ForumsThe TavernIs lying OK?

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25 posts

Is lying OK in some situations? If so when? why/ why not? How much lying does it take to make someone a liar?

  • 49 Replies
3,139 posts

I never think lying is alright. Honesty is the bets policy.
But sometimes it is necessary, and that i *guess* is understandable.

1,606 posts

white lies are okay

Sure then, I killed your father by running him over with a car... I lied... But it was a whitelie since I didn't kill him with a car.

I never think lying is alright. Honesty is the bets policy.
But sometimes it is necessary, and that i *guess* is understandable.

I've done serious lies very rarely in my life, and i don't remember what they were for, but I lie for fun all the time, like I will tell someone something as a joke and see for how long I could keep it up, it's a great form of entertainment.
Although I do admit that once that did get a little out of hand but there was no bad reprocussions so it's still not causing harm.
3,139 posts

like I will tell someone something as a joke and see for how long I could keep it up, it's a great form of entertainment.

Oh joke lies are totally acceptable if they're obviously told to be a joke after.

I tell my parents i'm pregnant all the time to spark a reaction.
703 posts

I truly think that honesty is the best. Its hard to gain a persons trust but so easy to lose it.

But when I lie, i always make sure to look a 100 steps ahead to make sure that nothing bad can come out of it cuz it can get you into REAL BIG trouble.

5,860 posts

If in the end it is a total benefit to ALL, then I think telling a small lie is ok. I believe this with more than just lies also, if you have to hurt someone's feelings a bit so that you can make them super happy later, that's fine. But lying is never ok if it won't a beneficial effect later.

15,595 posts

I lie to get out of conversations I don't want to be in. I usually tell them I have to be somewhere else. I also lie so I don't hurt someone's feelings. An example of that is if a girl asks me if she looks fat in her clothing, of course I'm going to say no because I don't want them to get *****y. Otherwise I rarely lie.

25 posts

Lying is only ever acceptable when you lie to save someoneâs life, it is understood said lie is lie, or when when said lie would enhance your honor more than it would destroy it.

Lying is acceptable if lying or receiving partyâs lives are at stake. There is nothing simpler than a man fighting for his own life and nothing should interfere with him/her. All is fair in love and war means that it is acceptable to lie when oneâs life is at stake, and the rule still holds true today. To tell a lie to save someoneâs life is acceptable because there is almost nothing more honoring than saving someoneâs life (see 2nd paragraph following).

Lying is also acceptable when receiving party knows and understands that lying party is lying. Folks understand that most cartoons, plays, books, etc. are solid lies, yet they are still very good things. However, if receiving party does not understand said lie is a lie, your situation becomes quite messy.

Lying is, thridmost, acceptable when said lie would enhance your honor more than it would increase it. Honor is a tricky subject, and lying is a serious offence. It is encouraged that if it comes down to a question of honor, tell the truth. However, here is a list of examples in which lying would lying partyâs honor more than it would impede upon it:
â¢Lies that save ones country
â¢Lies that save someoneâs life (see 2nd paragraph)
â¢Lies that win wars
â¢And many more!

Some people believe that it is acceptable to tell âwhite liesâ or lies that flatter. They may preserve peoples good judgment in you, or help you âignoreâ a hard truth to carry. Sometimes you may tell them so as not to hurt anotherâs feelings.

âThose who think it is permissible to tell white lies soon grow color-blindâ. ~Austin O'Malley. So called âwhite liesâ will destroy and consume you. In fact, 60% of people tell 1+ lie per 10 min. period*. These lies are still as hurtful as any other lies. These lies can mislead receiving party, make them lose trust in lying party, and destroy lying party from inside of them and/or impede upon lying partyâs honor, etc. just as well as any other forms of lying, and are still a form of unhonest cruelty.

You have now learned why it almost always unacceptable to lie, when it is o.k. And why, and have also learned the dangers of white lies. You have also come to a better understanding of lies, and hopefully, through it, a better understanding of the world around you. âDo we learn kindness, or the mask of kindness?â
-Pablo Naruda

226 posts

Lying isn't good for all times ,and if you did bad,don't lie that you didn't do the bad,you should be honnest with that person
And every lie sayed will be found out ,maybe after a day or a year or 50 years
Lying is against god and the bible, you will not pass to haven easy with all the bad stuff you did on earth
Honesty is better than a lie because your brain or spirit I don't know what the word is ,will be relieved
Good day

5,340 posts

But when I lie, i always make sure to look a 100 steps ahead to make sure that nothing bad can come out of it cuz it can get you into REAL BIG trouble.

yes, very important. when i know im about to lie or to do some kind of thing like that i look at all possibilities of what might happen if i follow path A and what might happen if i follow path B, both the worst and best outcome and most importantly, not leaving any evidence XP

also, when i do that i dont really"lie" i do say confusing things that will make you jump to a conclusion though XD
60 posts

it is ok as long as you dont get caught up by your lie, or you start to believe yourself whe lying.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

And every lie sayed will be found out ,maybe after a day or a year or 50 years

Hogwash. There are plenty of good liars out there, and white lies tend to be forgotten.
5,340 posts

i lied and made 2 book reports of mine much easier. i already finished school. i doubt my teacher will ever find out XP so yeah, "every lie will be found out" is a really naive way of thinking that even i dont believe in

187 posts

I hate lying and I try to never do it... but I do make mistakes sometimes I don't think it's okay to lie..unless you're protecting someone...

453 posts

lying is realy only ok when used in a situation when noone gets hert even if the lie is found out. or if it helps someone emotionaly though of the type im thinking of it may not be a lie unless you say "i know" b4 the lie

13,817 posts

To young children, lying is a pretty straightforward thing. But when you think about it, it's a bloody maze.


All I have to say is that if you make a habit of lying, you ought to be clever enough to cover your tracks.

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