Hello and Welcome to the "Summer Tournament of 2012 Colony Tournament" forum page
I would like to start a summer tournament for this year. I plan on starting all of the organization now since in past experience I have learned that if I wait to much longer everything will fail.
Now then, the first order of business will be to decide whether to have a 2v2 or 1v1 tournament. My vote goes towards 2v2 this year even though more planning will be involved to making this work.
Secondly, we will need to decide if it's going to be set up in groups (ABCD, EFGH, IJKL), stages (AvsB+CvsD=AvsC), or just have everyone plays everybody(AvsB, AvsC, AvsD...).
Third, should we come up with some requirements such as beat a player or group of players in a game? Or beat computers? Or win in a weekly scheduled pre-tourney entry game?
After all of that is figured out/even before all that is decided we need people to sign up. If we can't get enough people to sign up there's no tournament anyway.
Leave comments down below if you have questions/concerns/anything else. My profile is also a place I will check if you need to contact me.
Ok I'm officially going to be partnered with 42maelstrom on this one. All the data for me applies to him as well as we are brothers.
Time zone: EST
Times usually on: I'm sorry this might be a bit shady but I'd say about 7:00-10:00 AM, 6:00-9:30 PM. I could really be on pretty much anytime from 7:00 AM to 9:30 PM but I'm more likely to be occupied between the times I said.
Can I suggest something? 2v2 is sometimes a bit boring, and because this tournament will be played by good players, i suggest that a tier person (chessmaster i guess) impose the governments, but each time differents.
For exemple, 2 teams will have a BO3. The first game will be 2 communist, then 1 fascist and 1 monarchy, and finally one capitalist and one fascist (just examples). Each government will be imposed for 1 player, players in each teams won't be able to chose betwin the 2 governments (for more difficulty).
It will show who really are pros, because they might have to fight with an unknown government. And also it'll be fun playing comi, because it's quite never played.
I know they might be some problems, people might cheat choosing another government. And also it'll be hard to organize. But i still think it'll be more fun than just a normal tournament.
Btw, i'll be playing with gamemaster (if he's still ok), i've never played with darktroop (not playing at the same time). I can play betwin 7:00 am and 10:00 pm GMT.
Well, 2 vs 2 definitely. The problem is finding partners and organizing practices. I agree with the 5-day period to completing games,and that who plays who is completely random. It should be Best of Three style. Otherwise someone could get lucky and random win or null or something. It should be fought in Cold War/Safe Skies format so idiots don't spam missiles. Lastly, there should be a 1 minute peace period to prevent rushing and allow people to build. Thanks for Reading, [i]Supertoast
I do agree with wmt. It will be very difficult dealing with idiots who do stupid rushes. But most of the people who will be playing are at least advenced players and will generally not do such things.
ALL GAMES WITH BE PLAYED ON NORMAL SETTING. if you are worried about missles then you probably arent very good. And no peace time either. Most pros know how to deal with rushes and if you dont then you'll get kicked out in the first couple of rounds anyway. When making this tournament I was planning on people pinning the other team down in the beginning. This is where the fun comes in cause 1 person can break the pin while the other techs up. And hackers will be dealt with in recordings of the matches. I understand your concerns but I can handle all of the issues. All governments are allowed as of right now. If too many people are just double rushing with monarchy or something that might change.
And now for the long list of participants :
L0rdDrag0 and ? Time zones: CST and ? Times normally on: 4PM - 11 PM and ?
Clausse and massmurder Time zones: ? and ? Times normally on: ? and ?
dashman123 and demonninja10 Time zones: MST and EST Times normally on: ? and 6PM - 8PM
fission12 and CaptainCorps Time zones: ? and ? Times normally on: ? and ?
chessmaster102 and SpeakerForTheDead Time zones: EST and EST Times normally on: 2PM - 4AM and 4PM - 11PM
Darktroop07 and ? Time zones: ? and ? Times normally on: Monday-Friday: 2:30-3:00PM, 5:00-8:00PM
soccerdude2 and maelstrom42 Time zones: EST and EST Times normally on: 7:00-10:00 AM, 6:00-9:30 PM and 7:00-10:00 AM, 6:00-9:30 PM
PowerOfSauce and ? Time zones: ? and ? Times normally on: ? and ?
Perhaps POS and Dark could join teams. I need time information as soon as possible.
that wont be cool but you must ask the Members in the tournament simple questions
POS i would join teams with you but the thing is that KingWarHammer was thinking about participating and i dont want to dump him. So if he isnt able to make it I would love to be your teammate! -Drag0
Not at all saying i would like you as a teammate over KingWarHammer! Im just saying if he isnt able to come and you still havent found one we could be a team. IF he dosent show up.