ForumsThe TavernWorm holes, time travel and 4th dimension. Your thoughts?

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385 posts

What do you think about worm holes, time travel and the 4th dimension?

I do not think worm holes exist. like a super highway through space and time that allows one to go freely at a whim. I think a person would get hurt if you could even go through one. plus according to Einstein, they are extremely unstable and could collapse in a vary short time. Which would leave you either dead, or stranded. I understand the use of it in math, but I do not think they are real

I think the next two questions are connected. I think time is the 4th dimension. so no, I do not think you can time travel. It would be nice though. Because the only other way to "time travel" would be to travel the speed of light, which according to Einstein is impossible to anything that holds mass.

Your thoughts?

  • 56 Replies
385 posts

I know that actually if you got going fast enough five minutes in your time could be five years in ours. However, I do not consider this time travel. This is because time is still effecting you, just not the right time. I consider time travel is something that one second you are in the NOW and then zap you are in the future/past.

385 posts

No one has any thoughts about the matter.

214 posts

In fact if you consider the string theory there are multiple dimensions, I think the most that has been theorised is 7 but like many things in quantum physics it is a lot educated guess work. You can't necessarily prove or disprove this theory.

Also many individuals consider Ultrasound scans to be the 4th dimension meaning that time would be the 5th dimension.

To time travel a rip in the space/time continuum would be necessary. I personally believe if there was a way to properly understand black holes (you know without being torn into a trillion pieces) the concept of time travel might be understood better because the hole must lead to something in accordance with the principle of conservation nothing is ever destroyed or created, all that matter being taken in by the black must be ending up somewhere. The 'other side' I believe may be a parallel universe....maybe.

465 posts

why did you triple post on your own profile
just because no one comments on this in an hour that doesn't mean no one cares

now that we have that out of the way the only thing i think out pf the three is possible is time travel. i think it already been invented, its just not safe for humans.

by the way you have the wrong definition of dimension
there are 3 defitions of it
1. units
2.movement (up/down, left/right, forwrd/backward
3.what your talking about
so this tread should be named Worm ... and 2nd dimension

19 posts

Not real, for sure. But in the future if time travel was ever possible that would be awesome. Too bad we wouldn't be here to see it ;P Unless it comes i like 75 years.

19 posts

now that we have that out of the way the only thing i think out pf the three is possible is time travel. i think it already been invented, its just not safe for humans.

Lol i just read that and really? You HONESTLY think that time travel is real? o.O
336 posts

anything is possible...

3,337 posts

I just watched an old episode of Supernatural where Gabriel (the trickster) sticks Sam in an infinite loop of Tuesdays, then when asked why he killed a journalist says 'He told me he didn't believe in wormholes, so I dropped him in one!'

Kinda.. Relevant..

4,104 posts

According to our knowledge of general relativity, they could exist. Not they do exist, but there is no reason they couldn't. Of course we could have some incorrect knowledge on parts of the theory, but I would imagine most if not all of those were already found out and solved.

With time travel, I've had huge debates about this on this site before. The most commonly thought method for it is traversing at faster than light (FTL) speeds so that, according to special relativity, you would be traveling back in time. The problem with this is that it would require an infinite amount of energy to accelerate anything to that speed. There are theoretical particles ((such as taychons) which can do this, but they haven't been proven.

That's only the physical problems, there is also the (for lack of a better word) philosophical problems. There is an theory of how the universe works called causal determinism (CD). It says everything, with no exceptions, works on cause and effect. This implies a few things

-There is no such thing as random
-Free will does not exist
-Given a set of conditions, the same conclusion will always arise
-If we knew every single condition at the beginning of the universe, we could figure out every event that will happen until the end of time

It also implies a few interesting things about time travel

-If you were to travel back in time, EVERYTHING, starting with the beginning of the universe, must change in order for that to happen.

This is because there is only one way for everything to turn out.

So lets say A is the start of the universe, and B everything that will ever happen.

Lets also say A implies B

If you traveled back in time, B would no longer be the same, and now A does not imply B.

This means we need a new A so that it implies the new timeline.

So when we travel back, we would have to travel into a different universe from the one we left.

The other thing CD implies about time travel is:

-Under CD, it would be impossible to travel back in time because it is creating contradicting rules

Aknerd enlightened me onthis thread and to quote his reasoning:

"Before you travel back in time, A and A' would have an exact intersection, call it event P (for past). In other words, P implies A, yet P would also have to imply A'. This contradicts CD."

Then again, all this is assuming CD is actually true, when there are problems with it that may disprove it such as

-the beginning of the universe
-quantum physics

The beginning of the universe is an obvious one, because there is no event to cause it, so how did it happen? There are a few ideas such as a god, the universe coming from another universe, or just this being the only exception to the rule.

The next problem is life. It appears as if we are greater than the sum of all of our parts, and that we have free will. As mentioned before, free will cannot exist under CD because everything that will happen has already been determined from the beginning. Yet we seem to have free will. This means either that we have free will, and CD is an incorrect theory, or that free will is completely an illusion and we don't really have a choice over anything. Free will being an illusion can be easily justified. Our brain is made up of particles reacting with each other just like everything else, how and why should it be subjected to different rules?

The third, and in my opinion the best problem, is quantum mechanics. From our observations, randomness does seem to be possible at quantum levels. There have been experiments trying to prove this. I think one of them was the double slit experiment. The experiment is shooting a photon through a double slit and seeing which way it goes. It had a 50% chance of going to either slit. Sometimes it went to the left slit, sometimes to the right, and sometimes to both and sometimes to neither (quantum principle of superposition). There is no pattern, it is fully random which one it went into. (This is also interesting because when they measured it to observe which one it went into, it stopped being random)

I'm not really sure what to write as a conclusion, so i'll just reply to someone's post

In fact if you consider the string theory there are multiple dimensions, I think the most that has been theorised is 7 but like many things in quantum physics it is a lot educated guess work. You can't necessarily prove or disprove this theory.

The superstring theory says 10 dimensions, the M-theory says 11, and the Bosonic string theory says 24.
385 posts

Do you think there is 24 different dimensions?
If so what is your reasoning?

Do you think there is a realm beyond ours? Like a place that we as humans can not physically understand or comprehend?

4,104 posts

Do you think there is 24 different dimensions?
If so what is your reasoning?

That was a mistype, the Bosonic string theory says 26 dimensions.

And no, I would not choose to believe in this theory as it is the oldest version of the string theory. I would either choose M-theory or the regular string theory but I don't know enough about either to choose.
1,361 posts

26 dimensions?!? Wow, I was honestly not aware that there was more than 5! xD

I guess I need to brush up on my... whatever subject matter this falls under...

465 posts

Lol i just read that and really? You HONESTLY think that time travel is real?

dude time travel is real
there are some telescopes that can actually see things that already happened
now using that info as i said earlier its been invented its just not safe for humans so they teleport things and look back to see they ate there
there fore it travled back in time
465 posts

there are some telescopes that can actually see things that already happened

as in the past
2,150 posts

First off, I wanna start by saying that I do not research this, simply because I believe it to be a lot of hypothetical, thus (to me) it's a complete waste of time, so I'm just using my brain on this.

I believe that there can only be one universe, or an infinite number of them. I believe this because The universe can only be finite once, or infinite. Everything has one life and one death, they always live, or they never live. If this is true, then Everything is either constant, or finite, once. I don't believe in a number of dimensions because that would mean there are a numbered set of universes. If it's the universe, shouldn't it mean everything? So can there be 26 everythings? There could, but I find it unlikely.
If that holds true, then there is either an infinite number of universes, or there is only one. I say infinite because I believe that our lives are determined by chance. There's a chance I may have not written this post, but I chose to. There's a chance I didn't run at a guy during my LARP practice today and end up tackling a tree, but it happened.
I'm going to try to say this as clearly as I can, but it's probably going to get pretty confusing. If our lives are in fact determined by chance, then what happens if I make a choice in our universe? Would the scenario of another choice happen in a separate universe? Let's say you're rolling a die. There are six possibilities on a standard die. First, you roll a 2, then you roll a 4, then you roll a 5, then you roll a 3. Those are all different turnouts of the same scenario. But what if the scenario changes? What if you're rolling a 12- sided die? then the entire scenario changes.
Same thing with the universe. If something happens on universe A, perhaps the opposite happens on universe B, and something somewhat inbetween on universe C, and something else in universe D, and so on. But what if a previous decision set a completely different scenario in motion? For example, what if I decided not to go to LARP practice? then there is an entirely new set of decisions that have to happen.
This doesn't just affect humans, we can break this down with animals as well. What kills and eats another animal, what animal successfully defends itself against another animal, and so on. It would go so far as to where a blade of grass grows in a field. All of these chances, no matter how big or small, affect the space time continuum.
If this is true, then there would have to be an infinite number of universes that play out all of those chances. Maybe one would be the exact same as ours, everything happens in life in that universe the exact same as it does in this one, except for a tree grew two feet to the left in one universe versus the other one. It could be as small as that, but it would still require an entirely new universe because that altered chance can and will alter other chances in the past as well as the future, and those chances will continue to affect one another in different ways, and so on and so forth.
It's either that, or there is only one universe. This single universe, that would literally encompass everything, would have to be controlled completely by some type of cosmic force that pre-determined everything. it's existence, what it is, what happened in this time, in this location, etc. Whether it be God, or whether it be another type of cosmic force. If this were true, then there would be no free will, and we would have our choices laid out for us. We may think that we have free will, but in reality, we wouldn't. We would think that we have free will because God isn't going to hand you a map and schedule and say (at this time, you're going to do this.) But your path will be pre-determined.
If the universe is singular. Then there is a single path you take, and truly, nothing else really matters.

Again, I want to note that I don't research this stuff, so I could be completely wrong. I don't read about quantum, I don't read about universes, etc. This all was just a train of thought that I typed as I was thinking, so flaming me for what I say will just be retarded.

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