I am a canadian, yet I do not understand how 15 trillion in debt, yet the most powerful economy. I know about alot of factors tie in, like powerful military big country...and what not. I still beleive in Manifest destiny, maybe not a military takeover, but enconomicly. To apparently the most powerful nation on earth.
Your an idiot, only one european country norway is higher then the us, and norway is number 1.
Proof yeah its wiki but its the same anywhere [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_external_debt]
Hmmmm I thought you where where talking about Human Development index.....a country in debt the most isn't something to be proud of, btw. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index]
not entirly accurate. as east russia is not developed at all. but shows high. and entire china is medium while the gap in china is realy massive between the east and mainland.
and i would count east europe not as high but as medium.
hahaha this just shows me your another american whit the american attitude who falls short on being open minded. and making the most retarded comments whit the least amount of logic in them.
you my friend are the stereotype american. you are how the usa shows itself to the world by it's media and you are what people around the world do not understand.
If you ask me every american has a-lot of pride that get's along with ignorance as for military power(a large piece of the debt) they have made a-lot of useful inventions. But personally I don't like America since almost everything takes adjusting when you come from Europe.