Sure, he can be a demi-god.
1) do you know the feeling of giving a baby away? of knowing that somewher, out there, there is your child? its horrible. what would you say to him when he will find you {they mostly do}?
2) lets just say, that most of the anti-abortion belivers, are not the one who will need one. im guesing that you GAMER wont get pregnant right? and like rommney assistent let us know, its not a **** if there is no pregnancy!
the more you know!
3) you know, there a studie {Cant fint it, learnt it in socioligy lesson at high school} that showd that in 1970, when abotrion became leagly in new-york, there was a huge decreace in rating of crime. because mostly, unwanted kid will become a Scruffy kid.
When a mother feel that her child was an accident, they wont feel close to him as much if he was a part of a "normal" family. sure, in some cases, this girl, who is for sure in no situation to rise a chils, maybe because she is a student, or becasue she has no steady couple, or because she cant afford it for now, or becasue she is ill or because she dont want the child {from **** to a person she dont want as a couple}. so you belive she will still be able to give him the best she can?watch some of these hard movies on broken families, kids who cant afford going to college or even properly to school, cant afford a computer, and grow up on 'hard mode' of the life game.
I dont say that abortion is easy. Its a very hard desocion. but the one of "should i have a baby or not" is even harder.
i chalenge you to go to the supermarket {or even check in the internetz, use your google-fu} and find out the cost of diaperse. amount for a week, and baby food and things like that. now check if right now you can afford it. Now for a year. And lets not forget the proce of a hospital and the danger there {you can catch a desease very easly in a hospital. even the most clean one.
Giving birth its a hard thing. as said in the bible {"old testament"...} 'in pain you will pregnant and birth childs' {my own transaltion} genesie 3.
I say, keep the parenting to people who are ready for it. dont throw it in the face of peoples who cant handle it. it will be the baby who will suffer, even more. he and the parents. I didnt heared on a single single parent {one from the begining, not widow/er} who live the life he dreamed about, or the life he hope he could give to his child.
Let the parents be parents, not to kids themselves!
Let them have some experience, knowledge and fundness to bring a baby out of joy, and not as a part from a punishment on a single accident.
{this is why im against young age marrige too}.