ForumsWEPROccupy Wall street and their shenanigans

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2,150 posts
Peasant expresses the dark, dark reality behind this, quite frankly, idiots who want their money. They complain about big, evil corporations... on their ipad's and iphones, they whine about big businesses, then use the rest rooms at walmart... There hasn't been protests, these are riots. What's worse is that the police are being demonized for... DOING THEIR JOB and stopping these idiots. We have an American right to protest... we don' have a Right to murder, ****, and destroy.

  • 60 Replies
1,573 posts

My reply is to the chap who claimed people can easily find jobs.

I know I apologise it was not clear that |I was agreeing with your comment and mine was actually to the same guy.
339 posts

How can we seriously expect every single able bodied person to work? There simply is not enough jobs for an ever increasing population to give everyone a useful job. At least not in our current monetary system.
And there is also the disabled or mentally ill.

i understand this thatâs why i said some people do need help itâs just that allot of them are just living off the government just because they can (instead of working)

ps lets get back on the topic of Occupy Wall street
1,573 posts

The topic of jobs and money and economy is exactly what OWS is about. Thats why they are protesting and thats why it spread all over the world.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The topic of jobs and money and economy is exactly what OWS is about. Thats why they are protesting and thats why it spread all over the world.

Well, to be fair the topic of jobs is just one of the issues. The main issues are social and economic inequality, essentially the growing gap, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on the government and politics. It's called OWS for a reason.
1,573 posts

The main issues are social and economic inequality, essentially the growing gap, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on the government and politics.

If only I was a good public speaker :P
But Im not.

The bit that concerns me the most is the corporations influence in government which I believe is growing to titanic preportions.
1,773 posts

thats what i tried to say! you can be a speaker {lol an nichodemeus, who can explaine almost everything}.

you know how you kill a idea? you call it a conspiracy. now, all th protesters are called "hippsters" and "high hippis", and the mass dont listen to them.

what the artical is about, is the way they protest. lets put aside for a sec on what they do.

how do they need to protest? you say "ther shenanigans" - but what do you mean? what wrong with what they do?
and again, how do they need to protest? and leave if they need or not, how they should protest? what way is is ok?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The bit that concerns me the most is the corporations influence in government which I believe is growing to titanic preportions.

Always been there, always has. Look at the East India Company. But yes, they're power has been waxing. Thing is though, not everything the government does, such as bailing out the banks or GM and the like should be considered corporatism. It's just basic economic policy to bail out such companies lest they fail. That's not saying the companies shouldn't be accountable though. But some of the protestors of OWS have taken the message and torn it apart, some of them have no ''right'' to protest in the sense, as Nemo has shown.

how do they need to protest? you say "ther shenanigans" - but what do you mean? what wrong with what they do?

The slogan they put up is misleading. People aren't always the ''99%'', many are well to do themselves. Not as affluent as millionaires, but not lying in the streets begging. Not all rich folk got there by cheating and lying, in fact most earned it. That's why cynical observers scoff at this segment.
1,573 posts

some of them have no ''right'' to protest in the sense, as Nemo has shown.

I couldnt find Nemo's post, was it in another thread?

People aren't always the ''99%''

I think the reason people mention the 99% is because the gap between the 1% of richest peeps and the 99% of the rest of the world is obscenely huge. However, I am against using slogans like "I am the 99%" etc because I dont think it really addresses the issue. Sure it brings groups together under a common cause and as we all know slogans are startlingly effective at rousing moral support, but I just cant jump on yet another easy bandwagon.
339 posts

the funny thing about the 99% slogan is that everyone out there IS the one percent there out protesting and sleeping in 100$ tents and allot of them are going to college to and they all have some where they can stay so really America is the 1%

5,129 posts

The bit that concerns me the most is the corporations influence in government which I believe is growing to titanic preportions.

you said somewhere back that this is what the protests is about and why it spread around the world. (correct me if i remember wrong)

but we also had some of these useless protests in my country and here we don't have that problem at all. can't say we have any of the problems called out here tbh.
1,573 posts

the funny thing about the 99% slogan is that everyone out there IS the one percent there out protesting and sleeping in 100$ tents and allot of them are going to college to and they all have some where they can stay so really America is the 1%

Do you realise just how big the gap between the richest 1% and the rest of the world is? There are people who are multi millionairs that dont even come close to the guys in the top 1%.
I didnt see Rupert Murdoch out there protesting against himself so while I understand the feeling behind what you say, its just not true.

you said somewhere back that this is what the protests is about and why it spread around the world.

Yarp, thats what I said. Many many people feel the same way and THATS why people are protesting.

but we also had some of these useless protests in my country and here we don't have that problem at all. can't say we have any of the problems called out here tbh.

There is not a single country in the world that doesnt have these problems. Just because you have never seen them doesnt mean they dont exist.
5,129 posts

There is not a single country in the world that doesnt have these problems. Just because you have never seen them doesnt mean they dont exist.

hmmm i know my politics very well.
you can't make such a generalisation only because it is like that in your country. you have no idea about our politic and party system. and only it's only your idea of it.

plz. learn about the world befor making such statement.
1,573 posts

hmmm i know my politics very well.
you can't make such a generalisation only because it is like that in your country. you have no idea about our politic and party system. and only it's only your idea of it.

plz. learn about the world befor making such statement.

If you know your politics very well then you would understand that every single country in the world has problems such as homelessness, un-employment, poor areas, racist bigots... and the list goes on.

Im sorry, but it is YOU who should learn about the world before denying that there is nothing wrong with your country.
5,129 posts

If you know your politics very well then you would understand that every single country in the world has problems such as homelessness, un-employment, poor areas, racist bigots... and the list goes on.

thats what you protest against? ow plz. the protest becomes more useless then it already was.

homelessness: youve ****ed up your life prety bad if you become homeless in my country. we have so much social securty safety nets. that it realy is your own doing to fail them all. and even then we have enoufg housing for them so almost non of them have to face harsh wheater in the winter.

un-employment: my country has 1 of the lowest un-employment ratings of europe. whit 6,0% (highest in 8 year time) of our population much beter then those countrys you hear about on tv.

poor areas: my country is to small and overpopulated that it's hard to call any because everywhere live rich and poor people. there are a few tho but even there it's hard to say those people are actualy poor. because they still drive in cars, have i-net, tv, cellphone, schooling. so poor areas as there are in the usa... not realy.

racist bigots: yes we have a huge problem whit that in our government itself. but my countrys economic power exist for 75%+ about export and import. we need people from other races to stay healty ourself. most people here that.

btw of you were protesting against racist bigots. why didn't i hear any name of a racial bigot during those protests? i didn't hear a name at all. all i heared was crying and then pointing the finger at the government and big companys who's stuff you all got at home. and say you are mean and corrupt.... USA! USA! USA!.
9,462 posts

I couldnt find Nemo's post, was it in another thread?

I think he's talking about that huge diatribe post on the first page. Most of which I would like to say was a load.

The slogan they put up is misleading. People aren't always the ''99%'', many are well to do themselves.

Given that the main point of OWS as you stated is "social and economic inequality, essentially the growing gap, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on the government and politics." one doesn't have to be well to do in order to not be the "99%". You can be well to do and still be on the butt end of this growing divide. A divide that could eventually cost you that well to do status.

As for the OP, OWS or the "99%" are made up of individuals without a real focus (which is where OWS fails) There are many who have been very reputable in this movement. There many who have been unjustly arrested for speaking out. And yes there are those who have committed crimes while in protest. AS for it being a riot, quite frankly given how wide spread and diverse it has been, I'm surprised it's been as peaceful as it has been.
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