Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree
I personally don't consider it human until it has gained the ability of long-term memory. Roughly three years.
If the mother's life is going to be ruined by having that child, or made substantially harder by it, or just plain not wanted, why should she not be able to make that choice for herself and not have that child?
I would respond to this in a quote from The Walking Dead:
"The logic is this... if the bear dies, the cub dies anyway. If the bear lives- it can always have another cub."
4) You have to realize that people who advocate for abortions don't advocate everyone going out and having orgies left and right in order to get pregnant so they can abort as many fetuses/babies as possible in their lifetime.
Someone's life shouldn't be ruined for making a mistake or bad choice that could have been fixed.
And if by not growing up, I had saved my mothers life or saved her from a life of misery, I'd be proud of it. If I could think at that stage, that is.
As Kasic said, we're not saying that women should be able to abort at their whim. It's still an operation that has risks for the woman too, as any operation. It needs reasoning. But it should be allowed if a reason can be evidenced.
Oh, and btw, everytime a couple breaks up before having a baby, I could also say "this could have been you". Ban break-ups, now!
1st trimester makes it the equivalent of a tumor, nothing more. when you go beyond that is when ehtics kick in.
personally, abortion is a good thing, since it allows low income families to prevent going underwater. now if only we could get stupid people to start aborting, then our population problems would be solved.
personally, abortion is a good thing, since it allows low income families to prevent going underwater. now if only we could get stupid people to start aborting, then our population problems would be solved.
Problem is that people with low IQ don't understand their situation and thus have more children where people with higher IQ do the exact opposite.
And so could this! For that matter you could have ended up one of the millions that didn't make it into the egg at fertilization. The entire process of human conception MURDERS millions of potential people each time.
You're again trying to use a what if as a valid argument but with a plea to emotion.
Problem is that people with low IQ don't understand their situation and thus have more children where people with higher IQ do the exact opposite.
you know, you mentioning that reminded me of something else. Has anyone of you ever read the marching morons, the little black bag, or seen idiocracy. the "smart" people have decided they should never have kids, while the "dumb" people follow their instincts. The situation in those stories is coming, and at the rate it's going, I wouldn't be surprised if it happens in a few decades.
In that picture i posted, i don't see a tail, i see arms and legs and a smashed head, how does that look creepy?
In that picture i posted, i don't see a tail, i see arms and legs and a smashed head, how does that look creepy?
What you see in the picture is the point at which most abortions take place. This is about 5-6 weeks in. As for your image it looks a bit over developed. This is 11 weeks.
Still looks human, just saying. Using an argument that it doesn't even look like a human is pointless with that picture.
I get the impression you may have either missed or are intentionally over looking the point being made in that pic. That verse in particular is just demonstrating the ill use of emotional pleas. Of course as it further develops it will begin to look more human like as that's what it's developing into. But it ain't there yet. Even at these stages where it begins to take on a more human appearance there is no real brain activity. These human features you are toting there is only about a weeks difference between the two when they first begin to appear.
If abortion is so wrong, then why do you allow it that a big part of the pregnancies abort naturally, at different stages? Why is it so wrong to actively take control of a natural process in order to keep control of ones lives? America, land of the free, and women cannot even decide about their lives?
Still looks human, just saying. Using an argument that it doesn't even look like a human is pointless with that picture.
Why does it make it so special only because it looks human? It's not a fully developed human yet, it's future existence is uncertain. The woman's future however is much more certain, she's a fully developed human and has a right to decide about her body and her life.