AHH it makes me so mad to read some of this stuff, i wanna blow up their stupid little museum lol. They say evolution is based on assumption and not fact, and that it puts down the human race to be considered a descendant of apes.
Heres the link, i wouldnt read any of this unless you want to go into a violent seizure.[url]http://www.creationmuseum.org/[/url]
The articles at the bottom of the page is the most horrible stuff i have ever read.
Actually, evolution is just based on assumption: assumption that there are transitional forms out there, and assumption that spontaneous generation can occur, even though we have not been able to ever recreate spontaneous generation.
Some proponents of the "evolutionist" school of thought have been searching for the "missing link"- i.e. the fossilised remains of a specimen that seems to bridge the structural gap between modern man and his purported predecessors. It may or may not be the way to go (I tend towards the latter), but anyway, so far, no luck!
While evolution is technically based on assumption, science in itself is based on a set of assumptions that it aims to test via the application of rigorous principles, how much power a theory has in explaining some phenomena.
It is up to you, based on your understanding of these principles, to accept or reject the evidence that is derived from the practice. Assuming also that some people here wish to assert their rationality, I would like to point out that this is limited by how much, and how willing you are to understand and critically evaluate these things before coming to a conclusion.
Also, we are observing spontaeneous generation in our continuing interaction with microbiota. Bacteria, for example, have been demonstrated to spontaeneously generate characteristics that alter survivability of bacterial populations according to the basic principles of Darwinian evolution.
The reason we do not see 'biological evolution' in macro-organisms is because the time scale is far too large to be observable to human populations.
Well i dont agree with any of you, the idea of creationism is from the bible. But you dont read the bible like its the frosting on a cake, it has very indepth stories and you have to know how to analyze its ideas, because your just gona be reading the topping and not the inside. for example everything wasnt created in 7 days thats a metaphor for a much longer period of time. So i believe in evolution and i think people are just getting more and more stupid with Christianity, it is a mix and matched religion and no one should trust it completely. The bible has bin rewritten at least a dozen times, and corrupted by roman catholics as well as protestants.
I believe in God, I believe that he created us all with for a purpose, and as I read the bible through our Christian and Living Education, I have learned that God may not answer our prayers, but God can show us that he did listened to our prayers. There is no deep meaning to that my friends. And I also believe that his son, Jesus died for us and save us from sins. Yet we do commit sins up to now. But! We still commit such sins. Oh, I also believe the 7 days of creation. So, I'm a creationism! I think this is kind of long? And I'm not trying to debate here but share my answers.
Personally, I believe in Evolution, but it could be either, or something different, such as we are being brainwashed by dolphins so we don't know what accually happened. (No, I don't believe this, it's a random made up theory).
I'm not sure about this, but I think that humans are slowly losing our pinkies and little toes D: Also, the system and placement of the human blood transfer system (veins) is very similar to that of fish.
I'm also atheist, so I really am waaaayyy deep in the Evolution Camp... I find it hard to believe you guys believe what you do, but that's your choice.
Switch, good source searching, but somebody is going to have to find the non-religious equivalent, or at least a more neutral article (pshaw, where to find that!?) While many of the statements here are, strictly speaking, true, this passage is full of straw-men and rhetorical devices, I'm afraid.