Jacen, I'm going to cut to the point here.
If the baby will kill the mother, then i will concede, but only if both will die, if the baby will live, no abortion.
If you're a woman and you want to die for that, you can make that choice.
You do not get to make that choice for others.because they are stupid and think it is cool to have sex with everyone else in the school of the opposite sex.
No, it's because naive idealist idiots don't realize that human nature isn't something that someone who isn't even 20 years old yet can ignore, much less change. Trying to do so is like trying to tame a T-rex with a cookie, and then being surprised when the T-rex eats the envoy and so they instead send more envoys with cookies.
p.s. they also like to draw their sexual organs on every page of every book.
What are you, 10? I saw maybe once someone in high school drawing breasts, and it was a freshman at the start of the year. People -do- grow up (usually) but until they do, you want to let one tiny mistake ruin their lives? That's insane.
It just seems to me that good people would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the younger generation.
Okay Jacen, try to imagine this.
You're a 16 year old girl, an honors student. There's a boy you really like, and one night you end up alone with him. You're making out, and eventually you end up having sex. You find out in a bit that you're pregnant. You don't know what to do at first, eventually you ask maybe your friends or your parents or look online. At some point, your parents find out, and at another point you end up at the doctor's office. Now, you don't really -want- to "kill" your child. No, why would you? However, having a child means becoming a social enigma, having to take care of it, support it financially when you're not out of school, deal with it through the finish of high school (If you can, there's a reason it's called the 'terrible twos'
and then go off to college if you want any kind of moderately good paying job. Further, you find that you may be at risk of death due to some complication at birth, or that the baby may not even survive afterwards.
OR, you could get an abortion, walk out of the clinic on your own two feet right after, finish high school, go to college perhaps, get married if you want and then have a child when you're ready if you want to.
If you choose to saddle yourself with that insane, humongous, unnecessary burden that could possibly kill you and ruin your life, that's your choice. You do NOT get to make that sort of choice for anyone else though.