ForumsWEPRIs Obama a good president?

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10 posts

What has he done to help/hurt this country? I want to start getting into politics and I think it would be best to first understand what our current president has done to our country so I can learn from the next one. Please help me with as much information as you can.

  • 242 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

That's the typical excuse these companies use. If everybody could work,they could afford the products even though they'd cost more because they would have money to spend in the US.
As a compromise to bring back the jobs in the US, people would have to work for less but at least they would work.

It's not an ''excuse''. It makes economic sense, and is a valid reason. Furthermore, you guys benefit too.

No, even if everyone worked, they wouldn't be able to afford the products, IF they demand such high wages. For example, a railway station master in Britain earns a ridiculous amount of money; somewhere around 5000 USD per month. Of course, it's not a perfect example, but it shows why companies will move to opening markets in the East.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Honestly he is not a good president, but he is not a horrible one either. I think in the future he will just be one of those presidents that people will forget about as in they will not know what he did. I guess he will be remembered as the first black president but will that make him great, no. But he is not horrible either, just a meh president.

Give him one more term, and the Obama Doctrine might do more, and be accorded more room in history.
98 posts

Uhh, ok, not saying that I do not cherrypick, but, lets be a little bit nicer here please!

Oil is back up, Can ANYONE deny this? but you may ask what does this have to do with Obama? Well he is doing a good job with electric "green" items, but he is kinda letting the oil companies do what ever they want, which involves raising gas prices. Oh and BTW electric engines are a neary complete waste of our time right now! Ever heard of the car's that run on salt water? Woo-yah and the exhaust is just plain ol' water! Been invented since the 70's I believe!

Obama isnt a great presadent, but as was said he isnt the worst we have seen, but he seems to be moveing twards the latter pritty quickly, especially involving the Church thing.

(Oh, and why does everyone here seem to hate ALL types of republicans?)

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Oil is back up, Can ANYONE deny this? but you may ask what does this have to do with Obama? Well he is doing a good job with electric "green" items, but he is kinda letting the oil companies do what ever they want, which involves raising gas prices. Oh and BTW electric engines are a neary complete waste of our time right now! Ever heard of the car's that run on salt water? Woo-yah and the exhaust is just plain ol' water! Been invented since the 70's I believe!

I won't want to mix oil into politics, since oil largely doesn't depend on domestic policies, other than the fact that US oil is so dirt cheap, the taxes gained from it can't even pay for your highways fully.
13,055 posts

No, even if everyone worked, they wouldn't be able to afford the products, IF they demand such high wages. For example, a railway station master in Britain earns a ridiculous amount of money; somewhere around 5000 USD per month. Of course, it's not a perfect example, but it shows why companies will move to opening markets in the East.

That's why I'm saying that people will have to compromise (getting lower wages) so they can work. It's better than nothing.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

That's why I'm saying that people will have to compromise (getting lower wages) so they can work. It's better than nothing.

Yes, but only for certain states.
3,766 posts

I won't want to mix oil into politics, since oil largely doesn't depend on domestic policies

So you are only rating Obama on his domestic policies? I international stuff is important too. You cannot just say someone is good or bad based on domestic. International plays a part too.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

So you are only rating Obama on his domestic policies? I international stuff is important too. You cannot just say someone is good or bad based on domestic. International plays a part too.

No, what I'm saying is that oil prices are not determined by the actions of one importing country alone, since it is a global commodity, and produced by multiple countries; hence stating that Obama's international policies are the direct cause for the dipping and rising in oil prices is fallacious. Or are you swayed by the rotten Rep argument that somehow Obama can push oil prices up and down by will?

Anywho, if you want to make a link, his policy of sanctioning Iran, which no doubt is a major toning down of those rabid war hawks in the Rep camp, did cause oil prices to increase. But not by a huge surge.
349 posts

Obama seems like a nice guy but he knows nothing about economic and his health care mandate is a nightmare for the American people. He also wont allow oil companies to drill which is causing gas prices to rise. In a short answer Obama is a bad president.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Obama seems like a nice guy but he knows nothing about economic and his health care mandate is a nightmare for the American people. He also wont allow oil companies to drill which is causing gas prices to rise. In a short answer Obama is a bad president.

Obama took a doctorate in political science and international relations. On top of that, which surely imparts a semblance of economics rationale, he is briefed by an array of economic advisors, including some from Wharton, the top business school in the world. Furthermore, his policies are typical versions of expansionary fiscal policies and some monetary policies thrown in.

So, tell me, what are your economic qualifications?

He also wont allow oil companies to drill which is causing gas prices to rise. In a short answer Obama is a bad president.

Please do not step into the gene pool. Oil is a global commodity that is hardly affected by the price of US oil in the short run given that most of the oil is produced elsewhere.
160 posts

Unlike a republican, Obama actually knows what to do with the power of the president. He can't really do much considering the fact that congress has too many ******* republicans who shoot down Obama's ideas and plans immediately. The american people say that it's taking forever for Obama to do anything. Well, it's there fault because they keep voting in republicans who hate the president.

9,439 posts

He can't really do much considering the fact that congress has too many ******* republicans who shoot down Obama's ideas and plans immediately

And what about at the start of his term when the Dems had a supermajority and still didn't pass much? They had about half a year to do anything they wanted and enact all of his plans. The only big thing they did was pass Obamacare.

He also wont allow oil companies to drill which is causing gas prices to rise.

He just approved drilling in Alaska.
5,952 posts

Unlike a republican, Obama actually knows what to do with the power of the president. He can't really do much considering the fact that congress has too many ******* republicans who shoot down Obama's ideas and plans immediately. The american people say that it's taking forever for Obama to do anything. Well, it's there fault because they keep voting in republicans who hate the president.

you my friend, got yourself a duel. first, back to back, then take ten paces forward, then get your wands up and on the count of three, dual!
ok ok, back on topic.

Unlike a republican, Obama actually knows what to do with the power of the president

yes he sure did. like when other countries offered to help with the oil crisis and he was like, "naww bro, im the president! yes we can". yeah that ended well. and the whole distribution of wealth thang he got going on is very nice. its so... so soviet union/chinese of him. a little communist hmmm?
He can't really do much considering the fact that congress has too many ******* republicans who shoot down Obama's ideas and plans immediately

yeah ok. guess what though, democrats had majority early, and not much was passed then either. wana know why? because stupid ideas dont get passed, thats why.

The american people say that it's taking forever for Obama to do anything.

thank goodness. too much "change, change, change, change change, yes we can!" for me.

Well, it's there fault because they keep voting in republicans who hate the president.

*facepalm* its not the peoples fault that they changed their mind half way through obama`s presidancy is it? oh wait, it is.

see, people like you tend to annoy me. you seem to be all high and mighty and are over their bad mouthing us conservatives. why? because you dont agree. well tell me this then, what dont you agree with? you dont agree that we are in massive debt and that to fix it we need to stop spending money? oh no, you prefer to blame bush. yeah ok, keep that up.
so i say no, he was not a "good" president not really.

now dont think im all team romny or however you spell his name. he too has his flaws. if i could vote, i would vote romney hands down. either that, or i would write my name in.
98 posts

Agreed with everything just said! Especially about bad ideas....

Oh and Obama is defiantly forbidding oil drill in the US, because he wants to make to make "Clean energy" Whatever his interpretation is. Take windmills for example, most of them are not better environmentally as they seem, not to mention UBER EXPENSIVE! not just to buy but to maintain. It is insain. oh and they are shut down a lot because the wind's are at too high speeds for them to take. Don't get me wrong windmills are an awsome idea, just not ready to take over market yet, it still needs a lot of fixing.

So in short, switching this fast into unprepared "clean" tech, from gas tech is not so good...

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98 posts

He just approved drilling in Alaska.

Offshore drilling? not so much...

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