the Knight Bus.

Anyway, sorry for striding from the topic of Pottermore (then again, most people don't seem to follow the topic anyway... But I guess I have said what I needed to say about the site.

3,766 posts

I was slightly tempted to join just to see what all the fuss was about, but seeing all the fans angsting about getting the early invite letter made me take a step back, turn on my heel and go somewhere else.

It is fun but I think some people are too into it. People are just going crazy about the house points. Right now there aren't many things to do either. Plus the houses aren't equal. I am in Ravenclaw and we have about 20,000 less then the other houses. This makes it hard for us to stay in second for points. I think they should even out the houses, but whatever.
3,139 posts

Well, i remember getting very excited when pottermore was opening and you had to search for the quill everyday to get into the initial beta testing. Although i was on holiday, and the time difference didn't work out, so i couldn't sign up. I was a little disappointed, but with the pottermore insider promising pretty much every month that it would be open to a wider audience, i stuck with the idea.

Almost a year later, it was finally opened to everyone. Big mistake leaving it so long, although obviously the scale of appeal was so massive they had work with it or whatever. The initial problem is, you have people who have explored the site for almost a year and have that heir of superiority. Next thing is, a full year later and it's still in the beta stage with only one book open. It begs me to think what they have been doing for the year, and why only the first book can be explored.

Kind of like AG, as daleks said - you have a points race. Which is pointless as the people who got in there first are 200,000 points ahead of you. The houses being different numbers is a bit of a drag too, even though i purposefully sought out to be in Hufflepuff.

I guess the idea was in theory brilliant. Harry potter fans are given extra content and explanations about aspects of the books, and people just getting into the series are introduced in a very shortened way which might make them want to read the books or watch the films.

There's a lot of areas in the site and considering it's only about 1/7 open, i'm sure it'll get more exciting. For now you can explore the first book, learn about characters, be introduced to areas in the wizarding world, you earn and lose house points through activities so there's to an extent a sense of community within your house. You can actively brew potions and duel etc.

Overall however, i feel very let down. After the wait, and all the commotion and publicity and anticipation.. it's "Okay" at best.

but I think that J.K. Rowling is overated

This, i needed to write something about, as J.K is someone i have an absolute respect for. I think she deserves to be rated very highly, even "over-rated" because she came from virtually nothing. From being a single parent struggling to provide for her family, she is now worth billions. Shows you what creativity can do - not to mention she inspires so many writers, showing that the published world is no longer a rich place to try strive in. Not to mention, for my generation at least, she was at the top of the new world. I mean the first HP book was published in 1998 when i was seven, and i remember everyone going crazy for it. It's nice to see it's still so popular and magical for a whole spectrum of age ranges and across gender lines. Much respect for the woman.
3,766 posts

The houses being different numbers is a bit of a drag too, even though i purposefully sought out to be in Hufflepuff.

This is the problem I think. People are like, "I want to be in ______ house!" so then the answer the questions to try and get in that house. Since Gryffindor is the most popular it has the most people. There are also the people that I think make multiple accounts to get in the house they want. Even though it would not be as much fun I think that they should auto put you in a house.
You can actively brew potions and duel etc.

People have lots of issues with this though. The dueling people only use one spell because all the other ones are weaker. The potions I have followed the instructions before and it has said that I did something wrong.
i'm sure it'll get more exciting.

I don't know what they will add. There is only 1 link at the top that is still locked. Yes you will be able to explore the books more but after you find the stuff there is nothing to do. Hopefully they add quidditch. I think that would be fun. That way you could work with your house to win.
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