You do know that everyone you admire in your profil, from bands to historical character did it right? sprayed his manlines all over his country?
In the modern world, Womens are not baby machin anymore. and guys are not the protecter of the family. people dont need to live with there grandparents and all teh wide family to survive.
so, sex becaume something more open. more free. We enjoy doing it? so why cant we do it? because your nany want to know that you dont get attracted to someone which she didnt choose to be your suitble Match?
No! we are free to do anything we like to do. and what can we do, we like it. we enjoy it. i almost can sya that everything you do aim so you will be able to do it. But today, when surviving is not the main quest of most of us {because it became so easy. well, seems very easy}, we can care about other things. we dont need to create a family in a young age, so we will get kids befor a tiger will eat us. we can now live a urban life as a single person. and apearently, to single persons , some times from diffrente sex adn sometime from the same, like to not be single for a while. because it make us feel good. but we dont want to bond ourself yet. even if you dont go to clubs to hunt it, lets say only with a stable parthner, yet you dont want to change your life style yet. you want to explore life. as a free man, caring for nothing but yourself and few other, but knowing they can stand by themselve.
With kids you cant do that. you have to take care of them. you cant go out and party, just meed with friends when you like, go to see a movie. ask your father/mother/godparents how many times s/he was able to just go and watch a movie s/he wanted to while you was a baby. even now {im not talking about taking you to a movie}. can s/he come back home drunk today? or just travel to paris for a week? even just to take a week off, stay in bad and do nothing. can s/he? No. because s/he have you kids on his/her head right now.
Im not saying kids are a punishment. they are the best thing man can will and bring much joy. but i belive that people need to enjoy whatthe world as to offer befor. my parents traveled around the world, mo mother all over asia and te to USA and my father to south america and then to USA, wher they both met each other. they cant do it with 3 kids right?
So here come the protection devices! people can have sex, but dont have to bring a baby! they can wait with that to time when they are ready, trust each other and sure that they are good to each other.
but here nature come back - couples, mostly, cant hold themeselve, because, you see, when the boy bee like the girl bee, tehy go to ther hive and buzz. but mostly, in first time, they dont want a little worm to come after it, because they are not sure they found the perfect bee match, or they just want to bee sure {hehe}. so they use a protection device, so they can buzz, but not bring a little worm after it.
if the protection device fail, or if the bee girl and the bee boy drank too much honey the day befor, they can take the little cell who will can become a worm many mounth later, and kick it out.
and here a serior of private questions, dont answer them here please.
1) as a german, did you ever drank too much? so muc hthat you forgat wher you live, or just start to to stuiped things?
2) have you ever desired a girl? ever saw a girl you founf atractive?
if this spesific girl would find you atractiv too, even if just because of num' 1, wouldnt you 'swim with the flow'? the hive and the bees? fend off the dragon to the lair?
3) do you belvie that with num' 1 you can forgat your ideals?
4) did you ever forgat something will drunk? forgat to put things back in the Refrigerator< car keys, lock the door, etc?
5) are you ready right now to be a parents? right now, with no real job? do your family cn handle another child {in case of "its not your dad, its your brother" switch?}
every one of you can ask himslef these questions. tehy answers are quite private, so you dont have to post them here, atleast not as answers by you. think about them.