This article states that Taliban attacked on various locations in Afghanistan and killed 11 soldiers bearing 39 causalities of their own (Ofcourse official figures of both sides cannot be trusted as each side will exaggerate opponent causalities we will have to wait for Taliban figures and then an approximate figure b/w both extremes can be found) In my opinion it is beginning of the end in Afghanistan and there will be more attacks coming. What is your opinion?
Because they are becoming increasingly Hostile espacially after Quran burning and Civilian massacre incidents. On the other hand NATO ain't gonna get its supplies through Pakistan any soon. Even if govrn approves them, a coalition of 40 political parties vowed that they will not let them pass no matter what the cost is.
The Taliban said there will be a spring offensive, and medias are speculating that this is the first act of said offensive.
There has also been other news about almost 200 Talibans storming a prison in Pakistan and releasing almost 400 inmates (random English article source).
I have no clue if they are related in any way, but at least it seems the Talibans are getting more active, be it coordinated or each group separately. Let's see if it goes on or not.
Because they are becoming increasingly Hostile espacially after Quran burning and Civilian massacre incidents.
usa can't leave, they got a war against terrorism (taliban) going on. especialy when they get more hostile they will stay longer. i don't see this war being over for atleast another 10 year tbh.
On the other hand NATO ain't gonna get its supplies through Pakistan any soon. Even if govrn approves them, a coalition of 40 political parties vowed that they will not let them pass no matter what the cost is.
then they fly around pakistan. i don't see the problem realy.
We are talking about under equipped, under trained mostly average joes who are going to get back to farming or other occupations at end of war.
so they are not taliban then. now what are they taliban or farmers? and i still fail to see how a few average joes can change the war so it gets some progres in either way again.
usa can't leave, they got a war against terrorism (taliban) going on. especialy when they get more hostile they will stay longer. i don't see this war being over for atleast another 10 year tbh.
There is an increase in terrorist attacks, but I don't see us staying unless this gets more attention...
so they are not taliban then. now what are they taliban or farmers? and i still fail to see how a few average joes can change the war so it gets some progres in either way again.
My newspaper says that there is a good chance that some of the attacks are not Taliban and that they are basically saying "That successful attack? Yes. That was Totally us."
But other than that, what do you think the Taliban where? I always thought they where guerrilla troops, random losers who can't shoot straight killing for their god.
Because they are becoming increasingly Hostile espacially after Quran burning and Civilian massacre incidents. On the other hand NATO ain't gonna get its supplies through Pakistan any soon. Even if govrn approves them, a coalition of 40 political parties vowed that they will not let them pass no matter what the cost is.
It is more likely that, since the soldiers are pulling out, they Taliban are taking advantage of the lesser forces.
so 39 terrorists killed 11 soldiers?
danm they are bad. xD
They where attacking fortified locations that they new they could not take. With suicide vests. It was not likely meant to take over anything, and was most likely a symbolic attack. If it is the offensive I am thinking about.
There is an increase in terrorist attacks, but I don't see us staying unless this gets more attention...
if you leave while they get more atively then it's just waiting for a 2nd. 9/11 and then we get all the BS all over again. but if you want that to happen then be my guest, i dont care about it tbh.
My newspaper says that there is a good chance that some of the attacks are not Taliban and that they are basically saying "That successful attack? Yes. That was Totally us."
the taliban are saying that all the time. i remember a attack like 2 or 3 year ago where they said they did it but then the real guy said he had nothing to do whit taliban. so i don't except taliban does all what they say they do.
I always thought they where guerrilla troops, random losers who can't shoot straight killing for their god.
they are guerrilla troops. but this doesn't equal that they are random losers we can't shoot straight. they use tactics and local terain to their advantage. and attack in little groups so it never becomes a full war. in a full war they are defeated in a few days but this way they are almost beating the usa.
They where attacking fortified locations that they new they could not take. With suicide vests. It was not likely meant to take over anything, and was most likely a symbolic attack.
if they used suicide vests then then 28 of them missed all there targets. thats prety bad xD and the taliban never try's to take over something. their tactic is to hide-hit-die/run, or long distence bombs.
They didn't used explosive vests, it a "Fidaeen attack" i.e fight until you die or run out of ammo or there is no longer any opposition left.These attacks go back to early days of Islam.
Lol, Pakistan and Afghanistan are not part of the ME proper until Bush went against Geography in 2004. Just saying since I'm pedantic like that. It just highlights the daunting task the Afghan army has, and it isn't in too good a shape.
they were not all together but they were in groups.
ofcours they are. i didn't say it was 1 group, as was stated befor they did multiple attacks =)
they held out for at least 18 hrs
doesn't change the fact they missed everything. the guy in france a few weeks ago was holding out for 2 and a half days. it doesn't mean he had a good fight.
i think once U.S. troops pull out of the middle east the taliban will go crazy
I don't think they will, part of NATO being there is to train the Afghan police and armies to deal with the threat from the Taliban and other extremist groups. There have been a few attacks and missions recently that the Afghan army has taken part in successfully and it is only a matter of time now until NATO is confident enough in the new Afghan army to pull out.