The problem I am posting about is one that I saw on Darktroop07's profile. This problem is not on my profile. The problem is orange text in the about and the wait message with the exception of links on the about, which are the color they are supposed to be. I took two screenshots to show both parts of the problem.
The first screenshot is to point out the orange text in the about:
The second screenshot is to point out that the text of the wait message after commenting on Darktroop07's profile is orange:
Here's a link to Darktroop07's profile so you can see for yourself. I also asked him why the text is orange, and here is his response:
That's odd I'm guessing the HTML I posted for colony changed it all yellow...
P.S. It's orange, not yellow. However, the text color is closer to yellow than red.
Can someone explain why an about would have orange text for everything but the links?
Just saw rainbow coloured text on someone's wall haha...
Where did you find that and how do you use it? I can't seem to get the "rainbow" color tag to work, as it just gives me this <font color="rainbow"> odd green color.
About the HTML codes on profiles, I think I would rather have it only be able to be in black except for links, the colors make it so confusing sometimes. That being said, I think I'm still going to join in on the fun, if I can do it right =)
I'll try out the code I use on colony and see if it works here.